- function getDetails($aPlaceIDs)
- {
- //$aPlaceIDs is an array with key: placeID and value: tiger-housenumber, if found, else -1
- if (sizeof($aPlaceIDs) == 0) return array();
- $sLanguagePrefArraySQL = "ARRAY[".join(',',array_map("getDBQuoted",$this->aLangPrefOrder))."]";
- // Get the details for display (is this a redundant extra step?)
- $sPlaceIDs = join(',', array_keys($aPlaceIDs));
- $sImportanceSQL = '';
- if ($this->sViewboxSmallSQL) $sImportanceSQL .= " case when ST_Contains($this->sViewboxSmallSQL, ST_Collect(centroid)) THEN 1 ELSE 0.75 END * ";
- if ($this->sViewboxLargeSQL) $sImportanceSQL .= " case when ST_Contains($this->sViewboxLargeSQL, ST_Collect(centroid)) THEN 1 ELSE 0.75 END * ";
- $sSQL = "select osm_type,osm_id,class,type,admin_level,rank_search,rank_address,min(place_id) as place_id, min(parent_place_id) as parent_place_id, calculated_country_code as country_code,";
- $sSQL .= "get_address_by_language(place_id, -1, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as langaddress,";
- $sSQL .= "get_name_by_language(name, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as placename,";
- $sSQL .= "get_name_by_language(name, ARRAY['ref']) as ref,";
- if ($this->bIncludeExtraTags) $sSQL .= "hstore_to_json(extratags)::text as extra,";
- if ($this->bIncludeNameDetails) $sSQL .= "hstore_to_json(name)::text as names,";
- $sSQL .= "avg(ST_X(centroid)) as lon,avg(ST_Y(centroid)) as lat, ";
- $sSQL .= $sImportanceSQL."coalesce(importance,0.75-(rank_search::float/40)) as importance, ";
- $sSQL .= "(select max(p.importance*(p.rank_address+2)) from place_addressline s, placex p where s.place_id = min(CASE WHEN placex.rank_search < 28 THEN placex.place_id ELSE placex.parent_place_id END) and p.place_id = s.address_place_id and s.isaddress and p.importance is not null) as addressimportance, ";
- $sSQL .= "(extratags->'place') as extra_place ";
- $sSQL .= "from placex where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) ";
- $sSQL .= "and (placex.rank_address between $this->iMinAddressRank and $this->iMaxAddressRank ";
- if (14 >= $this->iMinAddressRank && 14 <= $this->iMaxAddressRank) $sSQL .= " OR (extratags->'place') = 'city'";
- if ($this->aAddressRankList) $sSQL .= " OR placex.rank_address in (".join(',',$this->aAddressRankList).")";
- $sSQL .= ") ";
- if ($this->sAllowedTypesSQLList) $sSQL .= "and placex.class in $this->sAllowedTypesSQLList ";
- $sSQL .= "and linked_place_id is null ";
- $sSQL .= "group by osm_type,osm_id,class,type,admin_level,rank_search,rank_address,calculated_country_code,importance";
- if (!$this->bDeDupe) $sSQL .= ",place_id";
- $sSQL .= ",langaddress ";
- $sSQL .= ",placename ";
- $sSQL .= ",ref ";
- if ($this->bIncludeExtraTags) $sSQL .= ",extratags";
- if ($this->bIncludeNameDetails) $sSQL .= ",name";
- $sSQL .= ",extratags->'place' ";
- if (30 >= $this->iMinAddressRank && 30 <= $this->iMaxAddressRank) {
- //only Tiger housenumbers and interpolation lines need to be interpolated, because they are saved as lines
- // with start- and endnumber, the common osm housenumbers are usually saved as points
- $sHousenumbers = "";
- $i = 0;
- $length = count($aPlaceIDs);
- foreach ($aPlaceIDs as $placeID => $housenumber) {
- $i++;
- $sHousenumbers .= "(".$placeID.", ".$housenumber.")";
- if ($i<$length) $sHousenumbers .= ", ";
- }
- if (CONST_Use_US_Tiger_Data) {
- //Tiger search only if a housenumber was searched and if it was found (i.e. aPlaceIDs[placeID] = housenumber != -1) (realized through a join)
- $sSQL .= " union";
- $sSQL .= " select 'T' as osm_type, place_id as osm_id, 'place' as class, 'house' as type, null as admin_level, 30 as rank_search, 30 as rank_address, min(place_id) as place_id, min(parent_place_id) as parent_place_id, 'us' as country_code";
- $sSQL .= ", get_address_by_language(place_id, housenumber_for_place, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as langaddress ";
- $sSQL .= ", null as placename";
- $sSQL .= ", null as ref";
- if ($this->bIncludeExtraTags) $sSQL .= ", null as extra";
- if ($this->bIncludeNameDetails) $sSQL .= ", null as names";
- $sSQL .= ", avg(st_x(centroid)) as lon, avg(st_y(centroid)) as lat,";
- $sSQL .= $sImportanceSQL."-1.15 as importance ";
- $sSQL .= ", (select max(p.importance*(p.rank_address+2)) from place_addressline s, placex p where s.place_id = min(blub.parent_place_id) and p.place_id = s.address_place_id and s.isaddress and p.importance is not null) as addressimportance ";
- $sSQL .= ", null as extra_place ";
- $sSQL .= " from (select place_id";
- //interpolate the Tiger housenumbers here
- $sSQL .= ", ST_LineInterpolatePoint(linegeo, (housenumber_for_place-startnumber::float)/(endnumber-startnumber)::float) as centroid, parent_place_id, housenumber_for_place";
- $sSQL .= " from (location_property_tiger ";
- $sSQL .= " join (values ".$sHousenumbers.") as housenumbers(place_id, housenumber_for_place) using(place_id)) ";
- $sSQL .= " where housenumber_for_place>=0 and 30 between $this->iMinAddressRank and $this->iMaxAddressRank) as blub"; //postgres wants an alias here
- $sSQL .= " group by place_id, housenumber_for_place"; //is this group by really needed?, place_id + housenumber (in combination) are unique
- if (!$this->bDeDupe) $sSQL .= ", place_id ";
- }
- // osmline
- // interpolation line search only if a housenumber was searched and if it was found (i.e. aPlaceIDs[placeID] = housenumber != -1) (realized through a join)
- $sSQL .= " union ";
- $sSQL .= "select 'W' as osm_type, place_id as osm_id, 'place' as class, 'house' as type, null as admin_level, 30 as rank_search, 30 as rank_address, min(place_id) as place_id, min(parent_place_id) as parent_place_id, calculated_country_code as country_code, ";
- $sSQL .= "get_address_by_language(place_id, housenumber_for_place, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as langaddress, ";
- $sSQL .= "null as placename, ";
- $sSQL .= "null as ref, ";
- if ($this->bIncludeExtraTags) $sSQL .= "null as extra, ";
- if ($this->bIncludeNameDetails) $sSQL .= "null as names, ";
- $sSQL .= " avg(st_x(centroid)) as lon, avg(st_y(centroid)) as lat,";
- $sSQL .= $sImportanceSQL."-0.1 as importance, "; // slightly smaller than the importance for normal houses with rank 30, which is 0
- $sSQL .= " (select max(p.importance*(p.rank_address+2)) from place_addressline s, placex p";
- $sSQL .= " where s.place_id = min(blub.parent_place_id) and p.place_id = s.address_place_id and s.isaddress and p.importance is not null) as addressimportance,";
- $sSQL .= " null as extra_place ";
- $sSQL .= " from (select place_id, calculated_country_code ";
- //interpolate the housenumbers here
- $sSQL .= ", CASE WHEN startnumber != endnumber THEN ST_LineInterpolatePoint(linegeo, (housenumber_for_place-startnumber::float)/(endnumber-startnumber)::float) ";
- $sSQL .= " ELSE ST_LineInterpolatePoint(linegeo, 0.5) END as centroid";
- $sSQL .= ", parent_place_id, housenumber_for_place ";
- $sSQL .= " from (location_property_osmline ";
- $sSQL .= " join (values ".$sHousenumbers.") as housenumbers(place_id, housenumber_for_place) using(place_id)) ";
- $sSQL .= " where housenumber_for_place>=0 and 30 between $this->iMinAddressRank and $this->iMaxAddressRank) as blub"; //postgres wants an alias here
- $sSQL .= " group by place_id, housenumber_for_place, calculated_country_code "; //is this group by really needed?, place_id + housenumber (in combination) are unique
- if (!$this->bDeDupe) $sSQL .= ", place_id ";
- if (CONST_Use_Aux_Location_data) {
- $sSQL .= " union ";
- $sSQL .= "select 'L' as osm_type, place_id as osm_id, 'place' as class, 'house' as type, null as admin_level, 0 as rank_search, 0 as rank_address, min(place_id) as place_id, min(parent_place_id) as parent_place_id, 'us' as country_code, ";
- $sSQL .= "get_address_by_language(place_id, -1, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as langaddress, ";
- $sSQL .= "null as placename, ";
- $sSQL .= "null as ref, ";
- if ($this->bIncludeExtraTags) $sSQL .= "null as extra, ";
- if ($this->bIncludeNameDetails) $sSQL .= "null as names, ";
- $sSQL .= "avg(ST_X(centroid)) as lon, avg(ST_Y(centroid)) as lat, ";
- $sSQL .= $sImportanceSQL."-1.10 as importance, ";
- $sSQL .= "(select max(p.importance*(p.rank_address+2)) from place_addressline s, placex p where s.place_id = min(location_property_aux.parent_place_id) and p.place_id = s.address_place_id and s.isaddress and p.importance is not null) as addressimportance, ";
- $sSQL .= "null as extra_place ";
- $sSQL .= "from location_property_aux where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) ";
- $sSQL .= "and 30 between $this->iMinAddressRank and $this->iMaxAddressRank ";
- $sSQL .= "group by place_id";
- if (!$this->bDeDupe) $sSQL .= ", place_id";
- $sSQL .= ", get_address_by_language(place_id, -1, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) ";
- }
- }
- $sSQL .= " order by importance desc";
- if (CONST_Debug) {
- echo "<hr>"; var_dump($sSQL);
- }
- $aSearchResults = chksql($this->oDB->getAll($sSQL),
- "Could not get details for place.");
- return $aSearchResults;
- }
- function getGroupedSearches($aSearches, $aPhraseTypes, $aPhrases, $aValidTokens, $aWordFrequencyScores, $bStructuredPhrases)