- def get_replacement_pairs(self):
- """ Return the list of possible compound decompositions with
- application of abbreviations included.
- The result is a list of pairs: the first item is the sequence to
- replace, the second is a list of replacements.
- """
- synonyms = defaultdict(set)
- for full, abbr in self.abbreviations.items():
- key = ' ' + full + ' '
- # Entries in the abbreviation list always apply to full words:
- synonyms[key].update((' ' + a + ' ' for a in abbr))
- # Replacements are optional, so add a noop
- synonyms[key].add(key)
- # Entries in the compound list expand to themselves and to
- # abbreviations.
- for suffix in self.compound_suffixes:
- keyset = synonyms[suffix + ' ']
- keyset.add(' ' + suffix + ' ')
- keyset.update((' ' + a + ' ' for a in self.abbreviations.get(suffix, [])))
- # The terms the entries are shortended to, need to be decompunded as well.
- for abbr in self.abbreviations.get(suffix, []):
- synonyms[abbr + ' '].add(' ' + abbr + ' ')
- # sort the resulting list by descending length (longer matches are prefered).
- sorted_keys = sorted(synonyms.keys(), key=len, reverse=True)
- return [(k, list(synonyms[k])) for k in sorted_keys]
- def _load_from_yaml(self):
- rules = yaml.load(self.configfile.read_text())
- self.normalization_rules = self._cfg_to_icu_rules(rules, 'normalization')
- self.transliteration_rules = self._cfg_to_icu_rules(rules, 'transliteration')
- self._parse_compound_suffix_list(self._get_section(rules, 'compound_suffixes'))
- self._parse_abbreviation_list(self._get_section(rules, 'abbreviations'))