* Add the given full-word token to the list of terms to search for in the
* name.
- * @param interger iId ID of term to add.
+ * @param integer iId ID of term to add.
* @param bool bRareName True if the term is infrequent enough to not
* require other constraints for efficient search.
if (empty($this->aName)) {
$this->bNameNeedsAddress = $bNeedsAddress;
+ } elseif ($bSearchable && count($this->aName) >= 2) {
+ $this->bNameNeedsAddress = false;
} else {
$this->bNameNeedsAddress &= $bNeedsAddress;
* @return mixed[] An array with two fields: IDs contains the list of
* matching place IDs and houseNumber the houseNumber
- * if appicable or -1 if not.
+ * if applicable or -1 if not.
public function query(&$oDB, $iMinRank, $iMaxRank, $iLimit)
// Housenumbers on streets and places.
$sPlacexSql = 'SELECT array_agg(place_id) FROM placex';
$sPlacexSql .= ' WHERE parent_place_id = sin.place_id AND sin.address_rank < 30';
+ $sPlacexSql .= $this->oContext->excludeSQL(' AND place_id');
$sPlacexSql .= ' and housenumber ~* E'.$sHouseNumberRegex;
// Interpolations on streets and places.
if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $this->sHouseNumber)) {
$sIpolHnr = 'WHERE parent_place_id = sin.place_id ';
$sIpolHnr .= ' AND startnumber is not NULL AND sin.address_rank < 30';
- $sIpolHnr .= ' AND '.$this->sHouseNumber.' between startnumber and endnumber ';
+ $sIpolHnr .= ' AND '.$this->sHouseNumber.' between startnumber and endnumber';
+ $sIpolHnr .= ' AND ('.$this->sHouseNumber.' - startnumber) % step = 0';
$sInterpolSql = 'SELECT array_agg(place_id) FROM location_property_osmline '.$sIpolHnr;
if (CONST_Use_US_Tiger_Data) {
$sSQL = 'SELECT geometry FROM placex';
$sSQL .= " WHERE place_id in ($sPlaceIDs)";
$sSQL .= " AND rank_search < $iMaxRank + 5";
+ $sSQL .= ' AND ST_Area(Box2d(geometry)) < 20';
$sSQL .= " AND ST_GeometryType(geometry) in ('ST_Polygon','ST_MultiPolygon')";
$sSQL .= ' ORDER BY rank_search ASC ';
$sSQL .= ' LIMIT 1';