// Hack to make it handle "new york, ny" (and variants) correctly
$sQuery = str_ireplace(array('New York, ny','new york, new york', 'New York ny','new york new york'), 'new york city, ny', $sQuery);
+ if (isset($aLangPrefOrder['name:en']))
+ {
+ $sQuery = preg_replace('/\\bil\\b/','illinois', $sQuery);
+ $sQuery = preg_replace('/\\bal\\b/','alabama', $sQuery);
+ $sQuery = preg_replace('/\\bla\\b/','louisiana', $sQuery);
+ }
// If we have a view box create the SQL
// Small is the actual view box, Large is double (on each axis) that
if (4 >= $iMinAddressRank && 4 <= $iMaxAddressRank)
- $sSQL = "select place_id from placex where country_code='".$aSearch['sCountryCode']."' and rank_search = 4 order by st_area(geometry) desc limit 1";
+ $sSQL = "select place_id from placex where country_code='".$aSearch['sCountryCode']."' and rank_search = 4";
+ if ($sCountryCodesSQL) $sSQL .= " and country_code in ($sCountryCodesSQL)";
+ $sSQL .= " order by st_area(geometry) desc limit 1";
$aPlaceIDs = $oDB->getCol($sSQL);