Tests for functions to maintain the artificial postcode table.
+import subprocess
import pytest
from nominatim.tools import postcodes
+import dummy_tokenizer
+class MockPostcodeTable:
+ """ A location_postcode table for testing.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, conn):
+ self.conn = conn
+ with conn.cursor() as cur:
+ cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE location_postcode (
+ place_id BIGINT,
+ parent_place_id BIGINT,
+ rank_search SMALLINT,
+ rank_address SMALLINT,
+ indexed_status SMALLINT,
+ indexed_date TIMESTAMP,
+ country_code varchar(2),
+ postcode TEXT,
+ geometry GEOMETRY(Geometry, 4326))""")
+ cur.execute("""CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION token_normalized_postcode(postcode TEXT)
+ """)
+ conn.commit()
+ def add(self, country, postcode, x, y):
+ with self.conn.cursor() as cur:
+ cur.execute("""INSERT INTO location_postcode (place_id, indexed_status,
+ country_code, postcode,
+ geometry)
+ VALUES (nextval('seq_place'), 1, %s, %s,
+ 'SRID=4326;POINT(%s %s)')""",
+ (country, postcode, x, y))
+ self.conn.commit()
+ @property
+ def row_set(self):
+ with self.conn.cursor() as cur:
+ cur.execute("""SELECT country_code, postcode,
+ ST_X(geometry), ST_Y(geometry)
+ FROM location_postcode""")
+ return set((tuple(row) for row in cur))
-def postcode_table(temp_db_with_extensions, temp_db_cursor, table_factory,
- placex_table, word_table):
- table_factory('location_postcode',
- """ place_id BIGINT,
- parent_place_id BIGINT,
- rank_search SMALLINT,
- rank_address SMALLINT,
- indexed_status SMALLINT,
- indexed_date TIMESTAMP,
- country_code varchar(2),
- postcode TEXT,
- geometry GEOMETRY(Geometry, 4326)""")
- temp_db_cursor.execute('CREATE SEQUENCE seq_place')
- temp_db_cursor.execute("""CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getorcreate_postcode_id(postcode TEXT)
- """)
-def test_import_postcodes_empty(dsn, temp_db_cursor, postcode_table, tmp_path):
- postcodes.import_postcodes(dsn, tmp_path)
- assert temp_db_cursor.table_exists('gb_postcode')
- assert temp_db_cursor.table_exists('us_postcode')
- assert temp_db_cursor.table_rows('location_postcode') == 0
-def test_import_postcodes_from_placex(dsn, temp_db_cursor, postcode_table, tmp_path):
- temp_db_cursor.execute("""
- INSERT INTO placex (place_id, country_code, address, geometry)
- VALUES (1, 'xx', '"postcode"=>"9486"', 'SRID=4326;POINT(10 12)')
- """)
- postcodes.import_postcodes(dsn, tmp_path)
- rows = temp_db_cursor.row_set(""" SELECT postcode, country_code,
- ST_X(geometry), ST_Y(geometry)
- FROM location_postcode""")
- print(rows)
- assert len(rows) == 1
- assert rows == set((('9486', 'xx', 10, 12), ))
+def tokenizer():
+ return dummy_tokenizer.DummyTokenizer(None, None)
+def postcode_table(temp_db_conn, placex_table, word_table):
+ return MockPostcodeTable(temp_db_conn)
+def test_import_postcodes_empty(dsn, postcode_table, tmp_path, tokenizer):
+ postcodes.update_postcodes(dsn, tmp_path, tokenizer)
+ assert not postcode_table.row_set
+def test_import_postcodes_add_new(dsn, placex_table, postcode_table, tmp_path, tokenizer):
+ placex_table.add(country='xx', geom='POINT(10 12)',
+ address=dict(postcode='9486'))
+ postcode_table.add('yy', '9486', 99, 34)
+ postcodes.update_postcodes(dsn, tmp_path, tokenizer)
+ assert postcode_table.row_set == {('xx', '9486', 10, 12),
+ ('yy', '9486', 99, 34)}
+def test_import_postcodes_replace_coordinates(dsn, placex_table, postcode_table, tmp_path, tokenizer):
+ placex_table.add(country='xx', geom='POINT(10 12)',
+ address=dict(postcode='AB 4511'))
+ postcode_table.add('xx', 'AB 4511', 99, 34)
+ postcodes.update_postcodes(dsn, tmp_path, tokenizer)
+ assert postcode_table.row_set == {('xx', 'AB 4511', 10, 12)}
+def test_import_postcodes_replace_coordinates_close(dsn, placex_table, postcode_table, tmp_path, tokenizer):
+ placex_table.add(country='xx', geom='POINT(10 12)',
+ address=dict(postcode='AB 4511'))
+ postcode_table.add('xx', 'AB 4511', 10, 11.99999)
+ postcodes.update_postcodes(dsn, tmp_path, tokenizer)
+ assert postcode_table.row_set == {('xx', 'AB 4511', 10, 11.99999)}
+def test_import_postcodes_remove(dsn, placex_table, postcode_table, tmp_path, tokenizer):
+ placex_table.add(country='xx', geom='POINT(10 12)',
+ address=dict(postcode='AB 4511'))
+ postcode_table.add('xx', 'badname', 10, 12)
+ postcodes.update_postcodes(dsn, tmp_path, tokenizer)
+ assert postcode_table.row_set == {('xx', 'AB 4511', 10, 12)}
+def test_import_postcodes_multi_country(dsn, placex_table, postcode_table, tmp_path, tokenizer):
+ placex_table.add(country='de', geom='POINT(10 12)',
+ address=dict(postcode='54451'))
+ placex_table.add(country='cc', geom='POINT(100 56)',
+ address=dict(postcode='DD23 T'))
+ placex_table.add(country='de', geom='POINT(10.3 11.0)',
+ address=dict(postcode='54452'))
+ placex_table.add(country='cc', geom='POINT(10.3 11.0)',
+ address=dict(postcode='54452'))
+ postcodes.update_postcodes(dsn, tmp_path, tokenizer)
+ assert postcode_table.row_set == {('de', '54451', 10, 12),
+ ('de', '54452', 10.3, 11.0),
+ ('cc', '54452', 10.3, 11.0),
+ ('cc', 'DD23 T', 100, 56)}
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("gzipped", [True, False])
+def test_import_postcodes_extern(dsn, placex_table, postcode_table, tmp_path,
+ tokenizer, gzipped):
+ placex_table.add(country='xx', geom='POINT(10 12)',
+ address=dict(postcode='AB 4511'))
+ extfile = tmp_path / 'xx_postcodes.csv'
+ extfile.write_text("postcode,lat,lon\nAB 4511,-4,-1\nCD 4511,-5, -10")
+ if gzipped:
+ subprocess.run(['gzip', str(extfile)])
+ assert not extfile.is_file()
+ postcodes.update_postcodes(dsn, tmp_path, tokenizer)
+ assert postcode_table.row_set == {('xx', 'AB 4511', 10, 12),
+ ('xx', 'CD 4511', -10, -5)}