+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+# This file is part of Nominatim. (https://nominatim.org)
+# Copyright (C) 2022 by the Nominatim developer community.
+# For a full list of authors see the git log.
Functions for bringing auxiliary data in the database up-to-date.
-import json
+from typing import MutableSequence, Tuple, Any, Type, Mapping, Sequence, List, cast
+import csv
+import gzip
import logging
-import re
from textwrap import dedent
+from pathlib import Path
-from psycopg2.extras import execute_values
+from psycopg2 import sql as pysql
-from ..db.utils import execute_file
+from nominatim.config import Configuration
+from nominatim.db.connection import Connection, connect
+from nominatim.db.utils import execute_file, CopyBuffer
+from nominatim.db.sql_preprocessor import SQLPreprocessor
+from nominatim.version import NOMINATIM_VERSION
LOG = logging.getLogger()
-def update_postcodes(conn, sql_dir):
- """ Recalculate postcode centroids and add, remove and update entries in the
- location_postcode table. `conn` is an opne connection to the database.
- """
- execute_file(conn, sql_dir / 'update-postcodes.sql')
-def recompute_word_counts(conn, sql_dir):
- """ Compute the frequency of full-word search terms.
- """
- execute_file(conn, sql_dir / 'words_from_search_name.sql')
+OSM_TYPE = {'N': 'node', 'W': 'way', 'R': 'relation'}
-def _add_address_level_rows_from_entry(rows, entry):
+def _add_address_level_rows_from_entry(rows: MutableSequence[Tuple[Any, ...]],
+ entry: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None:
""" Converts a single entry from the JSON format for address rank
descriptions into a flat format suitable for inserting into a
PostgreSQL table and adds these lines to `rows`.
for country in countries:
rows.append((country, key, value, rank_search, rank_address))
-def load_address_levels(conn, table, levels):
+def load_address_levels(conn: Connection, table: str, levels: Sequence[Mapping[str, Any]]) -> None:
""" Replace the `address_levels` table with the contents of `levels'.
A new table is created any previously existing table is dropped.
The table has the following columns:
country, class, type, rank_search, rank_address
- rows = []
+ rows: List[Tuple[Any, ...]] = []
for entry in levels:
_add_address_level_rows_from_entry(rows, entry)
with conn.cursor() as cur:
- cur.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {}'.format(table))
+ cur.drop_table(table)
- cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE {} (country_code varchar(2),
+ cur.execute(pysql.SQL("""CREATE TABLE {} (
+ country_code varchar(2),
class TEXT,
type TEXT,
rank_search SMALLINT,
- rank_address SMALLINT)""".format(table))
+ rank_address SMALLINT)
+ """).format(pysql.Identifier(table)))
- execute_values(cur, "INSERT INTO {} VALUES %s".format(table), rows)
+ cur.execute_values(pysql.SQL("INSERT INTO {} VALUES %s")
+ .format(pysql.Identifier(table)), rows)
- cur.execute('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON {} (country_code, class, type)'.format(table))
+ cur.execute(pysql.SQL('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON {} (country_code, class, type)')
+ .format(pysql.Identifier(table)))
-def load_address_levels_from_file(conn, config_file):
- """ Replace the `address_levels` table with the contents of the config
- file.
- """
- with config_file.open('r') as fdesc:
- load_address_levels(conn, 'address_levels', json.load(fdesc))
- 'utils.sql',
- 'normalization.sql',
- 'ranking.sql',
- 'importance.sql',
- 'address_lookup.sql',
- 'interpolation.sql'
- ('place', 'place_triggers.sql'),
- ('placex', 'placex_triggers.sql'),
- ('location_postcode', 'postcode_triggers.sql')
-def _get_standard_function_sql(conn, config, sql_dir, enable_diff_updates, enable_debug):
- """ Read all applicable SQLs containing PL/pgSQL functions, replace
- placefolders and execute them.
+def load_address_levels_from_config(conn: Connection, config: Configuration) -> None:
+ """ Replace the `address_levels` table with the content as
+ defined in the given configuration. Uses the parameter
+ NOMINATIM_ADDRESS_LEVEL_CONFIG to determine the location of the
+ configuration file.
- sql_func_dir = sql_dir / 'functions'
- sql = ''
- # Get the basic set of functions that is always imported.
- for sql_file in PLPGSQL_BASE_MODULES:
- with (sql_func_dir / sql_file).open('r') as fdesc:
- sql += fdesc.read()
- # Some files require the presence of a certain table
- for table, fname in PLPGSQL_TABLE_MODULES:
- if conn.table_exists(table):
- with (sql_func_dir / fname).open('r') as fdesc:
- sql += fdesc.read()
- # Replace placeholders.
- sql = sql.replace('{modulepath}',
- config.DATABASE_MODULE_PATH or str((config.project_dir / 'module').resolve()))
- if enable_diff_updates:
- sql = sql.replace('RETURN NEW; -- %DIFFUPDATES%', '--')
- if enable_debug:
- sql = sql.replace('--DEBUG:', '')
- if config.get_bool('LIMIT_REINDEXING'):
- sql = sql.replace('--LIMIT INDEXING:', '')
- if not config.get_bool('USE_US_TIGER_DATA'):
- sql = sql.replace('-- %NOTIGERDATA% ', '')
- if not config.get_bool('USE_AUX_LOCATION_DATA'):
- sql = sql.replace('-- %NOAUXDATA% ', '')
- reverse_only = 'false' if conn.table_exists('search_name') else 'true'
+ cfg = config.load_sub_configuration('', config='ADDRESS_LEVEL_CONFIG')
+ load_address_levels(conn, 'address_levels', cfg)
- return sql.replace('%REVERSE-ONLY%', reverse_only)
-def replace_partition_string(sql, partitions):
- """ Replace a partition template with the actual partition code.
- """
- for match in re.findall('^-- start(.*?)^-- end', sql, re.M | re.S):
- repl = ''
- for part in partitions:
- repl += match.replace('-partition-', str(part))
- sql = sql.replace(match, repl)
- return sql
-def _get_partition_function_sql(conn, sql_dir):
- """ Create functions that work on partition tables.
- """
- with conn.cursor() as cur:
- cur.execute('SELECT distinct partition FROM country_name')
- partitions = set([0])
- for row in cur:
- partitions.add(row[0])
- with (sql_dir / 'partition-functions.src.sql').open('r') as fdesc:
- sql = fdesc.read()
- return replace_partition_string(sql, sorted(partitions))
-def create_functions(conn, config, sql_dir,
- enable_diff_updates=True, enable_debug=False):
+def create_functions(conn: Connection, config: Configuration,
+ enable_diff_updates: bool = True,
+ enable_debug: bool = False) -> None:
""" (Re)create the PL/pgSQL functions.
- sql = _get_standard_function_sql(conn, config, sql_dir,
- enable_diff_updates, enable_debug)
- sql += _get_partition_function_sql(conn, sql_dir)
+ sql = SQLPreprocessor(conn, config)
- with conn.cursor() as cur:
- cur.execute(sql)
+ sql.run_sql_file(conn, 'functions.sql',
+ disable_diff_updates=not enable_diff_updates,
+ debug=enable_debug)
- conn.commit()
('Database_DSN', 'DATABASE_DSN', str),
('Default_Language', 'DEFAULT_LANGUAGE', str),
('Log_DB', 'LOG_DB', bool),
- ('Log_File', 'LOG_FILE', str),
- ('Max_Word_Frequency', 'MAX_WORD_FREQUENCY', int),
+ ('Log_File', 'LOG_FILE', Path),
('NoAccessControl', 'CORS_NOACCESSCONTROL', bool),
('Places_Max_ID_count', 'LOOKUP_MAX_COUNT', int),
('PolygonOutput_MaximumTypes', 'POLYGON_OUTPUT_MAX_TYPES', int),
('Search_BatchMode', 'SEARCH_BATCH_MODE', bool),
('Search_NameOnlySearchFrequencyThreshold', 'SEARCH_NAME_ONLY_THRESHOLD', str),
- ('Term_Normalization_Rules', 'TERM_NORMALIZATION', str),
- ('Use_Aux_Location_data', 'USE_AUX_LOCATION_DATA', bool),
('Use_US_Tiger_Data', 'USE_US_TIGER_DATA', bool),
('MapIcon_URL', 'MAPICON_URL', str),
+ ('Search_WithinCountries', 'SEARCH_WITHIN_COUNTRIES', bool),
-def setup_website(basedir, phplib_dir, config):
+def import_wikipedia_articles(dsn: str, data_path: Path, ignore_errors: bool = False) -> int:
+ """ Replaces the wikipedia importance tables with new data.
+ The import is run in a single transaction so that the new data
+ is replace seamlessly.
+ Returns 0 if all was well and 1 if the importance file could not
+ be found. Throws an exception if there was an error reading the file.
+ """
+ if import_importance_csv(dsn, data_path / 'wikimedia-importance.csv.gz') == 0 \
+ or import_importance_sql(dsn, data_path / 'wikimedia-importance.sql.gz',
+ ignore_errors) == 0:
+ return 0
+ return 1
+def import_importance_csv(dsn: str, data_file: Path) -> int:
+ """ Replace wikipedia importance table with data from a
+ single CSV file.
+ The file must be a gzipped CSV and have the following columns:
+ language, title, importance, wikidata_id
+ Other columns may be present but will be ignored.
+ """
+ if not data_file.exists():
+ return 1
+ # Only import the first occurance of a wikidata ID.
+ # This keeps indexes and table small.
+ wd_done = set()
+ with connect(dsn) as conn:
+ with conn.cursor() as cur:
+ cur.drop_table('wikipedia_article')
+ cur.drop_table('wikipedia_redirect')
+ cur.drop_table('wikimedia_importance')
+ cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE wikimedia_importance (
+ language TEXT NOT NULL,
+ title TEXT NOT NULL,
+ importance double precision NOT NULL,
+ wikidata TEXT
+ ) """)
+ with gzip.open(str(data_file), 'rt') as fd, CopyBuffer() as buf:
+ for row in csv.DictReader(fd, delimiter='\t', quotechar='|'):
+ wd_id = int(row['wikidata_id'][1:])
+ buf.add(row['language'], row['title'], row['importance'],
+ None if wd_id in wd_done else row['wikidata_id'])
+ wd_done.add(wd_id)
+ if buf.size() > 10000000:
+ with conn.cursor() as cur:
+ buf.copy_out(cur, 'wikimedia_importance',
+ columns=['language', 'title', 'importance',
+ 'wikidata'])
+ with conn.cursor() as cur:
+ buf.copy_out(cur, 'wikimedia_importance',
+ columns=['language', 'title', 'importance', 'wikidata'])
+ with conn.cursor() as cur:
+ cur.execute("""CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_wikimedia_importance_title
+ ON wikimedia_importance (title)""")
+ cur.execute("""CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_wikimedia_importance_wikidata
+ ON wikimedia_importance (wikidata)
+ WHERE wikidata is not null""")
+ conn.commit()
+ return 0
+def import_importance_sql(dsn: str, data_file: Path, ignore_errors: bool) -> int:
+ """ Replace wikipedia importance table with data from an SQL file.
+ """
+ if not data_file.exists():
+ return 1
+ pre_code = """BEGIN;
+ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "wikipedia_article";
+ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "wikipedia_redirect";
+ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "wikipedia_importance";
+ """
+ post_code = "COMMIT"
+ execute_file(dsn, data_file, ignore_errors=ignore_errors,
+ pre_code=pre_code, post_code=post_code)
+ return 0
+def import_secondary_importance(dsn: str, data_path: Path, ignore_errors: bool = False) -> int:
+ """ Replaces the secondary importance raster data table with new data.
+ Returns 0 if all was well and 1 if the raster SQL file could not
+ be found. Throws an exception if there was an error reading the file.
+ """
+ datafile = data_path / 'secondary_importance.sql.gz'
+ if not datafile.exists():
+ return 1
+ with connect(dsn) as conn:
+ postgis_version = conn.postgis_version_tuple()
+ if postgis_version[0] < 3:
+ LOG.error('PostGIS version is too old for using OSM raster data.')
+ return 2
+ execute_file(dsn, datafile, ignore_errors=ignore_errors)
+ return 0
+def recompute_importance(conn: Connection) -> None:
+ """ Recompute wikipedia links and importance for all entries in placex.
+ This is a long-running operations that must not be executed in
+ parallel with updates.
+ """
+ with conn.cursor() as cur:
+ cur.execute('ALTER TABLE placex DISABLE TRIGGER ALL')
+ cur.execute("""
+ UPDATE placex SET (wikipedia, importance) =
+ (SELECT wikipedia, importance
+ FROM compute_importance(extratags, country_code, rank_search, centroid))
+ """)
+ cur.execute("""
+ UPDATE placex s SET wikipedia = d.wikipedia, importance = d.importance
+ FROM placex d
+ WHERE s.place_id = d.linked_place_id and d.wikipedia is not null
+ and (s.wikipedia is null or s.importance < d.importance);
+ """)
+ cur.execute('ALTER TABLE placex ENABLE TRIGGER ALL')
+ conn.commit()
+def _quote_php_variable(var_type: Type[Any], config: Configuration,
+ conf_name: str) -> str:
+ if var_type == bool:
+ return 'true' if config.get_bool(conf_name) else 'false'
+ if var_type == int:
+ return cast(str, getattr(config, conf_name))
+ if not getattr(config, conf_name):
+ return 'false'
+ if var_type == Path:
+ value = str(config.get_path(conf_name) or '')
+ else:
+ value = getattr(config, conf_name)
+ quoted = value.replace("'", "\\'")
+ return f"'{quoted}'"
+def setup_website(basedir: Path, config: Configuration, conn: Connection) -> None:
""" Create the website script stubs.
+ if config.lib_dir.php is None:
+ LOG.info("Python frontend does not require website setup. Skipping.")
+ return
if not basedir.exists():
LOG.info('Creating website directory.')
- template = dedent("""\
+ assert config.project_dir is not None
+ basedata = dedent(f"""\
@define('CONST_Debug', $_GET['debug'] ?? false);
- @define('CONST_LibDir', '{}');
+ @define('CONST_LibDir', '{config.lib_dir.php}');
+ @define('CONST_TokenizerDir', '{config.project_dir / 'tokenizer'}');
+ @define('CONST_NominatimVersion', '{NOMINATIM_VERSION!s}');
- """.format(phplib_dir))
+ """)
for php_name, conf_name, var_type in PHP_CONST_DEFS:
- if var_type == bool:
- varout = 'true' if config.get_bool(conf_name) else 'false'
- elif var_type == int:
- varout = getattr(config, conf_name)
- elif not getattr(config, conf_name):
- varout = 'false'
- else:
- varout = "'{}'".format(getattr(config, conf_name).replace("'", "\\'"))
+ varout = _quote_php_variable(var_type, config, conf_name)
+ basedata += f"@define('CONST_{php_name}', {varout});\n"
- template += "@define('CONST_{}', {});\n".format(php_name, varout)
+ template = "\nrequire_once(CONST_LibDir.'/website/{}');\n"
- template += "\nrequire_once('{}/website/{{}}');\n".format(phplib_dir)
+ search_name_table_exists = bool(conn and conn.table_exists('search_name'))
for script in WEBSITE_SCRIPTS:
- (basedir / script).write_text(template.format(script), 'utf-8')
+ if not search_name_table_exists and script == 'search.php':
+ out = template.format('reverse-only-search.php')
+ else:
+ out = template.format(script)
+ (basedir / script).write_text(basedata + out, 'utf-8')
+def invalidate_osm_object(osm_type: str, osm_id: int, conn: Connection,
+ recursive: bool = True) -> None:
+ """ Mark the given OSM object for reindexing. When 'recursive' is set
+ to True (the default), then all dependent objects are marked for
+ reindexing as well.
+ 'osm_type' must be on of 'N' (node), 'W' (way) or 'R' (relation).
+ If the given object does not exist, then nothing happens.
+ """
+ assert osm_type in ('N', 'R', 'W')
+ LOG.warning("Invalidating OSM %s %s%s.",
+ OSM_TYPE[osm_type], osm_id,
+ ' and its dependent places' if recursive else '')
+ with conn.cursor() as cur:
+ if recursive:
+ sql = """SELECT place_force_update(place_id)
+ FROM placex WHERE osm_type = %s and osm_id = %s"""
+ else:
+ sql = """UPDATE placex SET indexed_status = 2
+ WHERE osm_type = %s and osm_id = %s"""
+ cur.execute(sql, (osm_type, osm_id))