+ @pytest.mark.parametrize('pcode', ['12:23', 'ab;cd;f', '123;836'])
+ def test_process_place_bad_postcode(self, word_table, pcode):
+ self.process_address(postcode=pcode)
+ assert not word_table.get_postcodes()
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize('hnr', ['123a', '1', '101'])
+ def test_process_place_housenumbers_simple(self, hnr, getorcreate_hnr_id):
+ info = self.process_address(housenumber=hnr)
+ assert info['hnr'] == hnr.upper()
+ assert info['hnr_tokens'] == "{-1}"
+ def test_process_place_housenumbers_lists(self, getorcreate_hnr_id):
+ info = self.process_address(conscriptionnumber='1; 2;3')
+ assert set(info['hnr'].split(';')) == set(('1', '2', '3'))
+ assert info['hnr_tokens'] == "{-1,-2,-3}"
+ def test_process_place_housenumbers_duplicates(self, getorcreate_hnr_id):
+ info = self.process_address(housenumber='134',
+ conscriptionnumber='134',
+ streetnumber='99a')
+ assert set(info['hnr'].split(';')) == set(('134', '99A'))
+ assert info['hnr_tokens'] == "{-1,-2}"
+ def test_process_place_housenumbers_cached(self, getorcreate_hnr_id):
+ info = self.process_address(housenumber="45")
+ assert info['hnr_tokens'] == "{-1}"
+ info = self.process_address(housenumber="46")
+ assert info['hnr_tokens'] == "{-2}"
+ info = self.process_address(housenumber="41;45")
+ assert eval(info['hnr_tokens']) == {-1, -3}
+ info = self.process_address(housenumber="41")
+ assert eval(info['hnr_tokens']) == {-3}
+ def test_process_place_street(self):
+ info = self.process_address(street='Grand Road')
+ assert eval(info['street']) == self.name_token_set('#GRAND ROAD')
+ def test_process_place_street_empty(self):
+ info = self.process_address(street='🜵')
+ assert 'street' not in info
+ def test_process_place_place(self):
+ info = self.process_address(place='Honu Lulu')
+ assert eval(info['place_search']) == self.name_token_set('#HONU LULU',
+ 'HONU', 'LULU')
+ assert eval(info['place_match']) == self.name_token_set('#HONU LULU')
+ def test_process_place_place_empty(self):
+ info = self.process_address(place='🜵')
+ assert 'place_search' not in info
+ assert 'place_match' not in info
+ def test_process_place_address_terms(self):
+ info = self.process_address(country='de', city='Zwickau', state='Sachsen',
+ suburb='Zwickau', street='Hauptstr',
+ full='right behind the church')
+ city_full = self.name_token_set('#ZWICKAU')
+ city_all = self.name_token_set('#ZWICKAU', 'ZWICKAU')
+ state_full = self.name_token_set('#SACHSEN')
+ state_all = self.name_token_set('#SACHSEN', 'SACHSEN')
+ result = {k: [eval(v[0]), eval(v[1])] for k,v in info['addr'].items()}
+ assert result == {'city': [city_all, city_full],
+ 'suburb': [city_all, city_full],
+ 'state': [state_all, state_full]}
+ def test_process_place_address_terms_empty(self):
+ info = self.process_address(country='de', city=' ', street='Hauptstr',
+ full='right behind the church')
+ assert 'addr' not in info