class QueryPart:
""" Normalized and transliterated form of a single term in the query.
When the term came out of a split during the transliteration,
the normalized string is the full word before transliteration.
- The word number keeps track of the word before transliteration
- and can be used to identify partial transliterated terms.
+ Check the subsequent break type to figure out if the word is
+ continued.
Penalty is the break penalty for the break following the token.
token: str
normalized: str
- word_number: int
penalty: float
WordDict = Dict[str, List[qmod.TokenRange]]
-def yield_words(terms: List[QueryPart], start: int) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, qmod.TokenRange]]:
- """ Return all combinations of words in the terms list after the
- given position.
+def extract_words(terms: List[QueryPart], start: int, words: WordDict) -> None:
+ """ Add all combinations of words in the terms list after the
+ given position to the word list.
total = len(terms)
+ base_penalty = PENALTY_IN_TOKEN_BREAK[qmod.BreakType.WORD]
for first in range(start, total):
word = terms[first].token
- penalty = PENALTY_IN_TOKEN_BREAK[qmod.BreakType.WORD]
- yield word, qmod.TokenRange(first, first + 1, penalty=penalty)
+ penalty = base_penalty
+ words[word].append(qmod.TokenRange(first, first + 1, penalty=penalty))
for last in range(first + 1, min(first + 20, total)):
word = ' '.join((word, terms[last].token))
penalty += terms[last - 1].penalty
- yield word, qmod.TokenRange(first, last + 1, penalty=penalty)
+ words[word].append(qmod.TokenRange(first, last + 1, penalty=penalty))
parts: QueryParts = []
phrase_start = 0
- words = defaultdict(list)
- wordnr = 0
+ words: WordDict = defaultdict(list)
for phrase in query.source:
query.nodes[-1].ptype = phrase.ptype
phrase_split = re.split('([ :-])', phrase.text)
if trans:
for term in trans.split(' '):
if term:
- parts.append(QueryPart(term, word, wordnr,
+ parts.append(QueryPart(term, word,
query.add_node(qmod.BreakType.TOKEN, phrase.ptype)
query.nodes[-1].btype = qmod.BreakType(breakchar)
parts[-1].penalty = PENALTY_IN_TOKEN_BREAK[qmod.BreakType(breakchar)]
- wordnr += 1
- for word, wrange in yield_words(parts, phrase_start):
- words[word].append(wrange)
+ extract_words(parts, phrase_start, words)
phrase_start = len(parts)
query.nodes[-1].btype = qmod.BreakType.END
elif tlist.ttype not in (qmod.TokenType.COUNTRY, qmod.TokenType.PARTIAL):
norm = parts[i].normalized
for j in range(i + 1, tlist.end):
- if parts[j - 1].word_number != parts[j].word_number:
+ if node.btype != qmod.BreakType.TOKEN:
norm += ' ' + parts[j].normalized
for token in tlist.tokens:
cast(ICUToken, token).rematch(norm)