- INSERT INTO import_polygon_error (osm_type, osm_id, class, type, name, country_code, updated, errormessage, prevgeometry, newgeometry)
- VALUES (NEW.osm_type, NEW.osm_id, NEW.class, NEW.type, NEW.name, NEW.address->'country', now(),
- 'Area reduced from '||st_area(existing.geometry)||' to '||st_area(NEW.geometry), existing.geometry, NEW.geometry);
- RETURN null;
- DELETE from import_polygon_error where osm_type = NEW.osm_type and osm_id = NEW.osm_id;
- DELETE from import_polygon_delete where osm_type = NEW.osm_type and osm_id = NEW.osm_id;
- -- To paraphrase, if there isn't an existing item, OR if the admin level has changed
- IF existingplacex.osm_type IS NULL OR
- (existingplacex.class = 'boundary' AND
- ((coalesce(existingplacex.admin_level, 15) != coalesce(NEW.admin_level, 15) AND existingplacex.type = 'administrative') OR
- (existingplacex.type != NEW.type)))
- IF existingplacex.osm_type IS NOT NULL THEN
- -- sanity check: ignore admin_level changes on places with too many active children
- -- or we end up reindexing entire countries because somebody accidentally deleted admin_level
- --LIMIT INDEXING: SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT 'a' FROM placex , place_addressline where address_place_id = existingplacex.place_id and placex.place_id = place_addressline.place_id and indexed_status = 0 and place_addressline.isaddress LIMIT 100001) sub INTO i;
- --LIMIT INDEXING: IF i > 100000 THEN
- IF existing.osm_type IS NOT NULL THEN
- -- pathological case caused by the triggerless copy into place during initial import
- -- force delete even for large areas, it will be reinserted later
- UPDATE place set geometry = ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(0,0), 4326) where osm_type = NEW.osm_type and osm_id = NEW.osm_id and class = NEW.class and type = NEW.type;
- DELETE from place where osm_type = NEW.osm_type and osm_id = NEW.osm_id and class = NEW.class and type = NEW.type;
+ UPDATE place
+ SET name = NEW.name,
+ address = NEW.address,
+ extratags = NEW.extratags,
+ admin_level = NEW.admin_level,
+ geometry = NEW.geometry
+ WHERE osm_type = NEW.osm_type and osm_id = NEW.osm_id
+ and class = NEW.class and type = NEW.type;