Tests for DB utility functions in db.utils
+import json
import pytest
import nominatim.db.utils as db_utils
+class TestCopyBufferJson:
+ TABLE_NAME = 'copytable'
+ @pytest.fixture(autouse=True)
+ def setup_test_table(self, table_factory):
+ table_factory(self.TABLE_NAME, 'colA INT, colB JSONB')
+ def table_rows(self, cursor):
+ cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM ' + self.TABLE_NAME)
+ results = {k: v for k,v in cursor}
+ assert len(results) == cursor.rowcount
+ return results
+ def test_json_object(self, temp_db_cursor):
+ with db_utils.CopyBuffer() as buf:
+ buf.add(1, json.dumps({'test': 'value', 'number': 1}))
+ buf.copy_out(temp_db_cursor, self.TABLE_NAME)
+ assert self.table_rows(temp_db_cursor) == \
+ {1: {'test': 'value', 'number': 1}}
+ def test_json_object_special_chras(self, temp_db_cursor):
+ with db_utils.CopyBuffer() as buf:
+ buf.add(1, json.dumps({'te\tst': 'va\nlue', 'nu"mber': None}))
+ buf.copy_out(temp_db_cursor, self.TABLE_NAME)
+ assert self.table_rows(temp_db_cursor) == \
+ {1: {'te\tst': 'va\nlue', 'nu"mber': None}}