| type | value |
| house_number | 86 |
| road | Schellingstraße |
- | neighbourhood | Auenviertel |
| suburb | Eilbek |
+ | neighbourhood | Auenviertel |
| postcode | 22089 |
- | city_district | Wandsbek |
+ | city | Hamburg |
| country | Deutschland |
| country_code | de |
| neighbourhood | Auenviertel |
| suburb | Eilbek |
| postcode | 22089 |
- | city_district | Wandsbek |
+ | city | Hamburg |
| country | Deutschland |
| country_code | de |
| 0 | 6395 |
| 1 | 6395 BIS |
+ Scenario Outline: Same Searches with white spaces
+ When sending json search query "<data>"
+ Then exactly 1 result is returned
+ And results contain
+ | class |
+ | building |
+ Examples:
+ | data |
+ | amerlugalpe, N 47.15739° E 9.61264° |
+ | amerlugalpe, N 47.15739° E 9.61264° |
+ | amerlugalpe , N 47.15739° E 9.61264° |
+ | amerlugalpe, N 47.15739° E 9.61264° |
+ | amerlugalpe\v, N 47.15739° E 9.61264° |
+ Scenario: Searched with white spaces
+ When sending json search query "22nd Street Southwest\v,\fHuron"
+ Then results contain
+ | class | type |
+ | highway | residential |
+ # github #1949
+ Scenario: Addressdetails always return the place type
+ When sending json search query "Rotherbaum" with address
+ Then result addresses contain
+ | ID | suburb |
+ | 0 | Rotherbaum |