Feature: Querying fo postcode variants
Scenario: Postcodes in Singapore (6-digit postcode)
When sending search query "399174"
Then results contain
| ID | type | display_name |
- | 0 | postcode | 399174 |
+ | 0 | postcode | 399174, Singapore |
+ @fail-legacy
Scenario Outline: Postcodes in the Netherlands (mixed postcode with spaces)
Given the grid with origin NL
| 10 | | | | 11 |
When sending search query "3993 DX"
Then results contain
| ID | type | display_name |
- | 0 | postcode | 3993 DX |
+ | 0 | postcode | 3993 DX, Nederland |
When sending search query "3993dx"
Then results contain
| ID | type | display_name |
- | 0 | postcode | 3993 DX |
+ | 0 | postcode | 3993 DX, Nederland |
| postcode |
| 3993 dx |
+ @fail-legacy
Scenario: Postcodes in Singapore (6-digit postcode)
Given the grid with origin SG
| 10 | | | | 11 |
When sending search query "399174"
Then results contain
| ID | type | display_name |
- | 0 | postcode | 399174 |
+ | 0 | postcode | 399174, Singapore |
+ @fail-legacy
Scenario Outline: Postcodes in Andorra (with country code)
Given the grid with origin AD
| 10 | | | | 11 |
When sending search query "675"
Then results contain
| ID | type | display_name |
- | 0 | postcode | AD675 |
+ | 0 | postcode | AD675, Andorra |
When sending search query "AD675"
Then results contain
| ID | type | display_name |
- | 0 | postcode | AD675 |
+ | 0 | postcode | AD675, Andorra |
| postcode |
When sending search query "EH4 7EA"
Then results contain
| type | display_name |
- | postcode | EH4 7EA |
+ | postcode | EH4 7EA, United Kingdom |
When sending search query "E4 7EA"
Then results contain
| type | display_name |
- | postcode | E4 7EA |
+ | postcode | E4 7EA, United Kingdom |
+ @fail-legacy
+ @v1-api-python-only
+ Scenario: Postcode areas are preferred over postcode points
+ Given the grid with origin DE
+ | 1 | 2 |
+ | 4 | 3 |
+ Given the places
+ | osm | class | type | postcode | geometry |
+ | R23 | boundary | postal_code | 12345 | (1,2,3,4,1) |
+ When importing
+ Then location_postcode contains exactly
+ | country | postcode |
+ | de | 12345 |
+ When sending search query "12345, de"
+ Then results contain
+ | osm |
+ | R23 |