| type | value |
| city | Montevideo |
| state | Montevideo |
+ | postcode | 11000 |
| country | Uruguay |
| country_code | uy |
Scenario: Search with bounded viewbox in right area
When sending json search query "restaurant" with address
| bounded | viewbox |
- | 1 | 9.93027,53.61634,10.10073,53.54500 |
+ | 1 | -56.16786,-34.84061,-56.12525,-34.86526 |
Then result addresses contain
- | state |
- | Hamburg |
+ | city |
+ | Montevideo |
Scenario: Search with bounded viewboxlbrt in right area
When sending json search query "restaurant" with address
| bounded | viewboxlbrt |
- | 1 | 9.93027,53.54500,10.10073,53.61634 |
+ | 1 | -56.16786,-34.86526,-56.12525,-34.84061 |
Then result addresses contain
- | state |
- | Hamburg |
+ | city |
+ | Montevideo |
Scenario: No POI search with unbounded viewbox
When sending json search query "restaurant"