if ($this->bIncludeNameDetails) $sSQL .= "name, ";
$sSQL .= " extratags->'place' ";
+ // postcode table
+ $sSQL .= "UNION ";
+ $sSQL .= "SELECT";
+ $sSQL .= " 'P' as osm_type,";
+ $sSQL .= " (SELECT osm_id from placex p WHERE p.place_id = parent_place_id) as osm_id,";
+ $sSQL .= " 'place' as class, 'postcode' as type,";
+ $sSQL .= " null as admin_level, rank_search, rank_address,";
+ $sSQL .= " place_id, parent_place_id, country_code,";
+ $sSQL .= " get_address_by_language(place_id, -1, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) AS langaddress,";
+ $sSQL .= " postcode as placename,";
+ $sSQL .= " postcode as ref,";
+ if ($this->bIncludeExtraTags) $sSQL .= "null AS extra,";
+ if ($this->bIncludeNameDetails) $sSQL .= "null AS names,";
+ $sSQL .= " ST_x(st_centroid(geometry)) AS lon, ST_y(st_centroid(geometry)) AS lat,";
+ $sSQL .= $sImportanceSQL."(0.75-(rank_search::float/40)) AS importance, ";
+ $sSQL .= " (";
+ $sSQL .= " SELECT max(p.importance*(p.rank_address+2))";
+ $sSQL .= " FROM ";
+ $sSQL .= " place_addressline s, ";
+ $sSQL .= " placex p";
+ $sSQL .= " WHERE s.place_id = parent_place_id";
+ $sSQL .= " AND p.place_id = s.address_place_id ";
+ $sSQL .= " AND s.isaddress";
+ $sSQL .= " AND p.importance is not null";
+ $sSQL .= " ) AS addressimportance, ";
+ $sSQL .= " null AS extra_place ";
+ $sSQL .= "FROM location_postcode";
+ $sSQL .= " WHERE place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) ";
if (30 >= $this->iMinAddressRank && 30 <= $this->iMaxAddressRank) {
// only Tiger housenumbers and interpolation lines need to be interpolated, because they are saved as lines
// with start- and endnumber, the common osm housenumbers are usually saved as points
Score how good the search is so they can be ordered
- foreach ($aPhrases as $iPhrase => $sPhrase) {
+ foreach ($aPhrases as $iPhrase => $aPhrase) {
$aNewPhraseSearches = array();
if ($bStructuredPhrases) $sPhraseType = $aPhraseTypes[$iPhrase];
else $sPhraseType = '';
- foreach ($aPhrases[$iPhrase]['wordsets'] as $iWordSet => $aWordset) {
+ foreach ($aPhrase['wordsets'] as $iWordSet => $aWordset) {
// Too many permutations - too expensive
if ($iWordSet > 120) break;
if ($aSearch['iSearchRank'] < $this->iMaxRank) $aNewWordsetSearches[] = $aSearch;
- } elseif ($sPhraseType == 'postalcode') {
+ } elseif ($sPhraseType == 'postalcode' || ($aSearchTerm['class'] == 'place' && $aSearchTerm['type'] == 'postcode')) {
// We need to try the case where the postal code is the primary element (i.e. no way to tell if it is (postalcode, city) OR (city, postalcode) so try both
if (isset($aSearchTerm['word_id']) && $aSearchTerm['word_id']) {
- // If we already have a name try putting the postcode first
- if (sizeof($aSearch['aName'])) {
+ // If we have structured search or this is the first term,
+ // make the postcode the primary search element.
+ if ($aSearchTerm['operator'] == '' && ($sPhraseType == 'postalcode' || sizeof($aSearch['aName']) == 0)) {
$aNewSearch = $aSearch;
+ $aNewSearch['sOperator'] = 'postcode';
$aNewSearch['aAddress'] = array_merge($aNewSearch['aAddress'], $aNewSearch['aName']);
- $aNewSearch['aName'] = array();
- $aNewSearch['aName'][$aSearchTerm['word_id']] = $aSearchTerm['word_id'];
+ $aNewSearch['aName'][$aSearchTerm['word_id']] = substr($aSearchTerm['word_token'], 1);
if ($aSearch['iSearchRank'] < $this->iMaxRank) $aNewWordsetSearches[] = $aNewSearch;
- if (sizeof($aSearch['aName'])) {
- if ((!$bStructuredPhrases || $iPhrase > 0) && $sPhraseType != 'country' && (!isset($aValidTokens[$sToken]) || strpos($sToken, ' ') !== false)) {
- $aSearch['aAddress'][$aSearchTerm['word_id']] = $aSearchTerm['word_id'];
- } else {
- $aCurrentSearch['aFullNameAddress'][$aSearchTerm['word_id']] = $aSearchTerm['word_id'];
- $aSearch['iSearchRank'] += 1000; // skip;
- }
- } else {
- $aSearch['aName'][$aSearchTerm['word_id']] = $aSearchTerm['word_id'];
- //$aSearch['iNamePhrase'] = $iPhrase;
+ // If we have a structured search or this is not the first term,
+ // add the postcode as an addendum.
+ if ($sPhraseType == 'postalcode' || sizeof($aSearch['aName'])) {
+ $aSearch['sPostcode'] = $aSearchTerm['word_token'];
+ if ($aSearch['iSearchRank'] < $this->iMaxRank) $aNewWordsetSearches[] = $aSearch;
- if ($aSearch['iSearchRank'] < $this->iMaxRank) $aNewWordsetSearches[] = $aSearch;
} elseif (($sPhraseType == '' || $sPhraseType == 'street') && $aSearchTerm['class'] == 'place' && $aSearchTerm['type'] == 'house') {
if ($aSearch['sHouseNumber'] === '') {
'sClass' => '',
'sType' => '',
'sHouseNumber' => '',
+ 'sPostcode' => '',
'oNear' => $oNearPoint
// If a coordinate is given, the search must either
// be for a name or a special search. Ignore everythin else.
$aPlaceIDs = array();
+ } elseif ($aSearch['sOperator'] == 'postcode') {
+ $sSQL = "SELECT p.place_id FROM location_postcode p ";
+ if (sizeof($aSearch['aAddress'])) {
+ $sSQL .= ", search_name s ";
+ $sSQL .= "WHERE s.place_id = p.parent_place_id ";
+ $sSQL .= "AND array_cat(s.nameaddress_vector, s.name_vector) @> ARRAY[".join($aSearch['aAddress'], ",")."] AND ";
+ } else {
+ $sSQL .= " WHERE ";
+ }
+ $sSQL .= "p.postcode = '".pg_escape_string(reset($aSearch['aName']))."'";
+ if ($aSearch['sCountryCode']) {
+ $sSQL .= " AND p.country_code = '".$aSearch['sCountryCode']."'";
+ }
+ if ($sCountryCodesSQL) {
+ $sSQL .= " AND p.country_code in ($sCountryCodesSQL)";
+ }
+ $sSQL .= " LIMIT $this->iLimit";
+ if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
+ $aPlaceIDs = chksql($this->oDB->getCol($sSQL));
} else {
$aPlaceIDs = array();