llvm-toolset ccache clang-tools-extra \
php-pgsql php php-intl php-json libpq-devel \
proj52-epsg bzip2-devel proj-devel boost-devel \
+ python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-devel \
expat-devel zlib-devel
# make sure pg_config gets found
echo 'PATH=/usr/pgsql-10/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
+ pip3 install --user psycopg2 pytidylib
# If you want to run the test suite, you need to install the following
# additional packages:
#DOCS: :::sh
- sudo dnf install -y python36 python3-pip python3-setuptools python36-devel \
- php-dom php-mbstring
- pip3 install --user behave nose pytidylib psycopg2
+ sudo dnf install -y php-dom php-mbstring
+ pip3 install --user behave nose
composer global require "squizlabs/php_codesniffer=*"
sudo ln -s ~/.config/composer/vendor/bin/phpcs /usr/bin/