-class TestRunLegacyScript:
- @pytest.fixture(autouse=True)
- def setup_nominatim_env(self, tmp_path, monkeypatch):
- tmp_phplib_dir = tmp_path / 'phplib'
- tmp_phplib_dir.mkdir()
- (tmp_phplib_dir / 'admin').mkdir()
- monkeypatch.setattr(nominatim.paths, 'PHPLIB_DIR', tmp_phplib_dir)
- self.phplib_dir = tmp_phplib_dir
- self.config = Configuration(tmp_path)
- self.config.set_libdirs(module='.', osm2pgsql='default_osm2pgsql',
- php=tmp_phplib_dir)
- def mk_script(self, code):
- codefile = self.phplib_dir / 'admin' / 't.php'
- codefile.write_text('<?php\n' + code + '\n')
- return 't.php'
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("return_code", (0, 1, 15, 255))
- def test_run_legacy_return_exit_code(self, return_code):
- fname = self.mk_script('exit({});'.format(return_code))
- assert return_code == \
- exec_utils.run_legacy_script(fname, config=self.config)
- def test_run_legacy_return_throw_on_fail(self):
- fname = self.mk_script('exit(11);')
- with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
- exec_utils.run_legacy_script(fname, config=self.config,
- throw_on_fail=True)
- def test_run_legacy_return_dont_throw_on_success(self):
- fname = self.mk_script('exit(0);')
- assert exec_utils.run_legacy_script(fname, config=self.config,
- throw_on_fail=True) == 0
- def test_run_legacy_use_given_module_path(self):
- fname = self.mk_script("exit($_SERVER['NOMINATIM_DATABASE_MODULE_PATH'] == '' ? 0 : 23);")
- assert exec_utils.run_legacy_script(fname, config=self.config) == 0
- def test_run_legacy_do_not_overwrite_module_path(self, monkeypatch):
- monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_DATABASE_MODULE_PATH', 'other')
- fname = self.mk_script(
- "exit($_SERVER['NOMINATIM_DATABASE_MODULE_PATH'] == 'other' ? 0 : 1);")
- assert exec_utils.run_legacy_script(fname, config=self.config) == 0
- def test_run_legacy_default_osm2pgsql_binary(self, monkeypatch):
- fname = self.mk_script("exit($_SERVER['NOMINATIM_OSM2PGSQL_BINARY'] == 'default_osm2pgsql' ? 0 : 23);")
- assert exec_utils.run_legacy_script(fname, config=self.config) == 0
- def test_run_legacy_override_osm2pgsql_binary(self, monkeypatch):
- monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_OSM2PGSQL_BINARY', 'somethingelse')
- fname = self.mk_script("exit($_SERVER['NOMINATIM_OSM2PGSQL_BINARY'] == 'somethingelse' ? 0 : 23);")
- assert exec_utils.run_legacy_script(fname, config=self.config) == 0
-class TestRunApiScript:
- @staticmethod
- @pytest.fixture(autouse=True)
- def setup_project_dir(tmp_path):
- webdir = tmp_path / 'website'
- webdir.mkdir()
- (webdir / 'test.php').write_text("<?php\necho 'OK\n';")
- @staticmethod
- def test_run_api(tmp_path):
- assert exec_utils.run_api_script('test', tmp_path) == 0
- @staticmethod
- def test_run_api_execution_error(tmp_path):
- assert exec_utils.run_api_script('badname', tmp_path) != 0
- @staticmethod
- def test_run_api_with_extra_env(tmp_path):
- extra_env = dict(SCRIPT_FILENAME=str(tmp_path / 'website' / 'test.php'))
- assert exec_utils.run_api_script('badname', tmp_path, extra_env=extra_env) == 0
- @staticmethod
- def test_custom_phpcgi(tmp_path, capfd):
- assert exec_utils.run_api_script('test', tmp_path, phpcgi_bin='env',
- params={'q' : 'Berlin'}) == 0
- captured = capfd.readouterr()
- assert '?q=Berlin' in captured.out
- @staticmethod
- def test_fail_on_error_output(tmp_path):
- # Starting PHP 8 the PHP CLI no longer has STDERR defined as constant
- php = """
- <?php
- if(!defined('STDERR')) define('STDERR', fopen('php://stderr', 'wb'));
- """
- (tmp_path / 'website' / 'bad.php').write_text(php)
- assert exec_utils.run_api_script('bad', tmp_path) == 1