+ {'place_id': kw.get('place_id', 30000),
+ 'parent_place_id': kw.get('parent_place_id'),
+ 'startnumber': kw.get('startnumber', 2),
+ 'endnumber': kw.get('endnumber', 6),
+ 'step': kw.get('step', 2),
+ 'postcode': kw.get('postcode'),
+ 'linegeo': kw.get('geometry', 'LINESTRING(1.1 -0.2, 1.09 -0.22)')})
+ def add_postcode(self, **kw):
+ self.add_data('postcode',
+ {'place_id': kw.get('place_id', 1000),
+ 'parent_place_id': kw.get('parent_place_id'),
+ 'country_code': kw.get('country_code'),
+ 'postcode': kw.get('postcode'),
+ 'rank_search': kw.get('rank_search', 20),
+ 'rank_address': kw.get('rank_address', 22),
+ 'indexed_date': kw.get('indexed_date',
+ dt.datetime(2022, 12, 7, 14, 14, 46, 0)),
+ 'geometry': kw.get('geometry', 'POINT(23 34)')})
+ def add_country(self, country_code, geometry):
+ self.add_data('country_grid',
+ {'country_code': country_code,
+ 'area': 0.1,
+ 'geometry': geometry})
+ def add_country_name(self, country_code, names, partition=0):
+ self.add_data('country_name',
+ {'country_code': country_code,
+ 'name': names,
+ 'partition': partition})
+ def add_search_name(self, place_id, **kw):
+ centroid = kw.get('centroid', (23.0, 34.0))
+ self.add_data('search_name',
+ {'place_id': place_id,
+ 'importance': kw.get('importance', 0.00001),
+ 'search_rank': kw.get('search_rank', 30),
+ 'address_rank': kw.get('address_rank', 30),
+ 'name_vector': kw.get('names', []),
+ 'nameaddress_vector': kw.get('address', []),
+ 'country_code': kw.get('country_code', 'xx'),
+ 'centroid': 'POINT(%f %f)' % centroid})
+ def add_class_type_table(self, cls, typ):
+ self.async_to_sync(
+ self.exec_async(sa.text(f"""CREATE TABLE place_classtype_{cls}_{typ}
+ AS (SELECT place_id, centroid FROM placex
+ WHERE class = '{cls}' AND type = '{typ}')
+ """)))
+ def add_word_table(self, content):
+ data = [dict(zip(['word_id', 'word_token', 'type', 'word', 'info'], c))
+ for c in content]
+ async def _do_sql():
+ async with self.api._async_api.begin() as conn:
+ if 'word' not in conn.t.meta.tables:
+ await make_query_analyzer(conn)
+ word_table = conn.t.meta.tables['word']
+ await conn.connection.run_sync(word_table.create)
+ if data:
+ await conn.execute(conn.t.meta.tables['word'].insert(), data)
+ self.async_to_sync(_do_sql())