-set(BUILD_TESTS off CACHE BOOL "Build test suite" FORCE)
-set(WITH_LUA off CACHE BOOL "Build with lua support" FORCE)
-if (NOT EXISTS "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/osm2pgsql/CMakeLists.txt")
- message(FATAL_ERROR "The osm2pgsql directory is empty.\
- Did you forget to check out Nominatim recursively?\
- \nTry updating submodules with: git submodule update --init")
-find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
-set(PostgreSQL_TYPE_INCLUDE_DIR "/usr/include/")
-find_package(PostgreSQL REQUIRED)
-find_program(PYOSMIUM pyosmium-get-changes)
- set(PYOSMIUM_PATH "/nonexistent")
- message(WARNING "pyosmium-get-changes not found (required for updates)")
- message(STATUS "Using pyosmium-get-changes at ${PYOSMIUM_PATH}")
+set(BUILD_IMPORTER on CACHE BOOL "Build everything for importing/updating the database")
+set(BUILD_API on CACHE BOOL "Build everything for the API server")
+set(BUILD_MODULE on CACHE BOOL "Build PostgreSQL module")
+set(BUILD_TESTS on CACHE BOOL "Build test suite")
+set(BUILD_DOCS on CACHE BOOL "Build documentation")
+set(BUILD_OSM2PGSQL on CACHE BOOL "Build osm2pgsql (expert only)")