- 'W': qmod.TokenType.WORD,
- 'w': qmod.TokenType.PARTIAL,
- 'H': qmod.TokenType.HOUSENUMBER,
- 'P': qmod.TokenType.POSTCODE,
- 'C': qmod.TokenType.COUNTRY
+ 'W': qmod.TOKEN_WORD,
+ 'w': qmod.TOKEN_PARTIAL,
log().section('Analyze query (using ICU tokenizer)')
for func in self.preprocessors:
phrases = func(phrases)
+ if len(phrases) == 1 \
+ and phrases[0].text.count(' ') > 3 \
+ and max(len(s) for s in phrases[0].text.split()) < 3:
+ normalized = []
query = qmod.QueryStruct(phrases)
log().var_dump('Normalized query', query.source)
if row.type == 'S':
if row.info['op'] in ('in', 'near'):
if trange.start == 0:
- query.add_token(trange, qmod.TokenType.NEAR_ITEM, token)
+ query.add_token(trange, qmod.TOKEN_NEAR_ITEM, token)
if trange.start == 0 and trange.end == query.num_token_slots():
- query.add_token(trange, qmod.TokenType.NEAR_ITEM, token)
+ query.add_token(trange, qmod.TOKEN_NEAR_ITEM, token)
- query.add_token(trange, qmod.TokenType.QUALIFIER, token)
+ query.add_token(trange, qmod.TOKEN_QUALIFIER, token)
query.add_token(trange, DB_TO_TOKEN_TYPE[row.type], token)
for part, node, i in zip(parts, query.nodes, range(1000)):
if len(part.token) <= 4 and part.token.isdigit()\
- and not node.has_tokens(i+1, qmod.TokenType.HOUSENUMBER):
- query.add_token(qmod.TokenRange(i, i+1), qmod.TokenType.HOUSENUMBER,
+ and not node.has_tokens(i+1, qmod.TOKEN_HOUSENUMBER):
+ query.add_token(qmod.TokenRange(i, i+1), qmod.TOKEN_HOUSENUMBER,
ICUToken(penalty=0.5, token=0,
count=1, addr_count=1, lookup_word=part.token,
word_token=part.token, info=None))
""" Add penalties to tokens that depend on presence of other token.
for i, node, tlist in query.iter_token_lists():
- if tlist.ttype == qmod.TokenType.POSTCODE:
+ if tlist.ttype == qmod.TOKEN_POSTCODE:
for repl in node.starting:
- if repl.end == tlist.end and repl.ttype != qmod.TokenType.POSTCODE \
- and (repl.ttype != qmod.TokenType.HOUSENUMBER
+ if repl.end == tlist.end and repl.ttype != qmod.TOKEN_POSTCODE \
+ and (repl.ttype != qmod.TOKEN_HOUSENUMBER
or len(tlist.tokens[0].lookup_word) > 4):
- elif (tlist.ttype == qmod.TokenType.HOUSENUMBER
+ elif (tlist.ttype == qmod.TOKEN_HOUSENUMBER
and len(tlist.tokens[0].lookup_word) <= 3):
if any(c.isdigit() for c in tlist.tokens[0].lookup_word):
for repl in node.starting:
- if repl.end == tlist.end and repl.ttype != qmod.TokenType.HOUSENUMBER:
+ if repl.end == tlist.end and repl.ttype != qmod.TOKEN_HOUSENUMBER:
repl.add_penalty(0.5 - tlist.tokens[0].penalty)
- elif tlist.ttype not in (qmod.TokenType.COUNTRY, qmod.TokenType.PARTIAL):
+ elif tlist.ttype not in (qmod.TOKEN_COUNTRY, qmod.TOKEN_PARTIAL):
norm = parts[i].normalized
for j in range(i + 1, tlist.end):
if node.btype != qmod.BREAK_TOKEN:
for tlist in node.starting:
for token in tlist.tokens:
t = cast(ICUToken, token)
- yield [tlist.ttype.name, t.token, t.word_token or '',
+ yield [tlist.ttype, t.token, t.word_token or '',
t.lookup_word or '', t.penalty, t.count, t.info]