-@pytest.mark.parametrize("threads", (1, 5))
-def test_add_tiger_data(def_config, tmp_path, sql_preprocessor,
- temp_db_cursor, threads, temp_db_with_extensions):
- temp_db_cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE place (id INT)')
- sqlfile = tmp_path / '1010.sql'
- sqlfile.write_text("""INSERT INTO place values (1);
- INSERT INTO non_existant_table values (1);""")
- tiger_data.add_tiger_data(str(tmp_path), def_config, threads)
+ def __init__(self, conn):
+ self.conn = conn
+ with conn.cursor() as cur:
+ cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE tiger (linegeo GEOMETRY,
+ start INTEGER,
+ stop INTEGER,
+ interpol TEXT,
+ token_info JSONB,
+ postcode TEXT)""")
+ def count(self):
+ with self.conn.cursor() as cur:
+ return cur.scalar("SELECT count(*) FROM tiger")
+ def row(self):
+ with self.conn.cursor() as cur:
+ cur.execute("SELECT * FROM tiger LIMIT 1")
+ return cur.fetchone()
+def tiger_table(def_config, temp_db_conn, sql_preprocessor,
+ temp_db_with_extensions, tmp_path):
+ def_config.lib_dir.sql = tmp_path / 'sql'
+ def_config.lib_dir.sql.mkdir()
+ (def_config.lib_dir.sql / 'tiger_import_start.sql').write_text(
+ """CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tiger_line_import(linegeo GEOMETRY, start INTEGER,
+ stop INTEGER, interpol TEXT,
+ token_info JSONB, postcode TEXT)
+ INSERT INTO tiger VALUES(linegeo, start, stop, interpol, token_info, postcode)
+ $$ LANGUAGE SQL;""")
+ (def_config.lib_dir.sql / 'tiger_import_finish.sql').write_text(
+ """DROP FUNCTION tiger_line_import (linegeo GEOMETRY, in_startnumber INTEGER,
+ in_endnumber INTEGER, interpolationtype TEXT,
+ token_info JSONB, in_postcode TEXT);""")