The details API supports the following two request formats:
-Both parameters are required, the type is one of node(N), way(W) or relation(R).
+`osmtype` and `osmid` are required parameter. The type is one of node (N), way (W)
+or relation (R). The id must be a number. The `class` parameter is optional and
+allows to distinguish between entries, when the corresponding OSM object has more
+than one main tag. For example, when a place is tagged with `tourism=hotel` and
+`amenity=restaurant`, there will be two place entries in Nominatim, one for a
+restaurant, one for a hotel. You need to specify `class=tourism` or `class=amentity`
+to get exactly the one you want. If there are multiple places in the database
+but the `class` parameter is left out, then one of the places will be chosen
+at random and displayed.
Placeids are assigned sequentially during Nominatim data import. The id for a place is different between Nominatim installation (servers) and changes when data gets reimported. Therefore it can't be used as permanent id and shouldn't be used in bug reports.
* `json_callback=<string>`
-Wrap json output in a callback function (JSONP) i.e. `<string>(<json>)`.
+Wrap JSON output in a callback function (JSONP) i.e. `<string>(<json>)`.
Only has an effect for JSON output formats.
* `pretty=[0|1]`
##### HTML
##### JSON