-def pickle_variant_set(variants):
- """ Serializes an iterable of variant rules to a string.
- """
- # Create a list of property sets. So they don't need to be duplicated
- properties = {}
- pid = 1
- for variant in variants:
- if variant.properties not in properties:
- properties[variant.properties] = pid
- pid += 1
- # Convert the variants into a simple list.
- variants = [(v.source, v.replacement, properties[v.properties]) for v in variants]
- # Convert everythin to json.
- return json.dumps({'properties': {v: k._asdict() for k, v in properties.items()},
- 'variants': variants})
-def unpickle_variant_set(variant_string):
- """ Deserializes a variant string that was previously created with
- pickle_variant_set() into a set of ICUVariants.
- """
- data = json.loads(variant_string)
- properties = {int(k): ICUVariantProperties(**v) for k, v in data['properties'].items()}
- print(properties)
- return set((ICUVariant(src, repl, properties[pid]) for src, repl, pid in data['variants']))