-class Cursor(psycopg2.extras.DictCursor):
- """ A cursor returning dict-like objects and providing specialised
- execution functions.
- """
- # pylint: disable=arguments-renamed,arguments-differ
- def execute(self, query: Query, args: Any = None) -> None:
- """ Query execution that logs the SQL query when debugging is enabled.
- """
- if LOG.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
- LOG.debug(self.mogrify(query, args).decode('utf-8'))
- super().execute(query, args)
- def execute_values(self, sql: Query, argslist: Iterable[Tuple[Any, ...]],
- template: Optional[Query] = None) -> None:
- """ Wrapper for the psycopg2 convenience function to execute
- SQL for a list of values.
- """
- LOG.debug("SQL execute_values(%s, %s)", sql, argslist)
- psycopg2.extras.execute_values(self, sql, argslist, template=template)
-class Connection(psycopg2.extensions.connection):
- """ A connection that provides the specialised cursor by default and
- adds convenience functions for administrating the database.
- """
- @overload # type: ignore[override]
- def cursor(self) -> Cursor:
- ...
- @overload
- def cursor(self, name: str) -> Cursor:
- ...
- @overload
- def cursor(self, cursor_factory: Callable[..., T_cursor]) -> T_cursor:
- ...