# This file is part of Nominatim. (https://nominatim.org)
-# Copyright (C) 2024 by the Nominatim developer community.
+# Copyright (C) 2025 by the Nominatim developer community.
# For a full list of authors see the git log.
Test for tiger data function
from textwrap import dedent
import pytest
-import pytest_asyncio
+import pytest_asyncio # noqa: F401
from nominatim_db.db.connection import execute_scalar
from nominatim_db.tools import tiger_data, freeze
from nominatim_db.errors import UsageError
class MockTigerTable:
def __init__(self, conn):
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM tiger LIMIT 1")
return cur.fetchone()
def tiger_table(def_config, temp_db_conn, sql_preprocessor,
temp_db_with_extensions, tmp_path):
async def test_add_tiger_data_database_frozen(def_config, temp_db_conn, tiger_table, tokenizer_mock,
- tmp_path):
+ tmp_path):
with pytest.raises(UsageError) as excinfo:
async def test_add_tiger_data_no_files(def_config, tiger_table, tokenizer_mock,
- tmp_path):
+ tmp_path):
await tiger_data.add_tiger_data(str(tmp_path), def_config, 1, tokenizer_mock())
assert tiger_table.count() == 0
async def test_add_tiger_data_bad_file(def_config, tiger_table, tokenizer_mock,
- tmp_path):
+ tmp_path):
sqlfile = tmp_path / '1010.csv'
sqlfile.write_text("""Random text""")
async def test_add_tiger_data_hnr_nan(def_config, tiger_table, tokenizer_mock,
- csv_factory, tmp_path):
+ csv_factory, tmp_path):
csv_factory('file1', hnr_from=99)
csv_factory('file2', hnr_from='L12')
csv_factory('file3', hnr_to='12.4')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("threads", (1, 5))
async def test_add_tiger_data_tarfile(def_config, tiger_table, tokenizer_mock,
- tmp_path, src_dir, threads):
+ tmp_path, src_dir, threads):
tar = tarfile.open(str(tmp_path / 'sample.tar.gz'), "w:gz")
tar.add(str(src_dir / 'test' / 'testdb' / 'tiger' / '01001.csv'))
async def test_add_tiger_data_bad_tarfile(def_config, tiger_table, tokenizer_mock,
- tmp_path):
+ tmp_path):
tarfile = tmp_path / 'sample.tar.gz'
tarfile.write_text("""Random text""")
async def test_add_tiger_data_empty_tarfile(def_config, tiger_table, tokenizer_mock,
- tmp_path):
+ tmp_path):
tar = tarfile.open(str(tmp_path / 'sample.tar.gz'), "w:gz")