from .errors import UsageError
from .localization import Locales
-# pylint: disable=no-member,too-many-boolean-expressions,too-many-instance-attributes
class PlaceID:
if self.osm_type not in ('N', 'W', 'R'):
raise ValueError(f"Illegal OSM type '{self.osm_type}'. Must be one of N, W, R.")
+ def class_as_housenumber(self) -> Optional[int]:
+ """ Interpret the class property as a housenumber and return it.
+ If the OSM ID points to an interpolation, then the class may be
+ a number pointing to the exact number requested. This function
+ returns the housenumber as an int, if class is set and is a number.
+ """
+ if self.osm_class and self.osm_class.isdigit():
+ return int(self.osm_class)
+ return None
PlaceRef = Union[PlaceID, OsmID]
x: float
y: float
def lat(self) -> float:
""" Return the latitude of the point.
return self.y
def lon(self) -> float:
""" Return the longitude of the point.
return self.x
def to_geojson(self) -> str:
""" Return the point in GeoJSON format.
return f'{{"type": "Point","coordinates": [{self.x}, {self.y}]}}'
def from_wkb(wkb: Union[str, bytes]) -> 'Point':
""" Create a point from EWKB as returned from the database.
return Point(x, y)
def from_param(inp: Any) -> 'Point':
""" Create a point from an input parameter. The parameter
except ValueError as exc:
raise UsageError('Point parameter needs to be numbers.') from exc
- if x < -180.0 or x > 180.0 or y < -90.0 or y > 90.0:
+ if not -180 <= x <= 180 or not -90 <= y <= 90.0:
raise UsageError('Point coordinates invalid.')
return Point(x, y)
def to_wkt(self) -> str:
""" Return the WKT representation of the point.
return f'POINT({self.x} {self.y})'
AnyPoint = Union[Point, Tuple[float, float]]
WKB_BBOX_HEADER_LE = b'\x01\x03\x00\x00\x20\xE6\x10\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00'
WKB_BBOX_HEADER_BE = b'\x00\x20\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x10\xe6\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x05'
class Bbox:
""" A bounding box in WGS84 projection.
self.coords = (minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
def minlat(self) -> float:
""" Southern-most latitude, corresponding to the minimum y coordinate.
return self.coords[1]
def maxlat(self) -> float:
""" Northern-most latitude, corresponding to the maximum y coordinate.
return self.coords[3]
def minlon(self) -> float:
""" Western-most longitude, corresponding to the minimum x coordinate.
return self.coords[0]
def maxlon(self) -> float:
""" Eastern-most longitude, corresponding to the maximum x coordinate.
return self.coords[2]
def area(self) -> float:
""" Return the area of the box in WGS84.
return (self.coords[2] - self.coords[0]) * (self.coords[3] - self.coords[1])
def contains(self, pt: Point) -> bool:
""" Check if the point is inside or on the boundary of the box.
return self.coords[0] <= pt[0] and self.coords[1] <= pt[1]\
- and self.coords[2] >= pt[0] and self.coords[3] >= pt[1]
+ and self.coords[2] >= pt[0] and self.coords[3] >= pt[1]
def to_wkt(self) -> str:
""" Return the WKT representation of the Bbox. This
is a simple polygon with four points.
return 'POLYGON(({0} {1},{0} {3},{2} {3},{2} {1},{0} {1}))'\
- .format(*self.coords) # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string
+ .format(*self.coords)
def from_wkb(wkb: Union[None, str, bytes]) -> 'Optional[Bbox]':
return Bbox(min(x1, x2), min(y1, y2), max(x1, x2), max(y1, y2))
def from_point(pt: Point, buffer: float) -> 'Bbox':
""" Return a Bbox around the point with the buffer added to all sides.
return Bbox(pt[0] - buffer, pt[1] - buffer,
pt[0] + buffer, pt[1] + buffer)
def from_param(inp: Any) -> 'Bbox':
""" Return a Bbox from an input parameter. The box may be
return categories
-TParam = TypeVar('TParam', bound='LookupDetails') # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+TParam = TypeVar('TParam', bound='LookupDetails')
class LookupDetails:
else field.default
if field.metadata and 'transform' in field.metadata:
return field.metadata['transform'](v)
- if not isinstance(v, field.type):
+ if not isinstance(v, field.type): # type: ignore[arg-type]
raise UsageError(f"Parameter '{}' needs to be of {field.type!s}.")
return v
class ReverseDetails(LookupDetails):
""" Collection of parameters for the reverse call.
max_rank: int = dataclasses.field(default=30,
- metadata={'transform': lambda v: max(0, min(v, 30))}
- )
+ metadata={'transform': lambda v: max(0, min(v, 30))})
""" Highest address rank to return.
layers: DataLayer = DataLayer.ADDRESS | DataLayer.POI
""" Filter which kind of data to include.
class SearchDetails(LookupDetails):
""" Collection of parameters for the search call.
""" Maximum number of results to be returned. The actual number of results
may be less.
min_rank: int = dataclasses.field(default=0,
- metadata={'transform': lambda v: max(0, min(v, 30))}
- )
+ metadata={'transform': lambda v: max(0, min(v, 30))})
""" Lowest address rank to return.
max_rank: int = dataclasses.field(default=30,
- metadata={'transform': lambda v: max(0, min(v, 30))}
- )
+ metadata={'transform': lambda v: max(0, min(v, 30))})
""" Highest address rank to return.
layers: Optional[DataLayer] = dataclasses.field(default=None,
- metadata={'transform': lambda r : r})
+ metadata={'transform': lambda r: r})
""" Filter which kind of data to include. When 'None' (the default) then
filtering by layers is disabled.
countries: List[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list,
metadata={'transform': format_country})
""" Restrict search results to the given countries. An empty list (the
default) will disable this filter.
excluded: List[int] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list,
metadata={'transform': format_excluded})
""" List of OSM objects to exclude from the results. Currently only
works when the internal place ID is given.
An empty list (the default) will disable this filter.
viewbox: Optional[Bbox] = dataclasses.field(default=None,
metadata={'transform': Bbox.from_param})
""" Focus the search on a given map area.
bounded_viewbox: bool = False
""" Use 'viewbox' as a filter and restrict results to places within the
given area.
near: Optional[Point] = dataclasses.field(default=None,
metadata={'transform': Point.from_param})
""" Order results by distance to the given point.
near_radius: Optional[float] = dataclasses.field(default=None,
- metadata={'transform': lambda r : r})
+ metadata={'transform': lambda r: r})
""" Use near point as a filter and drop results outside the given
radius. Radius is given in degrees WSG84.
categories: List[Tuple[str, str]] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list,
metadata={'transform': format_categories})
""" Restrict search to places with one of the given class/type categories.
An empty list (the default) will disable this filter.
viewbox_x2: Optional[Bbox] = None
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
self.viewbox_x2 = Bbox(self.viewbox.minlon - xext, self.viewbox.minlat - yext,
self.viewbox.maxlon + xext, self.viewbox.maxlat + yext)
def restrict_min_max_rank(self, new_min: int, new_max: int) -> None:
""" Change the min_rank and max_rank fields to respect the
given boundaries.
self.min_rank = max(self.min_rank, new_min)
self.max_rank = min(self.max_rank, new_max)
def is_impossible(self) -> bool:
""" Check if the parameter configuration is contradictionary and
cannot yield any results.
or (self.max_rank <= 4 and
self.layers is not None and not self.layers & DataLayer.ADDRESS))
def layer_enabled(self, layer: DataLayer) -> bool:
""" Check if the given layer has been chosen. Also returns
true when layer restriction has been disabled completely.