- with temp_db_conn.cursor() as cur:
- cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE placex (
- place_id BIGINT NOT NULL,
- parent_place_id BIGINT,
- linked_place_id BIGINT,
- importance FLOAT,
- indexed_date TIMESTAMP,
- geometry_sector INTEGER,
- rank_address SMALLINT,
- rank_search SMALLINT,
- partition SMALLINT,
- indexed_status SMALLINT,
- osm_id int8,
- osm_type char(1),
- class text,
- type text,
- name hstore,
- admin_level smallint,
- address hstore,
- extratags hstore,
- geometry Geometry(Geometry,4326),
- wikipedia TEXT,
- country_code varchar(2),
- housenumber TEXT,
- postcode TEXT,
- centroid GEOMETRY(Geometry, 4326))
- """)
- temp_db_conn.commit()
+ return mocks.MockPlacexTable(temp_db_conn)
+def osmline_table(temp_db_with_extensions, table_factory):
+ table_factory('location_property_osmline',
+ """place_id BIGINT,
+ osm_id BIGINT,
+ parent_place_id BIGINT,
+ geometry_sector INTEGER,
+ indexed_date TIMESTAMP,
+ startnumber INTEGER,
+ endnumber INTEGER,
+ partition SMALLINT,
+ indexed_status SMALLINT,
+ linegeo GEOMETRY,
+ interpolationtype TEXT,
+ address HSTORE,
+ postcode TEXT,
+ country_code VARCHAR(2)""")
+def sql_preprocessor_cfg(tmp_path, table_factory, temp_db_with_extensions):
+ table_factory('country_name', 'partition INT', ((0, ), (1, ), (2, )))
+ cfg = Configuration(None)
+ cfg.set_libdirs(sql=tmp_path)
+ return cfg
+def sql_preprocessor(sql_preprocessor_cfg, temp_db_conn):
+ return SQLPreprocessor(temp_db_conn, sql_preprocessor_cfg)
+def tokenizer_mock(monkeypatch, property_table):
+ """ Sets up the configuration so that the test dummy tokenizer will be
+ loaded when the tokenizer factory is used. Also returns a factory
+ with which a new dummy tokenizer may be created.
+ """
+ monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_TOKENIZER', 'dummy')
+ def _import_dummy(*args, **kwargs):
+ return dummy_tokenizer