- // tables we want to keep. everything else goes.
- $aKeepTables = array(
- "*columns",
- "import_polygon_*",
- "import_status",
- "place_addressline",
- "location_property*",
- "placex",
- "search_name",
- "seq_*",
- "word",
- "query_log",
- "new_query_log",
- "gb_postcode",
- "spatial_ref_sys",
- "country_name",
- "place_classtype_*"
- );
- $oDB =& getDB();
- $aDropTables = array();
- $aHaveTables = chksql($oDB->getCol("SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname='public'"));
- foreach ($aHaveTables as $sTable) {
- $bFound = false;
- foreach ($aKeepTables as $sKeep) {
- if (fnmatch($sKeep, $sTable)) {
- $bFound = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!$bFound) array_push($aDropTables, $sTable);
- }
- foreach ($aDropTables as $sDrop) {
- if ($aCMDResult['verbose']) echo "dropping table $sDrop\n";
- @pg_query($oDB->connection, "DROP TABLE $sDrop CASCADE");
- // ignore warnings/errors as they might be caused by a table having
- // been deleted already by CASCADE
- }
- if (!is_null(CONST_Osm2pgsql_Flatnode_File)) {
- if ($aCMDResult['verbose']) echo "deleting ".CONST_Osm2pgsql_Flatnode_File."\n";
- unlink(CONST_Osm2pgsql_Flatnode_File);
- }
-if (!$bDidSomething) {
- showUsage($aCMDOptions, true);
-} else {
- echo "Setup finished.\n";
-function pgsqlRunScriptFile($sFilename)
- if (!file_exists($sFilename)) fail('unable to find '.$sFilename);
- // Convert database DSN to psql parameters
- $aDSNInfo = DB::parseDSN(CONST_Database_DSN);
- if (!isset($aDSNInfo['port']) || !$aDSNInfo['port']) $aDSNInfo['port'] = 5432;
- $sCMD = 'psql -p '.$aDSNInfo['port'].' -d '.$aDSNInfo['database'];
- $ahGzipPipes = null;
- if (preg_match('/\\.gz$/', $sFilename)) {
- $aDescriptors = array(
- 0 => array('pipe', 'r'),
- 1 => array('pipe', 'w'),
- 2 => array('file', '/dev/null', 'a')
- );
- $hGzipProcess = proc_open('zcat '.$sFilename, $aDescriptors, $ahGzipPipes);
- if (!is_resource($hGzipProcess)) fail('unable to start zcat');
- $aReadPipe = $ahGzipPipes[1];
- fclose($ahGzipPipes[0]);
- } else {
- $sCMD .= ' -f '.$sFilename;
- $aReadPipe = array('pipe', 'r');
- }
- $aDescriptors = array(
- 0 => $aReadPipe,
- 1 => array('pipe', 'w'),
- 2 => array('file', '/dev/null', 'a')
- );
- $ahPipes = null;
- $hProcess = proc_open($sCMD, $aDescriptors, $ahPipes);
- if (!is_resource($hProcess)) fail('unable to start pgsql');
- // TODO: error checking
- while (!feof($ahPipes[1])) {
- echo fread($ahPipes[1], 4096);
- }
- fclose($ahPipes[1]);
- $iReturn = proc_close($hProcess);
- if ($iReturn > 0) {
- fail("pgsql returned with error code ($iReturn)");
- }
- if ($ahGzipPipes) {
- fclose($ahGzipPipes[1]);
- proc_close($hGzipProcess);
- }
-function pgsqlRunScript($sScript, $bfatal = true)
- global $aCMDResult;
- // Convert database DSN to psql parameters
- $aDSNInfo = DB::parseDSN(CONST_Database_DSN);
- if (!isset($aDSNInfo['port']) || !$aDSNInfo['port']) $aDSNInfo['port'] = 5432;
- $sCMD = 'psql -p '.$aDSNInfo['port'].' -d '.$aDSNInfo['database'];
- if ($bfatal && !$aCMDResult['ignore-errors'])
- $sCMD .= ' -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1';
- $aDescriptors = array(
- 0 => array('pipe', 'r'),
- 1 => STDOUT,
- 2 => STDERR
- );
- $ahPipes = null;
- $hProcess = @proc_open($sCMD, $aDescriptors, $ahPipes);
- if (!is_resource($hProcess)) fail('unable to start pgsql');
- while (strlen($sScript)) {
- $written = fwrite($ahPipes[0], $sScript);
- if ($written <= 0) break;
- $sScript = substr($sScript, $written);
- }
- fclose($ahPipes[0]);
- $iReturn = proc_close($hProcess);
- if ($bfatal && $iReturn > 0) {
- fail("pgsql returned with error code ($iReturn)");
- }