if ($result != 0) fail('Error executing external command: '.$oCmd->escapedCmd());
- public function connect()
- {
- $this->oDB = new \Nominatim\DB();
- $this->oDB->connect();
- }
public function setupDB()
info('Setup DB');
- $fPostgresVersion = $this->oDB->getPostgresVersion();
+ $fPostgresVersion = $this->db()->getPostgresVersion();
echo 'Postgres version found: '.$fPostgresVersion."\n";
if ($fPostgresVersion < 9.03) {
$this->pgsqlRunScript('CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS hstore');
$this->pgsqlRunScript('CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS postgis');
- $fPostgisVersion = $this->oDB->getPostgisVersion();
+ $fPostgisVersion = $this->db()->getPostgisVersion();
echo 'Postgis version found: '.$fPostgisVersion."\n";
if ($fPostgisVersion < 2.2) {
- $i = $this->oDB->getOne("select count(*) from pg_user where usename = '".CONST_Database_Web_User."'");
+ $i = $this->db()->getOne("select count(*) from pg_user where usename = '".CONST_Database_Web_User."'");
if ($i == 0) {
echo "\nERROR: Web user '".CONST_Database_Web_User."' does not exist. Create it with:\n";
echo "\n createuser ".CONST_Database_Web_User."\n\n";
- if (!$this->sIgnoreErrors && !$this->oDB->getRow('select * from place limit 1')) {
+ if (!$this->sIgnoreErrors && !$this->db()->getRow('select * from place limit 1')) {
fail('No Data');
$oAlParser = new AddressLevelParser(CONST_Address_Level_Config);
- $oAlParser->createTable($this->oDB, 'address_levels');
+ $oAlParser->createTable($this->db(), 'address_levels');
public function createTableTriggers()
info('Drop old Data');
- $this->oDB->exec('TRUNCATE word');
+ $oDB = $this->db();
+ $oDB->exec('TRUNCATE word');
echo '.';
- $this->oDB->exec('TRUNCATE placex');
+ $oDB->exec('TRUNCATE placex');
echo '.';
- $this->oDB->exec('TRUNCATE location_property_osmline');
+ $oDB->exec('TRUNCATE location_property_osmline');
echo '.';
- $this->oDB->exec('TRUNCATE place_addressline');
+ $oDB->exec('TRUNCATE place_addressline');
echo '.';
- $this->oDB->exec('TRUNCATE location_area');
+ $oDB->exec('TRUNCATE location_area');
echo '.';
if (!$this->dbReverseOnly()) {
- $this->oDB->exec('TRUNCATE search_name');
+ $oDB->exec('TRUNCATE search_name');
echo '.';
- $this->oDB->exec('TRUNCATE search_name_blank');
+ $oDB->exec('TRUNCATE search_name_blank');
echo '.';
- $this->oDB->exec('DROP SEQUENCE seq_place');
+ $oDB->exec('DROP SEQUENCE seq_place');
echo '.';
- $this->oDB->exec('CREATE SEQUENCE seq_place start 100000');
+ $oDB->exec('CREATE SEQUENCE seq_place start 100000');
echo '.';
$sSQL = 'select distinct partition from country_name';
- $aPartitions = $this->oDB->getCol($sSQL);
+ $aPartitions = $oDB->getCol($sSQL);
if (!$this->bNoPartitions) $aPartitions[] = 0;
foreach ($aPartitions as $sPartition) {
- $this->oDB->exec('TRUNCATE location_road_'.$sPartition);
+ $oDB->exec('TRUNCATE location_road_'.$sPartition);
echo '.';
// used by getorcreate_word_id to ignore frequent partial words
$sSQL = 'CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_maxwordfreq() RETURNS integer AS ';
$sSQL .= '$$ SELECT '.CONST_Max_Word_Frequency.' as maxwordfreq; $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE';
- $this->oDB->exec($sSQL);
+ $oDB->exec($sSQL);
echo ".\n";
// pre-create the word list
info('Reanalysing database');
- $sDatabaseDate = getDatabaseDate($this->oDB);
- $this->oDB->exec('TRUNCATE import_status');
+ $sDatabaseDate = getDatabaseDate($oDB);
+ $oDB->exec('TRUNCATE import_status');
if (!$sDatabaseDate) {
warn('could not determine database date.');
} else {
$sSQL = "INSERT INTO import_status (lastimportdate) VALUES('".$sDatabaseDate."')";
- $this->oDB->exec($sSQL);
+ $oDB->exec($sSQL);
echo "Latest data imported from $sDatabaseDate.\n";
public function calculatePostcodes($bCMDResultAll)
info('Calculate Postcodes');
- $this->oDB->exec('TRUNCATE location_postcode');
+ $this->db()->exec('TRUNCATE location_postcode');
$sSQL = 'INSERT INTO location_postcode';
$sSQL .= ' (place_id, indexed_status, country_code, postcode, geometry) ';
$sSQL .= " WHERE address ? 'postcode' AND address->'postcode' NOT SIMILAR TO '%(,|;)%'";
$sSQL .= ' AND geometry IS NOT null';
$sSQL .= ' GROUP BY country_code, pc';
- $this->oDB->exec($sSQL);
+ $this->db()->exec($sSQL);
// only add postcodes that are not yet available in OSM
$sSQL = 'INSERT INTO location_postcode';
$sSQL .= ' FROM us_postcode WHERE postcode NOT IN';
$sSQL .= ' (SELECT postcode FROM location_postcode';
$sSQL .= " WHERE country_code = 'us')";
- $this->oDB->exec($sSQL);
+ $this->db()->exec($sSQL);
// add missing postcodes for GB (if available)
$sSQL = 'INSERT INTO location_postcode';
$sSQL .= ' FROM gb_postcode WHERE postcode NOT IN';
$sSQL .= ' (SELECT postcode FROM location_postcode';
$sSQL .= " WHERE country_code = 'gb')";
- $this->oDB->exec($sSQL);
+ $this->db()->exec($sSQL);
if (!$bCMDResultAll) {
$sSQL = "DELETE FROM word WHERE class='place' and type='postcode'";
$sSQL .= 'and word NOT IN (SELECT postcode FROM location_postcode)';
- $this->oDB->exec($sSQL);
+ $this->db()->exec($sSQL);
$sSQL = 'SELECT count(getorcreate_postcode_id(v)) FROM ';
$sSQL .= '(SELECT distinct(postcode) as v FROM location_postcode) p';
- $this->oDB->exec($sSQL);
+ $this->db()->exec($sSQL);
public function index($bIndexNoanalyse)
+ checkModulePresence(); // raises exception on failure
$oBaseCmd = (new \Nominatim\Shell(CONST_BasePath.'/nominatim/nominatim.py'))
->addParams('--database', $this->aDSNInfo['database'])
->addParams('--port', $this->aDSNInfo['port'])
info('Index ranks 0 - 4');
$oCmd = (clone $oBaseCmd)->addParams('--maxrank', 4);
echo $oCmd->escapedCmd();
$iStatus = $oCmd->run();
if ($iStatus != 0) {
fail('error status ' . $iStatus . ' running nominatim!');
if (!$bIndexNoanalyse) $this->pgsqlRunScript('ANALYSE');
+ info('Index administrative boundaries');
+ $oCmd = (clone $oBaseCmd)->addParams('-b');
+ $iStatus = $oCmd->run();
+ if ($iStatus != 0) {
+ fail('error status ' . $iStatus . ' running nominatim!');
+ }
info('Index ranks 5 - 25');
$oCmd = (clone $oBaseCmd)->addParams('--minrank', 5, '--maxrank', 25);
$iStatus = $oCmd->run();
if ($iStatus != 0) {
fail('error status ' . $iStatus . ' running nominatim!');
if (!$bIndexNoanalyse) $this->pgsqlRunScript('ANALYSE');
info('Index ranks 26 - 30');
info('Index postcodes');
$sSQL = 'UPDATE location_postcode SET indexed_status = 0';
- $this->oDB->exec($sSQL);
+ $this->db()->exec($sSQL);
public function createSearchIndices()
$sSQL = 'SELECT relname FROM pg_class, pg_index ';
$sSQL .= 'WHERE pg_index.indisvalid = false AND pg_index.indexrelid = pg_class.oid';
- $aInvalidIndices = $this->oDB->getCol($sSQL);
+ $aInvalidIndices = $this->db()->getCol($sSQL);
foreach ($aInvalidIndices as $sIndexName) {
info("Cleaning up invalid index $sIndexName");
- $this->oDB->exec("DROP INDEX $sIndexName;");
+ $this->db()->exec("DROP INDEX $sIndexName;");
$sTemplate = file_get_contents(CONST_BasePath.'/sql/indices.src.sql');
$aDropTables = array();
- $aHaveTables = $this->oDB->getListOfTables();
+ $aHaveTables = $this->db()->getListOfTables();
foreach ($aHaveTables as $sTable) {
$bFound = false;
- * Setup settings_test.php in the build/settings directory from build/.env file
+ * Setup settings-frontend.php in the build/website directory
* @return null
$rOutputFile = fopen(CONST_InstallPath.'/settings/settings-frontend.php', 'w');
- // Currently using CONST_BasePath and CONST_InstallPath.
- // Once dotenv is setup, getenv() can be used, or another
- // alternate option is to build settings_test.php using cmake.
fwrite($rOutputFile, "<?php
@define('CONST_BasePath', '".CONST_BasePath."');
if (file_exists(getenv('NOMINATIM_SETTINGS'))) require_once(getenv('NOMINATIM_SETTINGS'));
-@define('CONST_Debug', ". (CONST_Debug? 'true' : 'false').");
-@define('CONST_Database_DSN', '".CONST_Database_DSN."'); // or add ;host=...;port=...;user=...;password=...
-@define('CONST_Default_Language', ".(CONST_Default_Language ? 'true' : 'false').");
-@define('CONST_Default_Lat', ".CONST_Default_Lat.");
-@define('CONST_Default_Lon', ".CONST_Default_Lon.");
-@define('CONST_Default_Zoom', ".CONST_Default_Zoom.");
-@define('CONST_Map_Tile_URL', '".CONST_Map_Tile_URL."');
-@define('CONST_Map_Tile_Attribution', '".CONST_Map_Tile_Attribution."'); // Set if tile source isn't osm.org
+@define('CONST_Database_DSN', '".CONST_Database_DSN."');
+@define('CONST_Default_Language', ".(CONST_Default_Language ? ("'".CONST_Default_Language."'") : 'false').");
@define('CONST_Log_DB', ".(CONST_Log_DB ? 'true' : 'false').");
-@define('CONST_Log_File', ".(CONST_Log_File ? 'true' : 'false').");
+@define('CONST_Log_File', ".(CONST_Log_File ? ("'".CONST_Log_File."'") : 'false').");
@define('CONST_Max_Word_Frequency', '".CONST_Max_Word_Frequency."');
@define('CONST_NoAccessControl', ".CONST_NoAccessControl.");
@define('CONST_Places_Max_ID_count', ".CONST_Places_Max_ID_count.");
@define('CONST_Term_Normalization_Rules', \"".CONST_Term_Normalization_Rules."\");
@define('CONST_Use_Aux_Location_data', ".(CONST_Use_Aux_Location_data ? 'true' : 'false').");
@define('CONST_Use_US_Tiger_Data', ".(CONST_Use_US_Tiger_Data ? 'true' : 'false').");
-@define('CONST_Website_BaseURL', '".CONST_Website_BaseURL."');
+@define('CONST_MapIcon_URL', ".(CONST_MapIcon_URL ? ("'".CONST_MapIcon_URL."'") : 'false').");
info(CONST_InstallPath.'/settings/settings-frontend.php has been set up successfully');
+ /**
+ * Return the connection to the database.
+ *
+ * @return Database object.
+ *
+ * Creates a new connection if none exists yet. Otherwise reuses the
+ * already established connection.
+ */
+ private function db()
+ {
+ if (is_null($this->oDB)) {
+ $this->oDB = new \Nominatim\DB();
+ $this->oDB->connect();
+ }
+ return $this->oDB;
+ }
private function removeFlatnodeFile()
if (!is_null(CONST_Osm2pgsql_Flatnode_File) && CONST_Osm2pgsql_Flatnode_File) {
$sTemplate .= file_get_contents($sBasePath.'importance.sql');
$sTemplate .= file_get_contents($sBasePath.'address_lookup.sql');
$sTemplate .= file_get_contents($sBasePath.'interpolation.sql');
- if ($this->oDB->tableExists('place')) {
+ if ($this->db()->tableExists('place')) {
$sTemplate .= file_get_contents($sBasePath.'place_triggers.sql');
- if ($this->oDB->tableExists('placex')) {
+ if ($this->db()->tableExists('placex')) {
$sTemplate .= file_get_contents($sBasePath.'placex_triggers.sql');
- if ($this->oDB->tableExists('location_postcode')) {
+ if ($this->db()->tableExists('location_postcode')) {
$sTemplate .= file_get_contents($sBasePath.'postcode_triggers.sql');
$sTemplate = str_replace('{modulepath}', $this->sModulePath, $sTemplate);
private function pgsqlRunPartitionScript($sTemplate)
$sSQL = 'select distinct partition from country_name';
- $aPartitions = $this->oDB->getCol($sSQL);
+ $aPartitions = $this->db()->getCol($sSQL);
if (!$this->bNoPartitions) $aPartitions[] = 0;
preg_match_all('#^-- start(.*?)^-- end#ms', $sTemplate, $aMatches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
* @param string $sName Name of table to remove.
* @return null
- *
- * @pre connect() must have been called.
private function dropTable($sName)
if ($this->bVerbose) echo "Dropping table $sName\n";
- $this->oDB->deleteTable($sName);
+ $this->db()->deleteTable($sName);
private function dbReverseOnly()
- return !($this->oDB->tableExists('search_name'));
+ return !($this->db()->tableExists('search_name'));