if ($bSuggestion) $sSuggestion = join(', ',$aSuggestion);
// Try and calculate GB postcodes we might be missing
foreach($aTokens as $sToken)
// Any words that have failed completely?
// TODO: suggestions
$sSQL .= " and l.place_id not in (".join(',',$aExcludePlaceIDs).")";
- if ($sNearPointSQL) $sSQL .= " order by ST_Distance($sNearPointSQL, l.geometry) ASC";
+ if ($sNearPointSQL) $sSQL .= " order by ST_Distance($sNearPointSQL, l.centroid) ASC";
else $sSQL .= " order by ST_Distance(l.centroid, f.geometry) asc";
$sSQL .= " limit $iLimit";
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
$sSQL .= "ST_Y(ST_PointN(ExteriorRing(ST_Box2D(outline)),4)) as minlat,ST_Y(ST_PointN(ExteriorRing(ST_Box2D(outline)),2)) as maxlat,";
$sSQL .= "ST_X(ST_PointN(ExteriorRing(ST_Box2D(outline)),1)) as minlon,ST_X(ST_PointN(ExteriorRing(ST_Box2D(outline)),3)) as maxlon,";
$sSQL .= "ST_AsText(outline) as outlinestring from get_place_boundingbox_quick(".$aResult['place_id'].")";
+ $sSQL = "select place_id,0 as numfeatures,st_area(geometry) as area,";
+ $sSQL .= "ST_Y(ST_PointN(ExteriorRing(ST_Box2D(geometry)),4)) as minlat,ST_Y(ST_PointN(ExteriorRing(ST_Box2D(geometry)),2)) as maxlat,";
+ $sSQL .= "ST_X(ST_PointN(ExteriorRing(ST_Box2D(geometry)),1)) as minlon,ST_X(ST_PointN(ExteriorRing(ST_Box2D(geometry)),3)) as maxlon,";
+ $sSQL .= "ST_AsText(geometry) as outlinestring from placex where place_id = ".$aResult['place_id'].' and st_geometrytype(ST_Box2D(geometry)) = \'ST_Polygon\'';
$aPointPolygon = $oDB->getRow($sSQL);
if (PEAR::IsError($aPointPolygon))