protected $sQuery = false;
protected $aStructuredQuery = false;
+ protected $oNormalizer = null;
public function __construct(&$oDB)
$this->oDB =& $oDB;
+ $this->oNormalizer = \Transliterator::createFromRules(CONST_Term_Normalization_Rules);
+ }
+ private function normTerm($sTerm)
+ {
+ if ($this->oNormalizer === null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return $this->oNormalizer->transliterate($sTerm);
public function setReverseInPlan($bReverse)
$aViewbox = $oParams->getStringList('viewboxlbrt');
if ($aViewbox) {
if (count($aViewbox) != 4) {
- userError("Bad parmater 'viewbox'. Expected 4 coordinates.");
+ userError("Bad parmater 'viewboxlbrt'. Expected 4 coordinates.");
} else {
$this->aAddressRankList = array();
$this->aStructuredQuery = array();
- $this->sAllowedTypesSQLList = '';
+ $this->sAllowedTypesSQLList = False;
$this->loadStructuredAddressElement($sAmenity, 'amenity', 26, 30, false);
$this->loadStructuredAddressElement($sStreet, 'street', 26, 30, false);
if (sizeof($this->aStructuredQuery) > 0) {
$this->sQuery = join(', ', $this->aStructuredQuery);
if ($this->iMaxAddressRank < 30) {
- $sAllowedTypesSQLList = '(\'place\',\'boundary\')';
+ $this->sAllowedTypesSQLList = '(\'place\',\'boundary\')';
$sPlaceIDs = join(',', array_keys($aPlaceIDs));
$sImportanceSQL = '';
- if ($this->sViewboxSmallSQL) $sImportanceSQL .= " CASE WHEN ST_Contains($this->sViewboxSmallSQL, ST_Collect(centroid)) THEN 1 ELSE 0.75 END * ";
- if ($this->sViewboxLargeSQL) $sImportanceSQL .= " CASE WHEN ST_Contains($this->sViewboxLargeSQL, ST_Collect(centroid)) THEN 1 ELSE 0.75 END * ";
+ $sImportanceSQLGeom = '';
+ if ($this->sViewboxSmallSQL) {
+ $sImportanceSQL .= " CASE WHEN ST_Contains($this->sViewboxSmallSQL, ST_Collect(centroid)) THEN 1 ELSE 0.75 END * ";
+ $sImportanceSQLGeom .= " CASE WHEN ST_Contains($this->sViewboxSmallSQL, geometry) THEN 1 ELSE 0.75 END * ";
+ }
+ if ($this->sViewboxLargeSQL) {
+ $sImportanceSQL .= " CASE WHEN ST_Contains($this->sViewboxLargeSQL, ST_Collect(centroid)) THEN 1 ELSE 0.75 END * ";
+ $sImportanceSQLGeom .= " CASE WHEN ST_Contains($this->sViewboxLargeSQL, geometry) THEN 1 ELSE 0.75 END * ";
+ }
$sSQL = "SELECT ";
$sSQL .= " osm_type,";
$sSQL .= "UNION ";
$sSQL .= "SELECT";
$sSQL .= " 'P' as osm_type,";
- $sSQL .= " (SELECT osm_id from placex p WHERE p.place_id = parent_place_id) as osm_id,";
+ $sSQL .= " (SELECT osm_id from placex p WHERE p.place_id = lp.parent_place_id) as osm_id,";
$sSQL .= " 'place' as class, 'postcode' as type,";
$sSQL .= " null as admin_level, rank_search, rank_address,";
$sSQL .= " place_id, parent_place_id, country_code,";
if ($this->bIncludeExtraTags) $sSQL .= "null AS extra,";
if ($this->bIncludeNameDetails) $sSQL .= "null AS names,";
$sSQL .= " ST_x(st_centroid(geometry)) AS lon, ST_y(st_centroid(geometry)) AS lat,";
- $sSQL .= $sImportanceSQL."(0.75-(rank_search::float/40)) AS importance, ";
+ $sSQL .= $sImportanceSQLGeom."(0.75-(rank_search::float/40)) AS importance, ";
$sSQL .= " (";
$sSQL .= " SELECT max(p.importance*(p.rank_address+2))";
$sSQL .= " FROM ";
$sSQL .= " place_addressline s, ";
$sSQL .= " placex p";
- $sSQL .= " WHERE s.place_id = parent_place_id";
+ $sSQL .= " WHERE s.place_id = lp.parent_place_id";
$sSQL .= " AND p.place_id = s.address_place_id ";
$sSQL .= " AND s.isaddress";
$sSQL .= " AND p.importance is not null";
$sSQL .= " ) AS addressimportance, ";
$sSQL .= " null AS extra_place ";
- $sSQL .= "FROM location_postcode";
+ $sSQL .= "FROM location_postcode lp";
$sSQL .= " WHERE place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) ";
if (30 >= $this->iMinAddressRank && 30 <= $this->iMaxAddressRank) {
if ($aSearch['iSearchRank'] < $this->iMaxRank) $aNewWordsetSearches[] = $aSearch;
- } elseif (isset($aSearchTerm['lat']) && $aSearchTerm['lat'] !== '' && $aSearchTerm['lat'] !== null) {
- if ($aSearch['oNear'] === false) {
- $aSearch['oNear'] = new NearPoint(
- $aSearchTerm['lat'],
- $aSearchTerm['lon'],
- $aSearchTerm['radius']
- );
- if ($aSearch['iSearchRank'] < $this->iMaxRank) $aNewWordsetSearches[] = $aSearch;
- }
} elseif ($sPhraseType == 'postalcode' || ($aSearchTerm['class'] == 'place' && $aSearchTerm['type'] == 'postcode')) {
// We need to try the case where the postal code is the primary element (i.e. no way to tell if it is (postalcode, city) OR (city, postalcode) so try both
- if (isset($aSearchTerm['word_id']) && $aSearchTerm['word_id']) {
+ if ($aSearch['sPostcode'] === '' && $aSearch['sHouseNumber'] === '' &&
+ isset($aSearchTerm['word_id']) && $aSearchTerm['word_id'] && strpos($sNormQuery, $this->normTerm($aSearchTerm['word'])) !== false) {
// If we have structured search or this is the first term,
// make the postcode the primary search element.
- if ($aSearchTerm['operator'] == '' && ($sPhraseType == 'postalcode' || sizeof($aSearch['aName']) == 0)) {
+ if ($aSearch['sOperator'] === '' && ($sPhraseType == 'postalcode' || ($iToken == 0 && $iPhrase == 0))) {
$aNewSearch = $aSearch;
$aNewSearch['sOperator'] = 'postcode';
$aNewSearch['aAddress'] = array_merge($aNewSearch['aAddress'], $aNewSearch['aName']);
- $aNewSearch['aName'][$aSearchTerm['word_id']] = substr($aSearchTerm['word_token'], 1);
+ $aNewSearch['aName'][$aSearchTerm['word_id']] = $aSearchTerm['word'];
if ($aSearch['iSearchRank'] < $this->iMaxRank) $aNewWordsetSearches[] = $aNewSearch;
// If we have a structured search or this is not the first term,
// add the postcode as an addendum.
- if ($sPhraseType == 'postalcode' || sizeof($aSearch['aName'])) {
- $aSearch['sPostcode'] = substr($aSearchTerm['word_token'], 1);
+ if ($aSearch['sOperator'] !== 'postcode' && ($sPhraseType == 'postalcode' || sizeof($aSearch['aName']))) {
+ $aSearch['sPostcode'] = $aSearchTerm['word'];
if ($aSearch['iSearchRank'] < $this->iMaxRank) $aNewWordsetSearches[] = $aSearch;
} elseif (($sPhraseType == '' || $sPhraseType == 'street') && $aSearchTerm['class'] == 'place' && $aSearchTerm['type'] == 'house') {
- if ($aSearch['sHouseNumber'] === '') {
+ if ($aSearch['sHouseNumber'] === '' && $aSearch['sOperator'] !== 'postcode') {
$aSearch['sHouseNumber'] = $sToken;
// sanity check: if the housenumber is not mainly made
// up of numbers, add a penalty
if (!$this->sQuery && !$this->aStructuredQuery) return array();
- $oNormalizer = \Transliterator::createFromRules(CONST_Term_Normalization_Rules);
- if ($oNormalizer !== null) {
- $sNormQuery = $oNormalizer->transliterate($this->sQuery);
- } else {
- $sNormQuery = null;
- }
+ $sNormQuery = $this->normTerm($this->sQuery);
$sLanguagePrefArraySQL = "ARRAY[".join(',', array_map("getDBQuoted", $this->aLangPrefOrder))."]";
$sCountryCodesSQL = false;
if ($this->aCountryCodes) {
if (CONST_Debug) var_Dump($aPhrases, $aValidTokens);
- // Try and calculate GB postcodes we might be missing
+ // US ZIP+4 codes - if there is no token, merge in the 5-digit ZIP code
foreach ($aTokens as $sToken) {
- // Source of gb postcodes is now definitive - always use
- if (preg_match('/^([A-Z][A-Z]?[0-9][0-9A-Z]? ?[0-9])([A-Z][A-Z])$/', strtoupper(trim($sToken)), $aData)) {
- if (substr($aData[1], -2, 1) != ' ') {
- $aData[0] = substr($aData[0], 0, strlen($aData[1])-1).' '.substr($aData[0], strlen($aData[1])-1);
- $aData[1] = substr($aData[1], 0, -1).' '.substr($aData[1], -1, 1);
- }
- $aGBPostcodeLocation = gbPostcodeCalculate($aData[0], $aData[1], $aData[2], $this->oDB);
- if ($aGBPostcodeLocation) {
- $aValidTokens[$sToken] = $aGBPostcodeLocation;
- }
- } elseif (!isset($aValidTokens[$sToken]) && preg_match('/^([0-9]{5}) [0-9]{4}$/', $sToken, $aData)) {
- // US ZIP+4 codes - if there is no token,
- // merge in the 5-digit ZIP code
+ if (!isset($aValidTokens[$sToken]) && preg_match('/^([0-9]{5}) [0-9]{4}$/', $sToken, $aData)) {
if (isset($aValidTokens[$aData[1]])) {
foreach ($aValidTokens[$aData[1]] as $aToken) {
if (!$aToken['class']) {
- if (CONST_Debug) var_Dump($aGroupedSearches);
if (CONST_Search_TryDroppedAddressTerms && sizeof($this->aStructuredQuery) > 0) {
$aCopyGroupedSearches = $aGroupedSearches;
foreach ($aCopyGroupedSearches as $iGroup => $aSearches) {
if ($aSearch['sCountryCode']) $aTerms[] = "country_code = '".pg_escape_string($aSearch['sCountryCode'])."'";
if ($aSearch['sHouseNumber']) {
$aTerms[] = "address_rank between 16 and 27";
- } else {
+ } elseif (!$aSearch['sClass'] || $aSearch['sOperator'] == 'name') {
if ($this->iMinAddressRank > 0) {
$aTerms[] = "address_rank >= ".$this->iMinAddressRank;
$aOrder[] = $aSearch['oNear']->distanceSQL('centroid');
} elseif ($aSearch['sPostcode']) {
- $aOrder[] = "(SELECT min(ST_Distance(search_name.centroid, p.geometry)) FROM location_postcode p WHERE p.postcode = '".$aSearch['sPostcode']."')";
+ if (!sizeof($aSearch['aAddress'])) {
+ $aTerms[] = "EXISTS(SELECT place_id FROM location_postcode p WHERE p.postcode = '".$aSearch['sPostcode']."' AND ST_DWithin(search_name.centroid, p.geometry, 0.1))";
+ } else {
+ $aOrder[] = "(SELECT min(ST_Distance(search_name.centroid, p.geometry)) FROM location_postcode p WHERE p.postcode = '".$aSearch['sPostcode']."')";
+ }
if (sizeof($this->aExcludePlaceIDs)) {
$aTerms[] = "place_id not in (".join(',', $this->aExcludePlaceIDs).")";
- if ($aSearch['sPostcode']) {
+ if (sizeof($aPlaceIDs) && $aSearch['sPostcode']) {
$sSQL = 'SELECT place_id FROM placex';
$sSQL .= ' WHERE place_id in ('.join(',', $aPlaceIDs).')';
$sSQL .= " AND postcode = '".pg_escape_string($aSearch['sPostcode'])."'";