from typing import Optional, Sequence, List, Tuple, Mapping, Any, cast, \
Dict, Set, Iterable
import itertools
-import json
import logging
from pathlib import Path
-from textwrap import dedent
-from ..db.connection import connect, Connection, Cursor, server_version_tuple,\
+from psycopg.types.json import Jsonb
+from psycopg import sql as pysql
+from ..db.connection import connect, Connection, Cursor, \
drop_tables, table_exists, execute_scalar
from ..config import Configuration
-from ..db.utils import CopyBuffer
from ..db.sql_preprocessor import SQLPreprocessor
from import PlaceInfo
from import PlaceName
LOG = logging.getLogger()
-WORD_TYPES =(('country_names', 'C'),
- ('postcodes', 'P'),
- ('full_word', 'W'),
- ('housenumbers', 'H'))
+WORD_TYPES = (('country_names', 'C'),
+ ('postcodes', 'P'),
+ ('full_word', 'W'),
+ ('housenumbers', 'H'))
def create(dsn: str, data_dir: Path) -> 'ICUTokenizer':
""" Create a new instance of the tokenizer provided by this module.
self.data_dir = data_dir
self.loader: Optional[ICURuleLoader] = None
def init_new_db(self, config: Configuration, init_db: bool = True) -> None:
""" Set up a new tokenizer for the database.
self.loader = ICURuleLoader(config)
- self._install_php(config.lib_dir.php, overwrite=True)
if init_db:
self._create_base_indices(config, 'word')
def init_from_project(self, config: Configuration) -> None:
""" Initialise the tokenizer from the project directory.
with connect(self.dsn) as conn:
- self._install_php(config.lib_dir.php, overwrite=False)
def finalize_import(self, config: Configuration) -> None:
""" Do any required postprocessing to make the tokenizer data ready
for use.
self._create_lookup_indices(config, 'word')
def update_sql_functions(self, config: Configuration) -> None:
""" Reimport the SQL functions for this tokenizer.
sqlp = SQLPreprocessor(conn, config)
sqlp.run_sql_file(conn, 'tokenizer/icu_tokenizer.sql')
def check_database(self, config: Configuration) -> None:
""" Check that the tokenizer is set up correctly.
# Will throw an error if there is an issue.
def update_statistics(self, config: Configuration, threads: int = 2) -> None:
""" Recompute frequencies for all name words.
with conn.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute('ANALYSE search_name')
if threads > 1:
- cur.execute('SET max_parallel_workers_per_gather TO %s',
- (min(threads, 6),))
- if server_version_tuple(conn) < (12, 0):
-'Computing word frequencies')
- drop_tables(conn, 'word_frequencies', 'addressword_frequencies')
- cur.execute("""CREATE TEMP TABLE word_frequencies AS
- SELECT unnest(name_vector) as id, count(*)
- FROM search_name GROUP BY id""")
- cur.execute('CREATE INDEX ON word_frequencies(id)')
- cur.execute("""CREATE TEMP TABLE addressword_frequencies AS
- SELECT unnest(nameaddress_vector) as id, count(*)
- FROM search_name GROUP BY id""")
- cur.execute('CREATE INDEX ON addressword_frequencies(id)')
- cur.execute("""CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION word_freq_update(wid INTEGER,
- AS $$
- IF info is null THEN
- info = '{}'::jsonb;
- FOR rec IN SELECT count FROM word_frequencies WHERE id = wid
- info = info || jsonb_build_object('count', rec.count);
- FOR rec IN SELECT count FROM addressword_frequencies WHERE id = wid
- info = info || jsonb_build_object('addr_count', rec.count);
- IF info = '{}'::jsonb THEN
- info = null;
- END;
- """)
-'Update word table with recomputed frequencies')
- drop_tables(conn, 'tmp_word')
- cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE tmp_word AS
- SELECT word_id, word_token, type, word,
- word_freq_update(word_id, info) as info
- FROM word
- """)
- drop_tables(conn, 'word_frequencies', 'addressword_frequencies')
- else:
-'Computing word frequencies')
- drop_tables(conn, 'word_frequencies')
- cur.execute("""
- CREATE TEMP TABLE word_frequencies AS
- SELECT unnest(name_vector) as id, count(*)
- FROM search_name GROUP BY id),
- addr_freq AS MATERIALIZED (
- SELECT unnest(nameaddress_vector) as id, count(*)
- FROM search_name GROUP BY id)
- SELECT coalesce(, as id,
- (CASE WHEN w.count is null THEN '{}'::JSONB
- ELSE jsonb_build_object('count', w.count) END
- ||
- CASE WHEN a.count is null THEN '{}'::JSONB
- ELSE jsonb_build_object('addr_count', a.count) END) as info
- FROM word_freq w FULL JOIN addr_freq a ON =;
- """)
- cur.execute('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON word_frequencies(id) INCLUDE(info)')
- cur.execute('ANALYSE word_frequencies')
-'Update word table with recomputed frequencies')
- drop_tables(conn, 'tmp_word')
- cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE tmp_word AS
- SELECT word_id, word_token, type, word,
- (CASE WHEN is null THEN
- ELSE coalesce(, '{}'::jsonb) ||
- END) as info
- FROM word LEFT JOIN word_frequencies wf
- ON word.word_id =
- """)
- drop_tables(conn, 'word_frequencies')
+ cur.execute(pysql.SQL('SET max_parallel_workers_per_gather TO {}')
+ .format(pysql.Literal(min(threads, 6),)))
+'Computing word frequencies')
+ drop_tables(conn, 'word_frequencies')
+ cur.execute("""
+ CREATE TEMP TABLE word_frequencies AS
+ SELECT unnest(name_vector) as id, count(*)
+ FROM search_name GROUP BY id),
+ addr_freq AS MATERIALIZED (
+ SELECT unnest(nameaddress_vector) as id, count(*)
+ FROM search_name GROUP BY id)
+ SELECT coalesce(, as id,
+ (CASE WHEN w.count is null THEN '{}'::JSONB
+ ELSE jsonb_build_object('count', w.count) END
+ ||
+ CASE WHEN a.count is null THEN '{}'::JSONB
+ ELSE jsonb_build_object('addr_count', a.count) END) as info
+ FROM word_freq w FULL JOIN addr_freq a ON =;
+ """)
+ cur.execute('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON word_frequencies(id) INCLUDE(info)')
+ cur.execute('ANALYSE word_frequencies')
+'Update word table with recomputed frequencies')
+ drop_tables(conn, 'tmp_word')
+ cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE tmp_word AS
+ SELECT word_id, word_token, type, word,
+ (CASE WHEN is null THEN
+ ELSE coalesce(, '{}'::jsonb) ||
+ END) as info
+ FROM word LEFT JOIN word_frequencies wf
+ ON word.word_id =
+ """)
+ drop_tables(conn, 'word_frequencies')
with conn.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute('SET max_parallel_workers_per_gather TO 0')
self._create_lookup_indices(config, 'tmp_word')
def _cleanup_housenumbers(self) -> None:
""" Remove unused house numbers.
(list(candidates.values()), ))
def update_word_tokens(self) -> None:
""" Remove unused tokens.
LOG.warning("Tokenizer house-keeping done.")
def name_analyzer(self) -> 'ICUNameAnalyzer':
""" Create a new analyzer for tokenizing names and queries
using this tokinzer. Analyzers are context managers and should
return ICUNameAnalyzer(self.dsn, self.loader.make_sanitizer(),
def most_frequent_words(self, conn: Connection, num: int) -> List[str]:
""" Return a list of the `num` most frequent full words
in the database.
ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT %s""", (num,))
return list(s[0].split('@')[0] for s in cur)
- def _install_php(self, phpdir: Optional[Path], overwrite: bool = True) -> None:
- """ Install the php script for the tokenizer.
- """
- if phpdir is not None:
- assert self.loader is not None
- php_file = self.data_dir / "tokenizer.php"
- if not php_file.exists() or overwrite:
- php_file.write_text(dedent(f"""\
- <?php
- @define('CONST_Max_Word_Frequency', 10000000);
- @define('CONST_Term_Normalization_Rules', "{self.loader.normalization_rules}");
- @define('CONST_Transliteration', "{self.loader.get_search_rules()}");
- require_once('{phpdir}/tokenizer/icu_tokenizer.php');"""), encoding='utf-8')
def _save_config(self) -> None:
""" Save the configuration that needs to remain stable for the given
database as database properties.
with connect(self.dsn) as conn:
def _setup_db_tables(self, config: Configuration) -> None:
""" Set up the word table and fill it with pre-computed word
def _create_base_indices(self, config: Configuration, table_name: str) -> None:
""" Set up the word table and fill it with pre-computed word
def _create_lookup_indices(self, config: Configuration, table_name: str) -> None:
""" Create additional indexes used when running the API.
with connect(self.dsn) as conn:
sqlp = SQLPreprocessor(conn, config)
# Index required for details lookup.
- sqlp.run_string(conn, """
+ sqlp.run_string(
+ conn,
+ """
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_{{table_name}}_word_id
ON {{table_name}} USING BTREE (word_id) {{db.tablespace.search_index}}
- """,
- table_name=table_name)
+ """,
+ table_name=table_name)
def _move_temporary_word_table(self, old: str) -> None:
""" Rename all tables and indexes used by the tokenizer.
class ICUNameAnalyzer(AbstractAnalyzer):
""" The ICU analyzer uses the ICU library for splitting names.
def __init__(self, dsn: str, sanitizer: PlaceSanitizer,
token_analysis: ICUTokenAnalysis) -> None:
- self.conn: Optional[Connection] = connect(dsn).connection
+ self.conn: Optional[Connection] = connect(dsn)
self.conn.autocommit = True
self.sanitizer = sanitizer
self.token_analysis = token_analysis
self._cache = _TokenCache()
def close(self) -> None:
""" Free all resources used by the analyzer.
self.conn = None
def _search_normalized(self, name: str) -> str:
""" Return the search token transliteration of the given name.
return cast(str,
def _normalized(self, name: str) -> str:
""" Return the normalized version of the given name with all
non-relevant information removed.
return cast(str, self.token_analysis.normalizer.transliterate(name)).strip()
def get_word_token_info(self, words: Sequence[str]) -> List[Tuple[str, str, int]]:
""" Return token information for the given list of words.
If a word starts with # it is assumed to be a full name
part_ids = {r[0]: r[1] for r in cur}
return [(k, v, full_ids.get(v, None)) for k, v in full_tokens.items()] \
- + [(k, v, part_ids.get(v, None)) for k, v in partial_tokens.items()]
+ + [(k, v, part_ids.get(v, None)) for k, v in partial_tokens.items()]
def normalize_postcode(self, postcode: str) -> str:
""" Convert the postcode to a standardized form.
return postcode.strip().upper()
def update_postcodes_from_db(self) -> None:
- """ Update postcode tokens in the word table from the location_postcode
- table.
+ """ Postcode update.
+ Removes all postcodes from the word table because they are not
+ needed. Postcodes are recognised by pattern.
assert self.conn is not None
- analyzer = self.token_analysis.analysis.get('@postcode')
with self.conn.cursor() as cur:
- # First get all postcode names currently in the word table.
- cur.execute("SELECT DISTINCT word FROM word WHERE type = 'P'")
- word_entries = set((entry[0] for entry in cur))
- # Then compute the required postcode names from the postcode table.
- needed_entries = set()
- cur.execute("SELECT country_code, postcode FROM location_postcode")
- for cc, postcode in cur:
- info = PlaceInfo({'country_code': cc,
- 'class': 'place', 'type': 'postcode',
- 'address': {'postcode': postcode}})
- address = self.sanitizer.process_names(info)[1]
- for place in address:
- if place.kind == 'postcode':
- if analyzer is None:
- postcode_name =
- variant_base = None
- else:
- postcode_name = analyzer.get_canonical_id(place)
- variant_base = place.get_attr("variant")
- if variant_base:
- needed_entries.add(f'{postcode_name}@{variant_base}')
- else:
- needed_entries.add(postcode_name)
- break
- # Now update the word table.
- self._delete_unused_postcode_words(word_entries - needed_entries)
- self._add_missing_postcode_words(needed_entries - word_entries)
- def _delete_unused_postcode_words(self, tokens: Iterable[str]) -> None:
- assert self.conn is not None
- if tokens:
- with self.conn.cursor() as cur:
- cur.execute("DELETE FROM word WHERE type = 'P' and word = any(%s)",
- (list(tokens), ))
- def _add_missing_postcode_words(self, tokens: Iterable[str]) -> None:
- assert self.conn is not None
- if not tokens:
- return
- analyzer = self.token_analysis.analysis.get('@postcode')
- terms = []
- for postcode_name in tokens:
- if '@' in postcode_name:
- term, variant = postcode_name.split('@', 2)
- term = self._search_normalized(term)
- if analyzer is None:
- variants = [term]
- else:
- variants = analyzer.compute_variants(variant)
- if term not in variants:
- variants.append(term)
- else:
- variants = [self._search_normalized(postcode_name)]
- terms.append((postcode_name, variants))
- if terms:
- with self.conn.cursor() as cur:
- cur.execute_values("""SELECT create_postcode_word(pc, var)
- FROM (VALUES %s) AS v(pc, var)""",
- terms)
+ cur.execute("DELETE FROM word WHERE type = 'P'")
def update_special_phrases(self, phrases: Iterable[Tuple[str, str, str, str]],
should_replace: bool) -> None:"Total phrases: %s. Added: %s. Deleted: %s",
len(norm_phrases), added, deleted)
def _add_special_phrases(self, cursor: Cursor,
new_phrases: Set[Tuple[str, str, str, str]],
existing_phrases: Set[Tuple[str, str, str, str]]) -> int:
to_add = new_phrases - existing_phrases
added = 0
- with CopyBuffer() as copystr:
+ with cursor.copy('COPY word(word_token, type, word, info) FROM STDIN') as copy:
for word, cls, typ, oper in to_add:
term = self._search_normalized(word)
if term:
- copystr.add(term, 'S', word,
- json.dumps({'class': cls, 'type': typ,
- 'op': oper if oper in ('in', 'near') else None}))
+ copy.write_row((term, 'S', word,
+ Jsonb({'class': cls, 'type': typ,
+ 'op': oper if oper in ('in', 'near') else None})))
added += 1
- copystr.copy_out(cursor, 'word',
- columns=['word_token', 'type', 'word', 'info'])
return added
def _remove_special_phrases(self, cursor: Cursor,
- new_phrases: Set[Tuple[str, str, str, str]],
- existing_phrases: Set[Tuple[str, str, str, str]]) -> int:
+ new_phrases: Set[Tuple[str, str, str, str]],
+ existing_phrases: Set[Tuple[str, str, str, str]]) -> int:
""" Remove all phrases from the database that are no longer in the
new phrase list.
to_delete = existing_phrases - new_phrases
if to_delete:
- cursor.execute_values(
- """ DELETE FROM word USING (VALUES %s) as v(name, in_class, in_type, op)
- WHERE type = 'S' and word = name
- and info->>'class' = in_class and info->>'type' = in_type
- and ((op = '-' and info->>'op' is null) or op = info->>'op')
+ cursor.executemany(
+ """ DELETE FROM word
+ WHERE type = 'S' and word = %s
+ and info->>'class' = %s and info->>'type' = %s
+ and %s = coalesce(info->>'op', '-')
""", to_delete)
return len(to_delete)
def add_country_names(self, country_code: str, names: Mapping[str, str]) -> None:
""" Add default names for the given country to the search index.
def _add_country_full_names(self, country_code: str, names: Sequence[PlaceName],
internal: bool = False) -> None:
""" Add names for the given country from an already sanitized
gone_tokens.update(existing_tokens[False] & word_tokens)
if gone_tokens:
cur.execute("""DELETE FROM word
- USING unnest(%s) as token
+ USING unnest(%s::text[]) as token
WHERE type = 'C' and word = %s
and word_token = token""",
(list(gone_tokens), country_code))
if internal:
sql = """INSERT INTO word (word_token, type, word, info)
(SELECT token, 'C', %s, '{"internal": "yes"}'
- FROM unnest(%s) as token)
+ FROM unnest(%s::text[]) as token)
sql = """INSERT INTO word (word_token, type, word)
(SELECT token, 'C', %s
- FROM unnest(%s) as token)
+ FROM unnest(%s::text[]) as token)
cur.execute(sql, (country_code, list(new_tokens)))
def process_place(self, place: PlaceInfo) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
""" Determine tokenizer information about the given place.
return token_info.to_dict()
def _process_place_address(self, token_info: '_TokenInfo',
address: Sequence[PlaceName]) -> None:
for item in address:
elif item.kind == 'place':
if not item.suffix:
- elif not item.kind.startswith('_') and not item.suffix and \
- item.kind not in ('country', 'full', 'inclusion'):
+ elif (not item.kind.startswith('_') and not item.suffix and
+ item.kind not in ('country', 'full', 'inclusion')):
def _compute_housenumber_token(self, hnr: PlaceName) -> Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[str]]:
""" Normalize the housenumber and return the word token and the
canonical form.
return result
def _retrieve_full_tokens(self, name: str) -> List[int]:
""" Get the full name token for the given name, if it exists.
The name is only retrieved for the standard analyser.
return full
def _compute_name_tokens(self, names: Sequence[PlaceName]) -> Tuple[Set[int], Set[int]]:
""" Computes the full name and partial name tokens for the given
dictionary of names.
return full_tokens, partial_tokens
def _add_postcode(self, item: PlaceName) -> Optional[str]:
""" Make sure the normalized postcode is present in the word table.
analyzer = self.token_analysis.analysis.get('@postcode')
if analyzer is None:
- postcode_name =
- variant_base = None
+ return
- postcode_name = analyzer.get_canonical_id(item)
- variant_base = item.get_attr("variant")
- if variant_base:
- postcode = f'{postcode_name}@{variant_base}'
- else:
- postcode = postcode_name
- if postcode not in self._cache.postcodes:
- term = self._search_normalized(postcode_name)
- if not term:
- return None
- variants = {term}
- if analyzer is not None and variant_base:
- variants.update(analyzer.compute_variants(variant_base))
- with self.conn.cursor() as cur:
- cur.execute("SELECT create_postcode_word(%s, %s)",
- (postcode, list(variants)))
- self._cache.postcodes.add(postcode)
- return postcode_name
+ return analyzer.get_canonical_id(item)
class _TokenInfo:
self.address_tokens: Dict[str, str] = {}
self.postcode: Optional[str] = None
def _mk_array(self, tokens: Iterable[Any]) -> str:
return f"{{{','.join((str(s) for s in tokens))}}}"
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
""" Return the token information in database importable format.
return out
def set_names(self, fulls: Iterable[int], partials: Iterable[int]) -> None:
""" Adds token information for the normalised names.
self.names = self._mk_array(itertools.chain(fulls, partials))
def add_housenumber(self, token: Optional[int], hnr: Optional[str]) -> None:
""" Extract housenumber information from a list of normalised
def add_street(self, tokens: Iterable[int]) -> None:
""" Add addr:street match terms.
self.street_tokens = set()
def add_place(self, tokens: Iterable[int]) -> None:
""" Add addr:place search and match terms.
def add_address_term(self, key: str, partials: Iterable[int]) -> None:
""" Add additional address terms.
self.names: Dict[str, Tuple[int, List[int]]] = {}
self.partials: Dict[str, int] = {}
self.fulls: Dict[str, List[int]] = {}
- self.postcodes: Set[str] = set()
self.housenumbers: Dict[str, Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[str]]] = {}