+# Activate the services:
+if [ "x$NOSYSTEMD" != "xyes" ]; then #DOCS:
+ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
+ sudo systemctl enable nominatim.socket
+ sudo systemctl start nominatim.socket
+ sudo systemctl enable nominatim.service
+fi #DOCS:
+# Setting up a webserver
+# ======================
+# The webserver is only needed as a proxy between the public interface
+# and the gunicorn service.
+# The frontend will need configuration information from the project
+# directory, which will be populated later
+# [during the import process](../admin/Import.md#creating-the-project-directory)
+# Already create the project directory itself now:
+ mkdir $USERHOME/nominatim-project
+# Option 1: Using Apache
+# ----------------------
+if [ "x$2" == "xinstall-apache" ]; then #DOCS:
+# First install apache itself and enable the proxy module:
+ sudo apt-get install -y apache2
+ sudo a2enmod proxy_http
+# To set up proxying for Apache add the following configuration:
+sudo tee /etc/apache2/conf-available/nominatim.conf << EOFAPACHECONF
+ProxyPass /nominatim "unix:/run/nominatim.sock|http://localhost/"
+# Then enable the configuration and restart apache
+ sudo a2enconf nominatim
+if [ "x$NOSYSTEMD" == "xyes" ]; then #DOCS:
+ sudo apache2ctl start #DOCS:
+else #DOCS:
+ sudo systemctl restart apache2
+fi #DOCS:
+# The Nominatim API is now available at `http://localhost/nominatim/`.
+fi #DOCS:
+# Option 2: Using nginx
+# ---------------------
+if [ "x$2" == "xinstall-nginx" ]; then #DOCS:
+# First install nginx itself:
+ sudo apt-get install -y nginx
+# Then create a Nginx configuration to forward http requests to that socket.