Generic part of the server implementation of the v1 API.
Combine with the scaffolding provided for the various Python ASGI frameworks.
-from typing import Optional, Any, Type, Callable
+from typing import Optional, Any, Type, Callable, NoReturn, TypeVar
import abc
from nominatim.config import Configuration
import nominatim.api as napi
+import nominatim.api.logging as loglib
from nominatim.api.v1.format import dispatch as formatting
'text': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8',
'xml': 'text/xml; charset=utf-8',
- 'jsonp': 'application/javascript'
+ 'debug': 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
+ConvT = TypeVar('ConvT', int, float)
class ASGIAdaptor(abc.ABC):
""" Adapter class for the different ASGI frameworks.
Wraps functionality over concrete requests and responses.
+ content_type: str = 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'
def get(self, name: str, default: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]:
- def create_response(self, status: int, output: str, content_type: str) -> Any:
+ def create_response(self, status: int, output: str) -> Any:
""" Create a response from the given parameters. The result will
be returned by the endpoint functions. The adaptor may also
return None when the response is created internally with some
- def build_response(self, output: str, media_type: str, status: int = 200) -> Any:
+ def build_response(self, output: str, status: int = 200) -> Any:
""" Create a response from the given output. Wraps a JSONP function
around the response, if necessary.
- if media_type == 'json' and status == 200:
+ if self.content_type == 'application/json' and status == 200:
jsonp = self.get('json_callback')
if jsonp is not None:
if any(not part.isidentifier() for part in jsonp.split('.')):
- raise self.error('Invalid json_callback value')
+ self.raise_error('Invalid json_callback value')
output = f"{jsonp}({output})"
- media_type = 'jsonp'
+ self.content_type = 'application/javascript'
- return self.create_response(status, output,
- CONTENT_TYPE.get(media_type, 'application/json'))
+ return self.create_response(status, output)
- def get_int(self, name: str, default: Optional[int] = None) -> int:
- """ Return an input parameter as an int. Raises an exception if
- the parameter is given but not in an integer format.
+ def raise_error(self, msg: str, status: int = 400) -> NoReturn:
+ """ Raise an exception resulting in the given HTTP status and
+ message. The message will be formatted according to the
+ output format chosen by the request.
+ """
+ if self.content_type == 'text/xml; charset=utf-8':
+ msg = f"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+ <error>
+ <code>{status}</code>
+ <message>{msg}</message>
+ </error>
+ """
+ elif self.content_type == 'application/json':
+ msg = f"""{{"error":{{"code":{status},"message":"{msg}"}}}}"""
+ elif self.content_type == 'text/html; charset=utf-8':
+ loglib.log().section('Execution error')
+ loglib.log().var_dump('Status', status)
+ loglib.log().var_dump('Message', msg)
+ msg = loglib.get_and_disable()
+ raise self.error(msg, status)
+ def _get_typed(self, name: str, dest_type: Type[ConvT], type_name: str,
+ default: Optional[ConvT] = None) -> ConvT:
+ """ Return an input parameter as the type 'dest_type'. Raises an
+ exception if the parameter is given but not in the given format.
If 'default' is given, then it will be returned when the parameter
is missing completely. When 'default' is None, an error will be
if default is not None:
return default
- raise self.error(f"Parameter '{name}' missing.")
+ self.raise_error(f"Parameter '{name}' missing.")
- return int(value)
- except ValueError as exc:
- raise self.error(f"Parameter '{name}' must be a number.") from exc
+ intval = dest_type(value)
+ except ValueError:
+ self.raise_error(f"Parameter '{name}' must be a {type_name}.")
+ return intval
+ def get_int(self, name: str, default: Optional[int] = None) -> int:
+ """ Return an input parameter as an int. Raises an exception if
+ the parameter is given but not in an integer format.
+ If 'default' is given, then it will be returned when the parameter
+ is missing completely. When 'default' is None, an error will be
+ raised on a missing parameter.
+ """
+ return self._get_typed(name, int, 'number', default)
+ def get_float(self, name: str, default: Optional[float] = None) -> int:
+ """ Return an input parameter as a flaoting-point number. Raises an
+ exception if the parameter is given but not in an float format.
+ If 'default' is given, then it will be returned when the parameter
+ is missing completely. When 'default' is None, an error will be
+ raised on a missing parameter.
+ """
+ return self._get_typed(name, float, 'number', default)
def get_bool(self, name: str, default: Optional[bool] = None) -> bool:
if default is not None:
return default
- raise self.error(f"Parameter '{name}' missing.")
+ self.raise_error(f"Parameter '{name}' missing.")
return value != '0'
def get_accepted_languages(self) -> str:
- """ Return the accepted langauges.
+ """ Return the accepted languages.
return self.get('accept-language')\
or self.get_header('http_accept_language')\
or self.config().DEFAULT_LANGUAGE
-def parse_format(params: ASGIAdaptor, result_type: Type[Any], default: str) -> str:
- """ Get and check the 'format' parameter and prepare the formatter.
- `fmtter` is a formatter and `default` the
- format value to assume when no parameter is present.
- """
- fmt = params.get('format', default=default)
- assert fmt is not None
+ def setup_debugging(self) -> bool:
+ """ Set up collection of debug information if requested.
+ Return True when debugging was requested.
+ """
+ if self.get_bool('debug', False):
+ loglib.set_log_output('html')
+ self.content_type = 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
+ return True
+ return False
- if not formatting.supports_format(result_type, fmt):
- raise params.error("Parameter 'format' must be one of: " +
- ', '.join(formatting.list_formats(result_type)))
- return fmt
+ def get_layers(self) -> napi.DataLayer:
+ """ Return a parsed version of the layer parameter.
+ """
+ param = self.get('layer', None)
+ if param is None:
+ return None
+ return reduce(napi.DataLayer.__or__,
+ (getattr(napi.DataLayer, s.upper()) for s in param.split(',')))
+ def parse_format(self, result_type: Type[Any], default: str) -> str:
+ """ Get and check the 'format' parameter and prepare the formatter.
+ `result_type` is the type of result to be returned by the function
+ and `default` the format value to assume when no parameter is present.
+ """
+ fmt = self.get('format', default=default)
+ assert fmt is not None
+ if not formatting.supports_format(result_type, fmt):
+ self.raise_error("Parameter 'format' must be one of: " +
+ ', '.join(formatting.list_formats(result_type)))
+ self.content_type = CONTENT_TYPE.get(fmt, 'application/json')
+ return fmt
async def status_endpoint(api: napi.NominatimAPIAsync, params: ASGIAdaptor) -> Any:
result = await api.status()
- fmt = parse_format(params, napi.StatusResult, 'text')
+ fmt = params.parse_format(napi.StatusResult, 'text')
if fmt == 'text' and result.status:
status_code = 500
status_code = 200
- return params.build_response(formatting.format_result(result, fmt, {}), fmt,
+ return params.build_response(formatting.format_result(result, fmt, {}),
async def details_endpoint(api: napi.NominatimAPIAsync, params: ASGIAdaptor) -> Any:
""" Server glue for /details endpoint. See API docs for details.
+ fmt = params.parse_format(napi.DetailedResult, 'json')
place_id = params.get_int('place_id', 0)
place: napi.PlaceRef
if place_id:
osmtype = params.get('osmtype')
if osmtype is None:
- raise params.error("Missing ID parameter 'place_id' or 'osmtype'.")
+ params.raise_error("Missing ID parameter 'place_id' or 'osmtype'.")
place = napi.OsmID(osmtype, params.get_int('osmid'), params.get('class'))
+ debug = params.setup_debugging()
details = napi.LookupDetails(address_details=params.get_bool('addressdetails', False),
linked_places=params.get_bool('linkedplaces', False),
parented_places=params.get_bool('hierarchy', False),
details.geometry_output = napi.GeometryFormat.GEOJSON
locales = napi.Locales.from_accept_languages(params.get_accepted_languages())
- print(locales.languages)
result = await api.lookup(place, details)
+ if debug:
+ return params.build_response(loglib.get_and_disable())
if result is None:
- raise params.error('No place with that OSM ID found.', status=404)
+ params.raise_error('No place with that OSM ID found.', status=404)
- output = formatting.format_result(
- result,
- 'details-json',
+ output = formatting.format_result(result, fmt,
{'locales': locales,
'group_hierarchy': params.get_bool('group_hierarchy', False),
'icon_base_url': params.config().MAPICON_URL})
- return params.build_response(output, 'json')
+ return params.build_response(output)
+async def reverse_endpoint(api: napi.NominatimAPIAsync, params: ASGIAdaptor) -> Any:
+ """ Server glue for /reverse endpoint. See API docs for details.
+ """
+ fmt = params.parse_format(napi.ReverseResults, 'xml')
+ debug = params.setup_debugging()
+ coord = napi.Point(params.get_float('lon'), params.get_float('lat'))
+ locales = napi.Locales.from_accept_languages(params.get_accepted_languages())
+ zoom = max(0, min(18, params.get_int('zoom', 18)))
+ # Negation makes sure that NaN is handled. Don't change.
+ if not abs(coord[0]) <= 180 or not abs(coord[1]) <= 90:
+ params.raise_error('Invalid coordinates.')
+ details = napi.LookupDetails(address_details=True,
+ geometry_simplification=params.get_float('polygon_threshold', 0.0))
+ numgeoms = 0
+ if params.get_bool('polygon_geojson', False):
+ details.geometry_output |= napi.GeometryFormat.GEOJSON
+ numgeoms += 1
+ if fmt not in ('geojson', 'geocodejson'):
+ if params.get_bool('polygon_text', False):
+ details.geometry_output |= napi.GeometryFormat.TEXT
+ numgeoms += 1
+ if params.get_bool('polygon_kml', False):
+ details.geometry_output |= napi.GeometryFormat.KML
+ numgeoms += 1
+ if params.get_bool('polygon_svg', False):
+ details.geometry_output |= napi.GeometryFormat.SVG
+ numgeoms += 1
+ if numgeoms > params.config().get_int('POLYGON_OUTPUT_MAX_TYPES'):
+ params.raise_error(f'Too many polgyon output options selected.')
+ result = await api.reverse(coord, REVERSE_MAX_RANKS[zoom],
+ params.get_layers() or
+ napi.DataLayer.ADDRESS | napi.DataLayer.POI,
+ details)
+ if debug:
+ return params.build_response(loglib.get_and_disable())
+ fmt_options = {'locales': locales,
+ 'extratags': params.get_bool('extratags', False),
+ 'namedetails': params.get_bool('namedetails', False),
+ 'addressdetails': params.get_bool('addressdetails', True),
+ 'single_result': True}
+ if fmt == 'xml':
+ fmt_options['xml_roottag'] = 'reversegeocode'
+ fmt_options['xml_extra_info'] = {'querystring': 'TODO'}
+ output = formatting.format_result(napi.ReverseResults([result] if result else []),
+ fmt, fmt_options)
+ return params.build_response(output)
EndpointFunc = Callable[[napi.NominatimAPIAsync, ASGIAdaptor], Any]
+REVERSE_MAX_RANKS = [2, 2, 2, # 0-2 Continent/Sea
+ 4, 4, # 3-4 Country
+ 8, # 5 State
+ 10, 10, # 6-7 Region
+ 12, 12, # 8-9 County
+ 16, 17, # 10-11 City
+ 18, # 12 Town
+ 19, # 13 Village/Suburb
+ 22, # 14 Hamlet/Neighbourhood
+ 25, # 15 Localities
+ 26, # 16 Major Streets
+ 27, # 17 Minor Streets
+ 30 # 18 Building
+ ]
('status', status_endpoint),
- ('details', details_endpoint)
+ ('details', details_endpoint),
+ ('reverse', reverse_endpoint)