+ def format_error(self, content_type: str, msg: str, status: int) -> str:
+ """ Convert the given error message into a response string
+ taking the requested content_type into account.
+ Change the format using the error_format_func decorator.
+ """
+ return self.error_handler(content_type, msg, status)
+ def set_content_type(self, fmt: str, content_type: str) -> None:
+ """ Set the content type for the given format. This is the string
+ that will be returned in the Content-Type header of the HTML
+ response, when the given format is choosen.
+ """
+ self.content_types[fmt] = content_type
+ def get_content_type(self, fmt: str) -> str:
+ """ Return the content type for the given format.
+ If no explicit content type has been defined, then
+ JSON format is assumed.
+ """
+ return self.content_types.get(fmt, CONTENT_JSON)
+def load_format_dispatcher(api_name: str, project_dir: Optional[Path]) -> FormatDispatcher:
+ """ Load the dispatcher for the given API.
+ The function first tries to find a module api/<api_name>/format.py
+ in the project directory. This file must export a single variable
+ `dispatcher`.
+ If the function does not exist, the default formatter is loaded.
+ """
+ if project_dir is not None:
+ priv_module = project_dir / 'api' / api_name / 'format.py'
+ if priv_module.is_file():
+ spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(f'api.{api_name},format',
+ str(priv_module))
+ if spec:
+ module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
+ # Do not add to global modules because there is no standard
+ # module name that Python can resolve.
+ assert spec.loader is not None
+ spec.loader.exec_module(module)
+ return cast(FormatDispatcher, module.dispatch)
+ return cast(FormatDispatcher,
+ importlib.import_module(f'nominatim_api.{api_name}.format').dispatch)