-class RankRunner:
- """ Returns SQL commands for indexing one rank within the placex table.
- """
- def __init__(self, rank):
- self.rank = rank
- def name(self):
- return "rank {}".format(self.rank)
- def sql_count_objects(self):
- return """SELECT count(*) FROM placex
- WHERE rank_address = {} and indexed_status > 0
- """.format(self.rank)
- def sql_get_objects(self):
- return """SELECT place_id FROM placex
- WHERE indexed_status > 0 and rank_address = {}
- ORDER BY geometry_sector""".format(self.rank)
- @staticmethod
- def sql_index_place(ids):
- return "UPDATE placex SET indexed_status = 0 WHERE place_id IN ({})"\
- .format(','.join((str(i) for i in ids)))