$sSuggestion = $sSuggestionURL = false;
$bDeDupe = isset($_GET['dedupe'])?(bool)$_GET['dedupe']:true;
$bReverseInPlan = false;
- $iLimit = isset($_GET['limit'])?(int)$_GET['limit']:10;
+ $iFinalLimit = isset($_GET['limit'])?(int)$_GET['limit']:10;
$iOffset = isset($_GET['offset'])?(int)$_GET['offset']:0;
$iMaxRank = 20;
- if ($iLimit > 100) $iLimit = 100;
+ if ($iFinalLimit > 50) $iFinalLimit = 50;
+ $iLimit = $iFinalLimit + min($iFinalLimit, 10);
$iMinAddressRank = 0;
$iMaxAddressRank = 30;
// Show / use polygons
$bShowPolygons = (boolean)isset($_GET['polygon']) && $_GET['polygon'];
- $bAsGeoJSON = (boolean)isset($_GET['polygon_geojson']) && $_GET['polygon_geojson'];
- $bAsKML = (boolean)isset($_GET['polygon_kml']) && $_GET['polygon_kml'];
- $bAsSVG = (boolean)isset($_GET['polygon_svg']) && $_GET['polygon_svg'];
- $bAsText = (boolean)isset($_GET['polygon_text']) && $_GET['polygon_text'];
- if ((($bShowPolygons?1:0)
- + ($bAsGeoJSON?1:0)
- + ($bAsKML?1:0)
- + ($bAsSVG?1:0)
- + ($bAsText?1:0)
- ) > CONST_PolygonOutput_MaximumTypes) {
- if (CONST_PolygonOutput_MaximumTypes) {
- userError("Select only ".CONST_PolygonOutput_MaximumTypes." polgyon output option");
- } else {
- userError("Polygon output is disabled");
+ if ($sOutputFormat == 'html') {
+ $bAsText = $bShowPolygons;
+ $bShowPolygons = false;
+ $bAsGeoJSON = false;
+ $bAsKML = false;
+ $bAsSVG = false;
+ } else {
+ $bAsGeoJSON = (boolean)isset($_GET['polygon_geojson']) && $_GET['polygon_geojson'];
+ $bAsKML = (boolean)isset($_GET['polygon_kml']) && $_GET['polygon_kml'];
+ $bAsSVG = (boolean)isset($_GET['polygon_svg']) && $_GET['polygon_svg'];
+ $bAsText = (boolean)isset($_GET['polygon_text']) && $_GET['polygon_text'];
+ if ((($bShowPolygons?1:0)
+ + ($bAsGeoJSON?1:0)
+ + ($bAsKML?1:0)
+ + ($bAsSVG?1:0)
+ + ($bAsText?1:0)
+ ) > CONST_PolygonOutput_MaximumTypes) {
+ if (CONST_PolygonOutput_MaximumTypes) {
+ userError("Select only ".CONST_PolygonOutput_MaximumTypes." polgyon output option");
+ } else {
+ userError("Polygon output is disabled");
+ }
+ exit;
- exit;
// Show address breakdown
$sSQL .= " limit ".$iLimit;
- if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
+ if (CONST_Debug) { var_dump($sSQL); }
$aViewBoxPlaceIDs = $oDB->getAll($sSQL);
if (PEAR::IsError($aViewBoxPlaceIDs))
$sPlaceIDs = join(',',$aPlaceIDs);
- $aResultPlaceIDs = array();
+ $aClassPlaceIDs = array();
if (!$aSearch['sOperator'] || $aSearch['sOperator'] == 'name')
if ($sCountryCodesSQL) $sSQL .= " and country_code in ($sCountryCodesSQL)";
$sSQL .= " order by rank_search asc limit $iLimit";
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
- $aResultPlaceIDs = $oDB->getCol($sSQL);
+ $aClassPlaceIDs = $oDB->getCol($sSQL);
if (!$aSearch['sOperator'] || $aSearch['sOperator'] == 'near') // & in
if ($iMaxRank < 9 && $bCacheTable)
// Try and get a polygon to search in instead
- $sSQL = "select geometry from placex where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) and rank_search < $iMaxRank + 5 and st_geometrytype(geometry) in ('ST_Polygon','ST_MultiPolygon') order by rank_search asc limit 1";
- if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
- $sPlaceGeom = $oDB->getOne($sSQL);
+ $sSQL = "select geometry from placex where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) and rank_search < $iMaxRank + 5 and st_geometrytype(geometry) in ('ST_Polygon','ST_MultiPolygon') order by rank_search asc limit 1";
+ if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
+ $sPlaceGeom = $oDB->getOne($sSQL);
if ($sPlaceGeom)
if ($iOffset) $sSQL .= " offset $iOffset";
$sSQL .= " limit $iLimit";
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
- $aResultPlaceIDs = array_merge($aResultPlaceIDs, $oDB->getCol($sSQL));
+ $aClassPlaceIDs = array_merge($aClassPlaceIDs, $oDB->getCol($sSQL));
if ($iOffset) $sSQL .= " offset $iOffset";
$sSQL .= " limit $iLimit";
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
- $aResultPlaceIDs = array_merge($aResultPlaceIDs, $oDB->getCol($sSQL));
+ $aClassPlaceIDs = array_merge($aClassPlaceIDs, $oDB->getCol($sSQL));
- $aPlaceIDs = $aResultPlaceIDs;
+ $aPlaceIDs = $aClassPlaceIDs;
if ($iQueryLoop > 20) break;
if (isset($aResultPlaceIDs) && sizeof($aResultPlaceIDs)) break;
if ($iGroupLoop > 4) break;
if ($bAsGeoJSON) $sSQL .= ",ST_AsGeoJSON(geometry) as asgeojson";
if ($bAsKML) $sSQL .= ",ST_AsKML(geometry) as askml";
if ($bAsSVG) $sSQL .= ",ST_AsSVG(geometry) as assvg";
- if ($bAsText) $sSQL .= ",ST_AsText(geometry) as astext";
- if ($bShowPolygons) $sSQL .= ",ST_AsText(geometry) as outlinestring";
+ if ($bAsText || $bShowPolygons) $sSQL .= ",ST_AsText(geometry) as astext";
$sSQL .= " from placex where place_id = ".$aResult['place_id'].' and st_geometrytype(Box2D(geometry)) = \'ST_Polygon\'';
$aPointPolygon = $oDB->getRow($sSQL);
if (PEAR::IsError($aPointPolygon))
if ($bShowPolygons)
// Translate geometary string to point array
- if (preg_match('#POLYGON\\(\\(([- 0-9.,]+)#',$aPointPolygon['outlinestring'],$aMatch))
+ if (preg_match('#POLYGON\\(\\(([- 0-9.,]+)#',$aPointPolygon['astext'],$aMatch))
preg_match_all('/(-?[0-9.]+) (-?[0-9.]+)/',$aMatch[1],$aPolyPoints,PREG_SET_ORDER);
- elseif (preg_match('#MULTIPOLYGON\\(\\(\\(([- 0-9.,]+)#',$aPointPolygon['outlinestring'],$aMatch))
+ elseif (preg_match('#MULTIPOLYGON\\(\\(\\(([- 0-9.,]+)#',$aPointPolygon['astext'],$aMatch))
preg_match_all('/(-?[0-9.]+) (-?[0-9.]+)/',$aMatch[1],$aPolyPoints,PREG_SET_ORDER);
- elseif (preg_match('#POINT\\((-?[0-9.]+) (-?[0-9.]+)\\)#',$aPointPolygon['outlinestring'],$aMatch))
+ elseif (preg_match('#POINT\\((-?[0-9.]+) (-?[0-9.]+)\\)#',$aPointPolygon['astext'],$aMatch))
$fRadius = 0.01;
$iSteps = ($fRadius * 40000)^2;
// Absolute limit on number of results
- if (sizeof($aSearchResults) >= $iLimit) break;
+ if (sizeof($aSearchResults) >= $iFinalLimit) break;
$sDataDate = $oDB->getOne("select TO_CHAR(lastimportdate - '1 day'::interval,'YYYY/MM/DD') from import_status limit 1");