+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+-- This file is part of Nominatim. (https://nominatim.org)
+-- Copyright (C) 2022 by the Nominatim developer community.
+-- For a full list of authors see the git log.
-- Functions for returning address information for a place.
FOR location IN
SELECT placex.place_id, osm_type, osm_id, name, class, type,
coalesce(extratags->'linked_place', extratags->'place') as place_type,
- admin_level, fromarea, isaddress,
+ admin_level, fromarea, isaddress and linked_place_id is NULL as isaddress,
CASE WHEN rank_address = 11 THEN 5 ELSE rank_address END as rank_address,
distance, country_code, postcode
FROM place_addressline join placex on (address_place_id = placex.place_id)
OR placex.country_code = place.country_code)
ORDER BY rank_address desc,
(place_addressline.place_id = in_place_id) desc,
- (fromarea and place.centroid is not null and not isaddress
- and (place.address is null or avals(name) && avals(place.address))
- and ST_Contains(geometry, place.centroid)) desc,
- isaddress desc, fromarea desc,
- distance asc, rank_search desc
+ (CASE WHEN coalesce((avals(name) && avals(place.address)), False) THEN 2
+ WHEN isaddress THEN 0
+ WHEN fromarea
+ and place.centroid is not null
+ and ST_Contains(geometry, place.centroid) THEN 1
+ ELSE -1 END) desc,
+ fromarea desc, distance asc, rank_search desc
-- RAISE WARNING '%',location;
location_isaddress := location.rank_address != current_rank_address;