if ($aSearch['iSearchRank'] < $this->iMaxRank) $aNewWordsetSearches[] = $aSearch;
} elseif (isset($aSearchTerm['lat']) && $aSearchTerm['lat'] !== '' && $aSearchTerm['lat'] !== null) {
- if ($aSearch['fLat'] === '') {
- $aSearch['fLat'] = $aSearchTerm['lat'];
- $aSearch['fLon'] = $aSearchTerm['lon'];
- $aSearch['fRadius'] = $aSearchTerm['radius'];
+ if ($aSearch['oNear'] === false) {
+ $aSearch['oNear'] = new NearPoint(
+ $aSearchTerm['lat'],
+ $aSearchTerm['lon'],
+ $aSearchTerm['radius']
+ );
if ($aSearch['iSearchRank'] < $this->iMaxRank) $aNewWordsetSearches[] = $aSearch;
} elseif ($sPhraseType == 'postalcode') {
'sClass' => '',
'sType' => '',
'sHouseNumber' => '',
- 'fLat' => '',
- 'fLon' => '',
- 'fRadius' => ''
+ 'oNear' => $oNearPoint
- // Do we have a radius search?
- if ($oNearPoint) {
- $aSearches[0]['fLat'] = $oNearPoint->lat();
- $aSearches[0]['fLon'] = $oNearPoint->lon();
- $aSearches[0]['fRadius'] = $oNearPoint->radius();
- }
// Any 'special' terms in the search?
$bSpecialTerms = false;
preg_match_all('/\\[(.*)=(.*)\\]/', $sQuery, $aSpecialTermsRaw, PREG_SET_ORDER);
if (CONST_Debug) _debugDumpGroupedSearches(array($iGroupedRank => array($aSearch)), $aValidTokens);
// No location term?
- if (!sizeof($aSearch['aName']) && !sizeof($aSearch['aAddress']) && !$aSearch['fLon']) {
+ if (!sizeof($aSearch['aName']) && !sizeof($aSearch['aAddress']) && !$aSearch['oNear']) {
if ($aSearch['sCountryCode'] && !$aSearch['sClass'] && !$aSearch['sHouseNumber']) {
// Just looking for a country by code - look it up
if (4 >= $this->iMinAddressRank && 4 <= $this->iMaxAddressRank) {
$aPlaceIDs = array();
} else {
- if (!$bBoundingBoxSearch && !$aSearch['fLon']) continue;
+ if (!$bBoundingBoxSearch && !$aSearch['oNear']) continue;
if (!$aSearch['sClass']) continue;
$sSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_tables WHERE tablename = 'place_classtype_".$aSearch['sClass']."_".$aSearch['sType']."'";
$aPlaceIDs = chksql($this->oDB->getCol($sSQL));
- } elseif ($aSearch['fLon'] && !sizeof($aSearch['aName']) && !sizeof($aSearch['aAddress']) && !$aSearch['sClass']) {
+ } elseif ($aSearch['oNear'] && !sizeof($aSearch['aName']) && !sizeof($aSearch['aAddress']) && !$aSearch['sClass']) {
// If a coordinate is given, the search must either
// be for a name or a special search. Ignore everythin else.
$aPlaceIDs = array();
$aTerms[] = "address_rank <= ".$this->iMaxAddressRank;
- if ($aSearch['fLon'] && $aSearch['fLat']) {
- $aTerms[] = sprintf(
- 'ST_DWithin(centroid, ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(%F,%F),4326), %F)',
- $aSearch['fLon'],
- $aSearch['fLat'],
- $aSearch['fRadius']
- );
+ if ($aSearch['oNear']) {
+ $aTerms[] = $aSearch['oNear']->withinSQL('centroid');
- $aOrder[] = "ST_Distance(centroid, ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(".$aSearch['fLon'].",".$aSearch['fLat']."),4326)) ASC";
+ $aOrder[] = $aSearch['oNear']->distanceSQL('centroid');
if (sizeof($this->aExcludePlaceIDs)) {
$aTerms[] = "place_id not in (".join(',', $this->aExcludePlaceIDs).")";
$sOrderBySQL = '';
if ($oNearPoint) {
- $sOrderBySQL = $oNearPoint->distanceSQL('l.centroid');
+ $sOrderBySQL = $oNearPoint->distanceSQL('l.centroid');
} elseif ($sPlaceIDs) {
$sOrderBySQL = "ST_Distance(l.centroid, f.geometry)";
} elseif ($sPlaceGeom) {
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
$aClassPlaceIDs = array_merge($aClassPlaceIDs, chksql($this->oDB->getCol($sSQL)));
} else {
- if (isset($aSearch['fRadius']) && $aSearch['fRadius']) $fRange = $aSearch['fRadius'];
+ if ($aSearch['oNear']) {
+ $fRange = $aSearch['oNear']->radius();
+ }
$sOrderBySQL = '';
if ($oNearPoint) {