self._save_config(conn, config)
+ def update_statistics(self):
+ """ Recompute the frequency of full words.
+ """
+ with connect(self.dsn) as conn:
+ if conn.table_exists('search_name'):
+ with conn.cursor() as cur:
+ cur.drop_table("word_frequencies")
+"Computing word frequencies")
+ cur.execute("""CREATE TEMP TABLE word_frequencies AS
+ SELECT unnest(name_vector) as id, count(*)
+ FROM search_name GROUP BY id""")
+ cur.execute("CREATE INDEX ON word_frequencies(id)")
+"Update word table with recomputed frequencies")
+ cur.execute("""UPDATE word SET search_name_count = count
+ FROM word_frequencies
+ WHERE word_token like ' %' and word_id = id""")
+ cur.drop_table("word_frequencies")
+ conn.commit()
def name_analyzer(self):
""" Create a new analyzer for tokenizing names and queries
using this tokinzer. Analyzers are context managers and should