+# Nominatim is now ready to use. You can continue with
+# [importing a database from OSM data](../admin/Import.md). If you want to set up
+# a webserver first, continue reading.
+# Setting up a webserver
+# ======================
+# Option 1: Using Apache
+# ----------------------
+if [ "x$2" == "xinstall-apache" ]; then #DOCS:
+# Apache has a PHP module that can be used to serve Nominatim. To install them
+# run:
+ sudo apt install -y apache2 libapache2-mod-php
+# You need to create an alias to the website directory in your apache
+# configuration. Add a separate nominatim configuration to your webserver:
+sudo tee /etc/apache2/conf-available/nominatim.conf << EOFAPACHECONF
+<Directory "$USERHOME/build/website">
+ Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews
+ AddType text/html .php
+ DirectoryIndex search.php
+ Require all granted
+Alias /nominatim $USERHOME/build/website
+# Then enable the configuration and restart apache
+ sudo a2enconf nominatim
+ sudo systemctl restart apache2
+# The Nominatim API is now available at `http://localhost/nominatim/`.
+fi #DOCS:
+# Option 2: Using nginx
+# ---------------------
+if [ "x$2" == "xinstall-nginx" ]; then #DOCS:
+# Nginx has no native support for php scripts. You need to set up php-fpm for
+# this purpose. First install nginx and php-fpm:
+ sudo apt install -y nginx php-fpm
+# You need to configure php-fpm to listen on a Unix socket.