if self.config.get_int('API_POOL_SIZE') == 0:
extra_args['poolclass'] = sa.pool.NullPool
- extra_args['poolclass'] = sa.pool.QueuePool
+ extra_args['poolclass'] = sa.pool.AsyncAdaptedQueuePool
extra_args['max_overflow'] = 0
extra_args['pool_size'] = self.config.get_int('API_POOL_SIZE')
dburl = sa.engine.URL.create('sqlite+aiosqlite',
+ if not ('NOMINATIM_DATABASE_RW' in self.config.environ
+ and self.config.get_bool('DATABASE_RW')) \
+ and not Path(params.get('dbname', '')).is_file():
+ raise UsageError(f"SQlite database '{params.get('dbname')}' does not exist.")
dsn = self.config.get_database_params()
query = {k: v for k, v in dsn.items()
async with engine.begin() as conn:
result = await conn.scalar(sa.text('SHOW server_version_num'))
server_version = int(result)
+ if server_version >= 110000:
+ await conn.execute(sa.text("SET jit_above_cost TO '-1'"))
+ await conn.execute(sa.text(
+ "SET max_parallel_workers_per_gather TO '0'"))
except (PGCORE_ERROR, sa.exc.OperationalError):
server_version = 0
cursor = dbapi_con.cursor()
cursor.execute("SET jit_above_cost TO '-1'")
cursor.execute("SET max_parallel_workers_per_gather TO '0'")
- # Make sure that all connections get the new settings
- await engine.dispose()
self._property_cache['DB:server_version'] = server_version