Feature: Import with custom styles by osm2pgsql
Tests for the example customizations given in the documentation.
- Scenario: Custom main tags
+ Scenario: Custom main tags (set new ones)
Given the lua style file
local flex = require('import-full')
| N13 | highway | primary |
| N15 | highway | primary |
+ Scenario: Custom main tags (modify existing)
+ Given the lua style file
+ """
+ local flex = require('import-full')
+ flex.add_main_tags{
+ amenity = {prison = 'delete'},
+ highway = {stop = 'named'},
+ aeroway = 'named'
+ }
+ """
+ When loading osm data
+ """
+ n10 Tamenity=hotel x0 y0
+ n11 Tamenity=prison x0 y0
+ n12 Thighway=stop x0 y0
+ n13 Thighway=stop,name=BigStop x0 y0
+ n14 Thighway=give_way x0 y0
+ n15 Thighway=bus_stop x0 y0
+ n16 Taeroway=no,name=foo x0 y0
+ n17 Taeroway=taxiway,name=D15 x0 y0
+ """
+ Then place contains exactly
+ | object | class | type |
+ | N10 | amenity | hotel |
+ | N13 | highway | stop |
+ | N15 | highway | bus_stop |
+ | N17 | aeroway | taxiway |
Scenario: Prefiltering tags
Given the lua style file
| N4:tourism | - |
| N4:amenity | - |
+ Scenario: Ignore some tags
+ Given the lua style file
+ """
+ local flex = require('import-extratags')
+ flex.ignore_keys{'ref:*', 'surface'}
+ """
+ When loading osm data
+ """
+ n100 Thighway=residential,ref=34,ref:bodo=34,surface=gray,extra=1 x0 y0
+ """
+ Then place contains exactly
+ | object | name | extratags |
+ | N100 | 'ref' : '34' | 'extra': '1' |
+ Scenario: Add for extratags
+ Given the lua style file
+ """
+ local flex = require('import-full')
+ flex.add_for_extratags{'ref:*', 'surface'}
+ """
+ When loading osm data
+ """
+ n100 Thighway=residential,ref=34,ref:bodo=34,surface=gray,extra=1 x0 y0
+ """
+ Then place contains exactly
+ | object | name | extratags |
+ | N100 | 'ref' : '34' | 'ref:bodo': '34', 'surface': 'gray' |
Scenario: Name tags
Given the lua style file
| N3:highway | 'name': 'Greens' |
| N4:highway | 'name': 'Red', 'ref': '45' |
+ Scenario: Modify name tags
+ Given the lua style file
+ """
+ local flex = require('import-full')
+ flex.modify_name_tags{house = {}, extra = {'o'}}
+ """
+ When loading osm data
+ """
+ n1 Ttourism=hotel,ref=45,o=good
+ n2 Taddr:housename=Old,addr:street=Away
+ """
+ Then place contains exactly
+ | object | name |
+ | N1:tourism | 'o': 'good' |
Scenario: Address tags
Given the lua style file
| N1:tourism | hotel | 'street': 'Foo' |
| N2:place | house | 'housenumber': '23', 'street': 'Budd', 'postcode': '5567' |
- Scenario: Unused handling
+ Scenario: Modify address tags
+ Given the lua style file
+ """
+ local flex = require('import-full')
+ flex.set_address_tags{
+ extra = {'addr:*'},
+ }
+ """
+ When loading osm data
+ """
+ n2 Taddr:housenumber=23,addr:street=Budd,is_in:city=Faraway,postal_code=5567 x0 y0
+ """
+ Then place contains exactly
+ | object | type | address |
+ | N2:place | house | 'housenumber': '23', 'street': 'Budd', 'postcode': '5567' |
+ Scenario: Unused handling (delete)
Given the lua style file
local flex = require('import-full')
| N1:tourism | hotel | 'tiger:county': 'Fargo' | - |
| N2:tourism | hotel | - | 'else': 'other' |
+ Scenario: Unused handling (extra)
+ Given the lua style file
+ """
+ local flex = require('flex-base')
+ flex.set_main_tags{highway = 'always',
+ wikipedia = 'extra'}
+ flex.add_for_extratags{'wikipedia:*', 'wikidata'}
+ flex.set_unused_handling{extra_keys = {'surface'}}
+ """
+ When loading osm data
+ """
+ n100 Thighway=path,foo=bar,wikipedia=en:Path x0 y0
+ n234 Thighway=path,surface=rough x0 y0
+ n445 Thighway=path,name=something x0 y0
+ n446 Thighway=path,wikipedia:en=Path,wikidata=Q23 x0 y0
+ n567 Thighway=path,surface=dirt,wikipedia:en=Path x0 y0
+ """
+ Then place contains exactly
+ | object | type | extratags |
+ | N100:highway | path | 'wikipedia': 'en:Path' |
+ | N234:highway | path | 'surface': 'rough' |
+ | N445:highway | path | - |
+ | N446:highway | path | 'wikipedia:en': 'Path', 'wikidata': 'Q23' |
+ | N567:highway | path | 'surface': 'dirt', 'wikipedia:en': 'Path' |
Scenario: Additional relation types
Given the lua style file