for tests on data that looks up members.
with context.db.cursor() as cur:
- for r in context.table:
- last_node = 0
- last_way = 0
- parts = []
- if r['members']:
- members = []
- for m in r['members'].split(','):
- mid = NominatimID(m)
- if mid.typ == 'N':
- parts.insert(last_node, int(mid.oid))
- last_node += 1
- last_way += 1
- elif mid.typ == 'W':
- parts.insert(last_way, int(mid.oid))
- last_way += 1
- else:
- parts.append(int(mid.oid))
- members.extend((mid.typ.lower() + mid.oid, mid.cls or ''))
- else:
- members = None
- tags = chain.from_iterable([(h[5:], r[h]) for h in r.headings if h.startswith("tags+")])
- cur.execute("""INSERT INTO planet_osm_rels (id, way_off, rel_off, parts, members, tags)
- VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""",
- (r['id'], last_node, last_way, parts, members, list(tags)))
+ cur.execute("SELECT value FROM osm2pgsql_properties WHERE property = 'db_format'")
+ row = cur.fetchone()
+ if row is None or row[0] == '1':
+ for r in context.table:
+ last_node = 0
+ last_way = 0
+ parts = []
+ if r['members']:
+ members = []
+ for m in r['members'].split(','):
+ mid = NominatimID(m)
+ if mid.typ == 'N':
+ parts.insert(last_node, int(mid.oid))
+ last_node += 1
+ last_way += 1
+ elif mid.typ == 'W':
+ parts.insert(last_way, int(mid.oid))
+ last_way += 1
+ else:
+ parts.append(int(mid.oid))
+ members.extend((mid.typ.lower() + mid.oid, mid.cls or ''))
+ else:
+ members = None
+ tags = chain.from_iterable([(h[5:], r[h]) for h in r.headings if h.startswith("tags+")])
+ cur.execute("""INSERT INTO planet_osm_rels (id, way_off, rel_off, parts, members, tags)
+ VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""",
+ (r['id'], last_node, last_way, parts, members, list(tags)))
+ else:
+ for r in context.table:
+ if r['members']:
+ members = []
+ for m in r['members'].split(','):
+ mid = NominatimID(m)
+ members.append({'ref': mid.oid, 'role': mid.cls or '', 'type': mid.typ})
+ else:
+ members = []
+ tags = {h[5:]: r[h] for h in r.headings if h.startswith("tags+")}
+ cur.execute("""INSERT INTO planet_osm_rels (id, tags, members)
+ VALUES (%s, %s, %s)""",
+ (r['id'], psycopg2.extras.Json(tags),
+ psycopg2.extras.Json(members)))
@given("the ways")
def add_data_to_planet_ways(context):
tests on that that looks up node ids in this table.
with context.db.cursor() as cur:
+ cur.execute("SELECT value FROM osm2pgsql_properties WHERE property = 'db_format'")
+ row = cur.fetchone()
+ json_tags = row is not None and row[0] != '1'
for r in context.table:
- tags = chain.from_iterable([(h[5:], r[h]) for h in r.headings if h.startswith("tags+")])
+ if json_tags:
+ tags = psycopg2.extras.Json({h[5:]: r[h] for h in r.headings if h.startswith("tags+")})
+ else:
+ tags = list(chain.from_iterable([(h[5:], r[h])
+ for h in r.headings if h.startswith("tags+")]))
nodes = [ int(x.strip()) for x in r['nodes'].split(',') ]
cur.execute("INSERT INTO planet_osm_ways (id, nodes, tags) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)",
- (r['id'], nodes, list(tags)))
+ (r['id'], nodes, tags))
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