+ * increase required versions for PostgreSQL (12+), PostGIS (3.0+)
+ * remove installation via cmake and debundle osm2pgsql
+ * remove deprecated PHP frontend
+ * remove deprecated legacy tokenizer
+ * add configurable pre-processing of queries
+ * add query pre-processor to split up Japanese addresses
+ * rewrite of osm2pgsql style implementation
+ (also adds support for osm2pgsql-themepark)
+ * reduce the number of SQL queries needed to complete a 'lookup' call
+ * improve computation of centroid for lines with only two points
+ * improve bbox output for postcode areas
+ * improve result order by returning the largest object when other things are
+ equal
+ * add fallback for reverse geocoding to default country tables
+ * exclude postcode areas from reverse geocoding
+ * disable search endpoint when database is reverse-only (regression)
+ * minor performance improvements to area split algorithm
+ * switch table and index creation to use autocommit mode to avoid deadlocks
+ * drop overly long ways during import
+ * restrict automatic migrations to versions 4.3+
+ * switch linting from pylint to flake8
+ * switch tests to use a wikimedia test file in the new CSV style
+ * various fixes and improvements to documentation
+ * allow building Nominatim as a pip package
+ * make osm2pgsql building optional
+ * switch importer to psycopg3
+ * allow output format of web search to be customized in self-installations
+ * look up potential postcode areas for postcode results
+ * add word usage statistics for address terms
+ * implement more light-weight CSV format for wiki importance tables
+ * rewrite SQL for place search to use window functions
+ * increase search radius when filtering by postcode
+ * prefer POI points over POI areas
+ * reintroduce full terms for address terms in search_name table
+ * reindex postcodes when their parent is deleted
+ * indexing: precompute counts of affected rows
+ * ensure consistent country assignments for overlapping countries
+ * make Nominatim[Async]API context manager to ensure proper calling of
+ close()
+ * make usage of project dir optional for library
+ * drop interpolations when no parent can be found
+ * style tweaks to reflect OSM usage (man_made, highway and others)
+ * deprecation of: bundled osm2pgsql, legacy tokenizer, PHP frontend
+ * make documentation buildable without CMake
+ * various fixes and improvements to documentation
+ * fix geocodejson output: admin level output should only print boundaries
+ * updating: restrict invalidation of child objects on large street features
+ * restrict valid interpolation house numbers to 0-999999
+ * fix import error when SQLAlchemy 1.4 and psycopg3 are installed
+ * various typo fixes in the documentation
+ * add export to SQLite database and SQLite support for the frontend
+ * switch to Python frontend as the default frontend
+ * update to osm2pgsql 1.11.0
+ * add support for new osm2pgsql middle table format
+ * simplify geometry for large polygon objects not used in addresses
+ * various performance tweaks for search in Python frontend
+ * fix regression in search with categories where it was confused with near
+ search
+ * partially roll back use of SQLAlchemy lambda statements due to bugs
+ in SQLAlchemy
+ * fix handling of timezones for timestamps from the database
+ * fix handling of full address searches in connection with a viewbox
+ * fix postcode computation of highway areas
+ * fix handling of timeout errors for Python <= 3.10
+ * fix address computation for postcode areas
+ * fix variable shadowing in osm2pgsql flex script, causing bugs with LuaJIT
+ * make sure extratags are always null when empty
+ * reduce importance of places without wikipedia reference
+ * improve performance of word count computations
+ * drop support for wikipedia tags with full URLs
+ * replace get_addressdata() SQL implementation with a Python function
+ * improve display name for non-address features
+ * fix postcode validation for postcodes with country code
+ (thanks @pawel-wroniszewski)
+ * add possibility to run imports without superuser database rights
+ (thanks @robbe-haesendonck)
+ * new CLI command for cleaning deleted relations (thanks @lujoh)
+ * add check for database version in the CLI check command
+ * updates to import styles ignoring more unused objects
+ * various typo fixes (thanks @kumarUjjawal)
+ * fix potential SQL injection issue for 'nominatim admin --collect-os-info'
+ * PHP frontend: fix on-the-fly lookup of postcode areas near boundaries
+ * Python frontend: improve handling of viewbox
+ * Python frontend: correct deployment instructions
+ * reintroduce result rematching
+ * improve search of multi-part names
+ * fix accidentally switched meaning of --reverse-only and --search-only in
+ warm command
+ * fix failing importance recalculation command
+ * fix merging of linked names into unnamed boundaries
+ * fix a number of corner cases with interpolation splitting resulting in
+ invalid geometries
+ * fix failure in website generation when password contains curly brackets
+ * fix broken use of ST_Project in PostGIS 3.4
+ * new NOMINATIM_SEARCH_WITHIN_COUNTRIES setting to restrict reverse lookups
+ to known countries (thanks @alfmarcua)
+ * allow negative OSM IDs (thanks @alfmarcua)
+ * disallow import of Tiger data in a frozen DB
+ * avoid UPDATE to change settings to be compatible with r/o DBs (thanks @t-tomek)
+ * update bundled osm2pgsql to 1.9.2
+ * reorganise osm2pgsql flex style and make it the default
+ * exclude names ending in :wikipedia from indexing
+ * no longer accept comma as a list separator in name tags
+ * process forward dependencies on update to catch updates in geometries
+ of ways and relations
+ * fix handling of isolated silent letters during transliteration
+ * no longer assign postcodes to large linear features like rivers
+ * introduce nominatim.paths module for finding data and libraries
+ * documentation layout changed to material theme
+ * new documentation section for library
+ * various smaller fixes to existing documentation
+ (thanks @woodpeck, @bloom256, @biswajit-k)
+ * updates to vagrant install scripts, drop support for Ubuntu 18
+ (thanks @n-timofeev)
+ * removed obsolete configuration variables from env.defaults
+ * add script for generating a taginfo description (thanks @biswajit-k)
+ * modernize Python code around BDD test and add testing of Python frontend
+ * lots of new BDD tests for API output
+ * fix deletion handling for 'nominatim add-data'
+ * adapt place_force_delete() to new deletion handling
+ * flex style: avoid dropping of postcode areas
+ * fix update errors on address interpolation handling
+ * extend flex-style library to fully support all default styles
+ * fix handling of Hebrew aleph
+ * do not assign postcodes to rivers
+ * fix string matching in PHP code
+ * update osm2pgsql (various updates to flex)
+ * fix slow query when deleting places on update
+ * fix CLI details query
+ * fix recalculation of importance values
+ * fix polygon simplification in reverse results
+ * add class/type information to reverse geocodejson result
+ * minor improvements to default tokenizer configuration
+ * various smaller fixes to documentation
+ * fix XSS vulnerability in debug view