$oDB =& getDB();
+ $aLangPrefOrder = getPreferredLanguages();
+ $sLanguagePrefArraySQL = "ARRAY[".join(',',array_map("getDBQuoted",$aLangPrefOrder))."]";
if (isset($_GET['osmtype']) && isset($_GET['osmid']) && (int)$_GET['osmid'] && ($_GET['osmtype'] == 'N' || $_GET['osmtype'] == 'W' || $_GET['osmtype'] == 'R'))
$_GET['place_id'] = $oDB->getOne("select place_id from placex where osm_type = '".$_GET['osmtype']."' and osm_id = ".(int)$_GET['osmid']." order by type = 'postcode' asc");
+ // Be nice about our error messages for broken geometry
+ if (!$_GET['place_id'])
+ {
+ $aPointDetails = $oDB->getRow("select osm_type, osm_id, errormessage, class, type, get_name_by_language(name,$sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as localname, ST_AsText(prevgeometry) as prevgeom, ST_AsText(newgeometry) as newgeom from import_polygon_error where osm_type = '".$_GET['osmtype']."' and osm_id = ".(int)$_GET['osmid']." order by updated desc limit 1");
+ if (!PEAR::isError($aPointDetails) && $aPointDetails) {
+ if (preg_match('/\[(-?\d+\.\d+) (-?\d+\.\d+)\]/', $aPointDetails['errormessage'], $aMatches))
+ {
+ $aPointDetails['error_x'] = $aMatches[1];
+ $aPointDetails['error_y'] = $aMatches[2];
+ }
+ include(CONST_BasePath.'/lib/template/details-error-'.$sOutputFormat.'.php');
+ exit;
+ }
+ }
if (!isset($_GET['place_id']))
$iParentPlaceID = $oDB->getOne('select parent_place_id from location_property_aux where place_id = '.$iPlaceID);
if ($iParentPlaceID) $iPlaceID = $iParentPlaceID;
- $aLangPrefOrder = getPrefferedLangauges();
- $sLanguagePrefArraySQL = "ARRAY[".join(',',array_map("getDBQuoted",$aLangPrefOrder))."]";
$hLog = logStart($oDB, 'details', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $aLangPrefOrder);
// Make sure the point we are reporting on is fully indexed
// Get the details for this point
- $sSQL = "select place_id, osm_type, osm_id, class, type, name, admin_level, housenumber, street, isin, postcode, country_code, ";
+ $sSQL = "select place_id, osm_type, osm_id, class, type, name, admin_level, housenumber, street, isin, postcode, country_code, importance, wikipedia,";
$sSQL .= " parent_place_id, rank_address, rank_search, get_searchrank_label(rank_search) as rank_search_label, get_name_by_language(name,$sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as localname, ";
- $sSQL .= " ST_GeometryType(geometry) in ('ST_Polygon','ST_MultiPolygon') as isarea,ST_GeometryType(geometry) as geotype, ST_Y(ST_Centroid(geometry)) as lat,ST_X(ST_Centroid(geometry)) as lon ";
+ $sSQL .= " ST_GeometryType(geometry) in ('ST_Polygon','ST_MultiPolygon') as isarea, ";
+ $sSQL .= " ST_AsText(CASE WHEN ST_NPoints(geometry) > 5000 THEN ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology(geometry, 0.0001) ELSE geometry END) as outlinestring";
$sSQL .= " from placex where place_id = $iPlaceID";
$aPointDetails = $oDB->getRow($sSQL);
- IF (PEAR::IsError($aPointDetails))
+ if (PEAR::IsError($aPointDetails))
- var_dump($aPointDetails);
- exit;
+ failInternalError("Could not get details of place object.", $sSQL, $aPointDetails);
$aPointDetails['localname'] = $aPointDetails['localname']?$aPointDetails['localname']:$aPointDetails['housenumber'];
- $fLon = $aPointDetails['lon'];
- $fLat = $aPointDetails['lat'];
- $iZoom = 14;
$aClassType = getClassTypesWithImportance();
$aPointDetails['icon'] = $aClassType[$aPointDetails['class'].':'.$aPointDetails['type']]['icon'];
$sSQL = "select (each(extratags)).key,(each(extratags)).value from placex where place_id = $iPlaceID order by (each(extratags)).key";
$aPointDetails['aExtraTags'] = $oDB->getAssoc($sSQL);
- // Get the bounding box and outline polygon
- $sSQL = "select *,ST_AsText(outline) as outlinestring from get_place_boundingbox($iPlaceID)";
- $aPointPolygon = $oDB->getRow($sSQL);
- IF (PEAR::IsError($aPointPolygon))
- {
- var_dump($aPointPolygon);
- exit;
- }
- if (preg_match('#POLYGON\\(\\(([- 0-9.,]+)#',$aPointPolygon['outlinestring'],$aMatch))
- {
- preg_match_all('/(-?[0-9.]+) (-?[0-9.]+)/',$aMatch[1],$aPolyPoints,PREG_SET_ORDER);
- }
- elseif (preg_match('#POINT\\((-?[0-9.]+) (-?[0-9.]+)\\)#',$aPointPolygon['outlinestring'],$aMatch))
- {
- $fRadius = 0.01;
- $iSteps = ($fRadius * 40000)^2;
- $fStepSize = (2*pi())/$iSteps;
- $aPolyPoints = array();
- for($f = 0; $f < 2*pi(); $f += $fStepSize)
- {
- $aPolyPoints[] = array('',$aMatch[1]+($fRadius*sin($f)),$aMatch[2]+($fRadius*cos($f)));
- }
- $aPointPolygon['minlat'] = $aPointPolygon['minlat'] - $fRadius;
- $aPointPolygon['maxlat'] = $aPointPolygon['maxlat'] + $fRadius;
- $aPointPolygon['minlon'] = $aPointPolygon['minlon'] - $fRadius;
- $aPointPolygon['maxlon'] = $aPointPolygon['maxlon'] + $fRadius;
- }
// Address
$aAddressLines = getAddressDetails($oDB, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL, $iPlaceID, $aPointDetails['country_code'], true);
- // All places this is an imediate parent of
+ // Linked places
$sSQL = "select placex.place_id, osm_type, osm_id, class, type, housenumber, admin_level, rank_address, ST_GeometryType(geometry) in ('ST_Polygon','ST_MultiPolygon') as isarea, st_distance(geometry, placegeometry) as distance, ";
$sSQL .= " get_name_by_language(name,$sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as localname, length(name::text) as namelength ";
$sSQL .= " from placex, (select geometry as placegeometry from placex where place_id = $iPlaceID) as x";
- $sSQL .= " where parent_place_id = $iPlaceID";
-// $sSQL .= " and type != 'postcode'";
+ $sSQL .= " where linked_place_id = $iPlaceID";
$sSQL .= " order by rank_address asc,rank_search asc,get_name_by_language(name,$sLanguagePrefArraySQL),housenumber";
+ $aLinkedLines = $oDB->getAll($sSQL);
+ // All places this is an imediate parent of
+ $sSQL = "select obj.place_id, osm_type, osm_id, class, type, housenumber, admin_level, rank_address, ST_GeometryType(geometry) in ('ST_Polygon','ST_MultiPolygon') as isarea, st_distance(geometry, placegeometry) as distance, ";
+ $sSQL .= " get_name_by_language(name,$sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as localname, length(name::text) as namelength ";
+ $sSQL .= " from (select placex.place_id, osm_type, osm_id, class, type, housenumber, admin_level, rank_address, rank_search, geometry, name from placex ";
+ $sSQL .= " where parent_place_id = $iPlaceID order by rank_address asc,rank_search asc limit 500) as obj,";
+ $sSQL .= " (select geometry as placegeometry from placex where place_id = $iPlaceID) as x";
+ $sSQL .= " order by rank_address asc,rank_search asc,localname,housenumber";
$aParentOfLines = $oDB->getAll($sSQL);
+ $aPlaceSearchNameKeywords = false;
+ $aPlaceSearchAddressKeywords = false;
+ if (isset($_GET['keywords']) && $_GET['keywords'])
+ {
+ $sSQL = "select * from search_name where place_id = $iPlaceID";
+ $aPlaceSearchName = $oDB->getRow($sSQL);
+ $sSQL = "select * from word where word_id in (".substr($aPlaceSearchName['name_vector'],1,-1).")";
+ $aPlaceSearchNameKeywords = $oDB->getAll($sSQL);
+ $sSQL = "select * from word where word_id in (".substr($aPlaceSearchName['nameaddress_vector'],1,-1).")";
+ $aPlaceSearchAddressKeywords = $oDB->getAll($sSQL);
+ }
logEnd($oDB, $hLog, 1);