-class TokenType(enum.Enum):
- """ Type of token.
- """
- WORD = enum.auto()
- """ Full name of a place. """
- PARTIAL = enum.auto()
- """ Word term without breaks, does not necessarily represent a full name. """
- HOUSENUMBER = enum.auto()
- """ Housenumber term. """
- POSTCODE = enum.auto()
- """ Postal code term. """
- COUNTRY = enum.auto()
- """ Country name or reference. """
- QUALIFIER = enum.auto()
- """ Special term used together with name (e.g. _Hotel_ Bellevue). """
- NEAR_ITEM = enum.auto()
- """ Special term used as searchable object(e.g. supermarket in ...). """
+TokenType = str
+""" Type of token.
+""" Full name of a place. """
+""" Word term without breaks, does not necessarily represent a full name. """
+""" Housenumber term. """
+""" Postal code term. """
+""" Country name or reference. """
+""" Special term used together with name (e.g. _Hotel_ Bellevue). """
+""" Special term used as searchable object(e.g. supermarket in ...). """