-PHP errors are written to `/var/log/apache2/error.log`.
-With `echo` and `var_dump()` you write into the output (HTML/XML/JSON) when
-you either add `&debug=1` to the URL (preferred) or set
-`@define('CONST_Debug', true);` in `settings/local.php`.
-## Running functional tests
-Tests in `/features/db` and `/features/osm2pgsql` have to pass 100%. Other
-tests might require full planet-wide data. Sadly even if you have your own
-planet-wide data there will be enough differences to the openstreetmap.org
-installation to cause false positives in the other tests (see FAQ).
-To run the full test suite
- cd ~/Nominatim/tests
- NOMINATIM_SERVER=http://localhost:8089/nominatim lettuce features
-To run a single file
- NOMINATIM_SERVER=http://localhost:8089/nominatim lettuce features/api/reverse.feature
-To run specific tests you can add tags just before the `Scenario line`, e.g.
- @bug-34
- Scenario: address lookup for non-existing or invalid node, way, relation
-and then
- NOMINATIM_SERVER=http://localhost:8089/nominatim lettuce -t bug-34
-## Running unit tests
- cd ~/Nominatim/tests
- phpunit
+Use the functions of the `log()` object to create temporary debug output.
+Add `&debug=1` to the URL to see the output.