+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+# This file is part of Nominatim. (https://nominatim.org)
+# Copyright (C) 2023 by the Nominatim developer community.
+# For a full list of authors see the git log.
Classes wrapping HTTP responses from the Nominatim API.
-from collections import OrderedDict
import re
import json
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
-from check_functions import Almost
-OSM_TYPE = {'N' : 'node', 'W' : 'way', 'R' : 'relation'}
-def _geojson_result_to_json_result(geojson_result):
- result = geojson_result['properties']
- result['geojson'] = geojson_result['geometry']
- if 'bbox' in geojson_result:
- # bbox is minlon, minlat, maxlon, maxlat
- # boundingbox is minlat, maxlat, minlon, maxlon
- result['boundingbox'] = [geojson_result['bbox'][1],
- geojson_result['bbox'][3],
- geojson_result['bbox'][0],
- geojson_result['bbox'][2]]
- return result
-class BadRowValueAssert:
- """ Lazily formatted message for failures to find a field content.
- """
- def __init__(self, response, idx, field, value):
- self.idx = idx
- self.field = field
- self.value = value
- self.row = response.result[idx]
- def __str__(self):
- return "\nBad value for row {} field '{}'. Expected: {}, got: {}.\nFull row: {}"""\
- .format(self.idx, self.field, self.value,
- self.row[self.field], json.dumps(self.row, indent=4))
+from check_functions import Almost, OsmType, Field, check_for_attributes
class GenericResponse:
code = m.group(2)
self.header['json_func'] = m.group(1)
- self.result = json.JSONDecoder(object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict).decode(code)
- if isinstance(self.result, OrderedDict):
- self.result = [self.result]
+ self.result = json.JSONDecoder().decode(code)
+ if isinstance(self.result, dict):
+ if 'error' in self.result:
+ self.result = []
+ else:
+ self.result = [self.result]
def _parse_geojson(self):
- if 'error' in self.result[0]:
+ if self.result:
+ geojson = self.result[0]
+ # check for valid geojson
+ check_for_attributes(geojson, 'type,features')
+ assert geojson['type'] == 'FeatureCollection'
+ assert isinstance(geojson['features'], list)
self.result = []
- else:
- self.result = list(map(_geojson_result_to_json_result, self.result[0]['features']))
+ for result in geojson['features']:
+ check_for_attributes(result, 'type,properties,geometry')
+ assert result['type'] == 'Feature'
+ new = result['properties']
+ check_for_attributes(new, 'geojson', 'absent')
+ new['geojson'] = result['geometry']
+ if 'bbox' in result:
+ check_for_attributes(new, 'boundingbox', 'absent')
+ # bbox is minlon, minlat, maxlon, maxlat
+ # boundingbox is minlat, maxlat, minlon, maxlon
+ new['boundingbox'] = [result['bbox'][1],
+ result['bbox'][3],
+ result['bbox'][0],
+ result['bbox'][2]]
+ for k, v in geojson.items():
+ if k not in ('type', 'features'):
+ check_for_attributes(new, '__' + k, 'absent')
+ new['__' + k] = v
+ self.result.append(new)
def _parse_geocodejson(self):
- if self.result is not None:
- self.result = [r['geocoding'] for r in self.result]
+ if self.result:
+ for r in self.result:
+ assert set(r.keys()) == {'geocoding', 'geojson', '__geocoding'}, \
+ f"Unexpected keys in result: {r.keys()}"
+ check_for_attributes(r['geocoding'], 'geojson', 'absent')
+ r |= r.pop('geocoding')
- def assert_field(self, idx, field, value):
- """ Check that result row `idx` has a field `field` with value `value`.
- Float numbers are matched approximately. When the expected value
- starts with a carat, regular expression matching is used.
- """
- assert field in self.result[idx], \
- "Result row {} has no field '{}'.\nFull row: {}"\
- .format(idx, field, json.dumps(self.result[idx], indent=4))
+ def assert_subfield(self, idx, path, value):
+ assert path
+ field = self.result[idx]
+ for p in path:
+ assert isinstance(field, dict)
+ assert p in field
+ field = field[p]
if isinstance(value, float):
- assert Almost(value) == float(self.result[idx][field]), \
- BadRowValueAssert(self, idx, field, value)
+ assert Almost(value) == float(field)
elif value.startswith("^"):
- assert re.fullmatch(value, self.result[idx][field]), \
- BadRowValueAssert(self, idx, field, value)
+ assert re.fullmatch(value, field)
+ elif isinstance(field, dict):
+ assert field, eval('{' + value + '}')
- assert str(self.result[idx][field]) == str(value), \
- BadRowValueAssert(self, idx, field, value)
+ assert str(field) == str(value)
def assert_address_field(self, idx, field, value):
""" Check that result rows`idx` has a field `field` with value `value`
todo = [int(idx)]
for idx in todo:
- assert 'address' in self.result[idx], \
- "Result row {} has no field 'address'.\nFull row: {}"\
- .format(idx, json.dumps(self.result[idx], indent=4))
+ self.check_row(idx, 'address' in self.result[idx], "No field 'address'")
address = self.result[idx]['address']
- assert field in address, \
- "Result row {} has no field '{}' in address.\nFull address: {}"\
- .format(idx, field, json.dumps(address, indent=4))
+ self.check_row_field(idx, field, value, base=address)
- assert address[field] == value, \
- "\nBad value for row {} field '{}' in address. Expected: {}, got: {}.\nFull address: {}"""\
- .format(idx, field, value, address[field], json.dumps(address, indent=4))
- def match_row(self, row):
+ def match_row(self, row, context=None):
""" Match the result fields against the given behave table row.
if 'ID' in row.headings:
if name == 'ID':
elif name == 'osm':
- assert 'osm_type' in self.result[i], \
- "Result row {} has no field 'osm_type'.\nFull row: {}"\
- .format(i, json.dumps(self.result[i], indent=4))
- assert self.result[i]['osm_type'] in (OSM_TYPE[value[0]], value[0]), \
- BadRowValueAssert(self, i, 'osm_type', value)
- self.assert_field(i, 'osm_id', value[1:])
+ self.check_row_field(i, 'osm_type', OsmType(value[0]))
+ self.check_row_field(i, 'osm_id', Field(value[1:]))
+ elif name == 'osm_type':
+ self.check_row_field(i, 'osm_type', OsmType(value[0]))
elif name == 'centroid':
- lon, lat = value.split(' ')
- self.assert_field(i, 'lat', float(lat))
- self.assert_field(i, 'lon', float(lon))
+ if ' ' in value:
+ lon, lat = value.split(' ')
+ elif context is not None:
+ lon, lat = context.osm.grid_node(int(value))
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError("Context needed when using grid coordinates")
+ self.check_row_field(i, 'lat', Field(float(lat)), base=subdict)
+ self.check_row_field(i, 'lon', Field(float(lon)), base=subdict)
+ elif '+' in name:
+ self.assert_subfield(i, name.split('+'), value)
- self.assert_field(i, name, value)
+ self.check_row_field(i, name, Field(value))
def property_list(self, prop):
return [x[prop] for x in self.result]
+ def check_row(self, idx, check, msg):
+ """ Assert for the condition 'check' and print 'msg' on fail together
+ with the contents of the failing result.
+ """
+ class _RowError:
+ def __init__(self, row):
+ self.row = row
+ def __str__(self):
+ return f"{msg}. Full row {idx}:\n" \
+ + json.dumps(self.row, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
+ assert check, _RowError(self.result[idx])
+ def check_row_field(self, idx, field, expected, base=None):
+ """ Check field 'field' of result 'idx' for the expected value
+ and print a meaningful error if the condition fails.
+ When 'base' is set to a dictionary, then the field is checked
+ in that base. The error message will still report the contents
+ of the full result.
+ """
+ if base is None:
+ base = self.result[idx]
+ self.check_row(idx, field in base, f"No field '{field}'")
+ value = base[field]
+ self.check_row(idx, expected == value,
+ f"\nBad value for field '{field}'. Expected: {expected}, got: {value}")
class SearchResponse(GenericResponse):
""" Specialised class for search and lookup responses.
Transforms the xml response in a format similar to json.