# Database Migrations
-This page describes database migrations necessary to update existing databases
-to newer versions of Nominatim.
+Since version 3.7.0 Nominatim offers automatic migrations. Please follow
+the following steps:
-SQL statements should be executed from the PostgreSQL commandline. Execute
-`psql nominatim` to enter command line mode.
+* stop any updates that are potentially running
+* update Nominatim to the newer version
+* go to your project directory and run `nominatim admin --migrate`
+* (optionally) restart updates
-## 3.6.0 -> master
+Below you find additional migrations and hints about other structural and
+breaking changes. **Please read them before running the migration.**
-### Status table contains now time zone information
+!!! note
+ If you are migrating from a version <3.6, then you still have to follow
+ the manual migration steps up to 3.6.
-The `import_status` table has been changed to include timezone information
-with the time stamp. You need to alter an existing table before running
-any replication functions with:
-ALTER TABLE import_status ALTER COLUMN lastimportdate TYPE timestamp with time zone;
+## 3.6.0 -> 3.7.0
### New location for data files
* ./utils/setup.php: `import`, `freeze`, `refresh`
* ./utils/update.php: `replication`, `add-data`, `index`, `refresh`
* ./utils/specialphrases.php: `special-phrases`
-* ./utils/check_import_finished.php: `check-database`
-* ./utils/warm.php: `warm`
+* ./utils/check_import_finished.php: `admin`
+* ./utils/warm.php: `admin`
* ./utils/export.php: `export`
Try `nominatim <command> --help` for more information about each subcommand.
`./utils/query.php` no longer exists in its old form. `nominatim search`
provides a replacement but returns different output.
+### Switch to normalized house numbers
+The housenumber column in the placex table uses now normalized version.
+The automatic migration step will convert the column but this may take a
+very long time. It is advisable to take the machine offline while doing that.
## 3.5.0 -> 3.6.0
### Change of layout of search_name_* tables