# This file is part of Nominatim. (https://nominatim.org)
-# Copyright (C) 2024 by the Nominatim developer community.
+# Copyright (C) 2025 by the Nominatim developer community.
# For a full list of authors see the git log.
Tests for formatting results for the V1 API.
# StatusResult
def test_status_format_list():
assert set(v1_format.list_formats(napi.StatusResult)) == STATUS_FORMATS
def test_status_format_text():
- assert v1_format.format_result(napi.StatusResult(0, 'message here'), 'text', {}) == 'OK'
+ assert v1_format.format_result(napi.StatusResult(0, 'message here'), 'text', {}) \
+ == 'OK'
-def test_status_format_text():
- assert v1_format.format_result(napi.StatusResult(500, 'message here'), 'text', {}) == 'ERROR: message here'
+def test_status_format_error_text():
+ assert v1_format.format_result(napi.StatusResult(500, 'message here'), 'text', {}) \
+ == 'ERROR: message here'
def test_status_format_json_minimal():
result = v1_format.format_result(status, 'json', {})
- assert result == \
- f'{{"status":700,"message":"Bad format.","software_version":"{napi.__version__}"}}'
+ assert json.loads(result) == {'status': 700,
+ 'message': 'Bad format.',
+ 'software_version': napi.__version__}
def test_status_format_json_full():
result = v1_format.format_result(status, 'json', {})
- assert result == \
- f'{{"status":0,"message":"OK","data_updated":"2010-02-07T20:20:03+00:00","software_version":"{napi.__version__}","database_version":"5.6"}}'
+ assert json.loads(result) == {'status': 0,
+ 'message': 'OK',
+ 'data_updated': '2010-02-07T20:20:03+00:00',
+ 'software_version': napi.__version__,
+ 'database_version': '5.6'}
# DetailedResult
'extratags': {},
'centroid': {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [1.0, 2.0]},
'geometry': {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [1.0, 2.0]},
- }
+ }
def test_search_details_full():
- indexed_date = import_date
+ indexed_date=import_date
'isarea': False,
'centroid': {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [56.947, -87.44]},
'geometry': {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [56.947, -87.44]},
- }
+ }
@pytest.mark.parametrize('gtype,isarea', [('ST_Point', False),
('ST_MultiPolygon', True)])
def test_search_details_no_geometry(gtype, isarea):
search = napi.DetailedResult(napi.SourceTable.PLACEX,
- ('place', 'thing'),
- napi.Point(1.0, 2.0),
- geometry={'type': gtype})
+ ('place', 'thing'),
+ napi.Point(1.0, 2.0),
+ geometry={'type': gtype})
result = v1_format.format_result(search, 'json', {})
js = json.loads(result)
def test_search_details_with_geometry():
- search = napi.DetailedResult(napi.SourceTable.PLACEX,
- ('place', 'thing'),
- napi.Point(1.0, 2.0),
- geometry={'geojson': '{"type":"Point","coordinates":[56.947,-87.44]}'})
+ search = napi.DetailedResult(
+ napi.SourceTable.PLACEX,
+ ('place', 'thing'),
+ napi.Point(1.0, 2.0),
+ geometry={'geojson': '{"type":"Point","coordinates":[56.947,-87.44]}'})
result = v1_format.format_result(search, 'json', {})
js = json.loads(result)
assert js['geometry'] == {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [56.947, -87.44]}
- assert js['isarea'] == False
+ assert js['isarea'] is False
def test_search_details_with_icon_available():
@pytest.mark.parametrize('field,outfield', [('address_rows', 'address'),
('linked_rows', 'linked_places'),
('parented_rows', 'hierarchy')
- ])
+ ])
def test_search_details_with_further_infos(field, outfield):
search = napi.DetailedResult(napi.SourceTable.PLACEX,
('place', 'thing'),
js = json.loads(result)
assert js[outfield] == [{'localname': 'Trespass',
- 'place_id': 3498,
- 'osm_id': 442,
- 'osm_type': 'R',
- 'place_type': 'spec',
- 'class': 'bnd',
- 'type': 'note',
- 'admin_level': 4,
- 'rank_address': 10,
- 'distance': 0.034,
- 'isaddress': True}]
+ 'place_id': 3498,
+ 'osm_id': 442,
+ 'osm_type': 'R',
+ 'place_type': 'spec',
+ 'class': 'bnd',
+ 'type': 'note',
+ 'admin_level': 4,
+ 'rank_address': 10,
+ 'distance': 0.034,
+ 'isaddress': True}]
def test_search_details_grouped_hierarchy():
search = napi.DetailedResult(napi.SourceTable.PLACEX,
('place', 'thing'),
napi.Point(1.0, 2.0),
- parented_rows =
- [napi.AddressLine(place_id=3498,
- osm_object=('R', 442),
- category=('bnd', 'note'),
- names={'name': 'Trespass'},
- extratags={'access': 'no',
- 'place_type': 'spec'},
- admin_level=4,
- fromarea=True,
- isaddress=True,
- rank_address=10,
- distance=0.034)
- ])
+ parented_rows=[napi.AddressLine(
+ place_id=3498,
+ osm_object=('R', 442),
+ category=('bnd', 'note'),
+ names={'name': 'Trespass'},
+ extratags={'access': 'no',
+ 'place_type': 'spec'},
+ admin_level=4,
+ fromarea=True,
+ isaddress=True,
+ rank_address=10,
+ distance=0.034)])
result = v1_format.format_result(search, 'json', {'group_hierarchy': True})
js = json.loads(result)
assert js['hierarchy'] == {'note': [{'localname': 'Trespass',
- 'place_id': 3498,
- 'osm_id': 442,
- 'osm_type': 'R',
- 'place_type': 'spec',
- 'class': 'bnd',
- 'type': 'note',
- 'admin_level': 4,
- 'rank_address': 10,
- 'distance': 0.034,
- 'isaddress': True}]}
+ 'place_id': 3498,
+ 'osm_id': 442,
+ 'osm_type': 'R',
+ 'place_type': 'spec',
+ 'class': 'bnd',
+ 'type': 'note',
+ 'admin_level': 4,
+ 'rank_address': 10,
+ 'distance': 0.034,
+ 'isaddress': True}]}
def test_search_details_keywords_name():
js = json.loads(result)
assert js['keywords'] == {'name': [{'id': 23, 'token': 'foo'},
- {'id': 24, 'token': 'foo'}],
+ {'id': 24, 'token': 'foo'}],
'address': []}
js = json.loads(result)
assert js['keywords'] == {'address': [{'id': 23, 'token': 'foo'},
- {'id': 24, 'token': 'foo'}],
+ {'id': 24, 'token': 'foo'}],
'name': []}